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Master Holton

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Posts posted by Master Holton

  1. -snip-


    The lengths you're going to to hide your aggressive actions is incredible. I had hopes our alliances might even become friends out of this "fo-pah" (I was tired. heh.) but I guess all you were more concerned with bloodshed than diplomacy.


    I can honestly say I tried my hardest to avoid this war of aggression started by House Kiwi. DaRuler won't be the first Mad King that Jaime Lannister has brought down though.

  2. Provocations?  You mean like all those war declarations that started on the 28th?  Lies?  You mean like the round of excuses and (transparent) framing going on right now to try to make yourselves look like the victim?  With this kind of thing going on I can't take your assertion that the logs are "faked" at face value at all.


    Provocations, like the insults and threats against my House and my Family. Logs:

    [00:17] <DaRuler[TFK]> You might want to tell your nations to back off before this gets ugly :)

    [00:23] <DaRuler[TFK]> I may or may not order peace, you guys seem pretty inept so we may just roll you.

    [00:19] <DaRuler[TFK]> Hey, just so you know: As soon as we get our senator back, you're all be sanctioned. Regardless of peace or war.
    Lies, like the liberally edited logs he posted in this DoW.
    Despite what he'll tell you, his end of the conversation was not nearly as "peaceful" as portrayed, this was my personal favourite:

    [00:27] <DaRuler[TFK]> Your inept, role-playing, "family" will not find peace with us until you surrender and publicly apologize for everything that has happened.
  3. If somebody attacks one of our nations and does full GAs, Bombings, and CMs, they're not going to be ordered to accept the peace that was sent immediately afterward. Especially on the scale of your first attack.


    Another note, I never believed for one second that you accidentally hit us. Your entire gov was involved in the first attack. Either you guys are that inept, or you're terrible liars. That is what I should have told you ;)


    Even in the face of facts you continue to hurl lies, faked logs, and provocations at us. It's just sad to see, but not entirely unexpected of a lesser House.

  4. After I discussed with you what happened, for you to go ahead and approve roguing of our AA, and the multiple other nations that refused peace offers and instead chose to attack; The Flying Kiwis had no intention of peace, you provoked this war. You got what you asked for.


    Sad to see that our attempts at peace were so readily spurned.

  5. NSO_draft_bod.png



    NSO is looking for one of the victors from [ooc]TE[/ooc] to put our flag into this world. Money and Technology payments have been authorized. Contact me with questions/pricing and it goes without saying that the flag will have to be put into this world before payments will be made.


    Thank you for your time.

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