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Master Holton

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Posts posted by Master Holton

  1. And consequently nobody should ever trust them with anything in an embassy ever again.  It was a dick move then and remains a dick move now... it was fun, but it was still a dick move.


    We are not allied to the NSO,  so everything said in that embassy has been said knowing full well that NSO are what they are.  IF they want to play it that way there will be nothing ever posted there again.... and that works for me on so many levels.


    All of our embassies are public. As are Pacifica's, GATO's... I could go on. It's actually a special thing to have a non-public embassy with us, usually preserved for allies.

  2. There were many reasons we chose to drop TOP and choose the side we chose, and TOP had plenty to do with those reasons.


    Honestly, it was a very mutual thing for us to end Pillowfort. I'm not sure why you're trying to play it off that TOP's ties to Doomhouse weren't the reason you disliked being tied to TOP though. For the most part our members got along with each other, save some heated debates on the PF forums.

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