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Master Holton

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Posts posted by Master Holton

  1. good lord this is an ooc forum, you don't have to pretend you aren't grossed out by the whole thing


    If you were truly disgusted with the actions of pre-Karma Pacifica, you wouldn't have founded, and then lead, an alliance that went on to support the post-Karma Mushroom Kingdom & co.


    The fact remains that the detractors of the old NPO are (usually) the same people that went on to join MK, Umbrella, GOONS, VE, etc in their crusade to become the exact thing that they supposedly hated.

  2. An interesting read.


    I always lean towards the ideology and role-playing aspect of CN as something that brings more population to the game, rather than the current state of (mostly) OOC dealings we see everywhere.


    The top alliances become top alliances through their ideology, not through their stats. The ones who do everything to win will win, simply because of the lack of ambition present in the current political landscape. MK said it in their disbandment notice "We don't have the drive to be the best anymore." Most alliances never had the drive in the first place and, like the other HB poster in this thread, "just want to be friends with everyone."

  3. If you could pull people through the history of CN and combine them into one alliance government, who would it be?




    Emperor: Ivan Moldavi

    Regent: Archon

    Minister of War: Potato

    Minister of Economics: Roquentin

    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Dilber

    Minister of Internal Affairs: Kirstenmichelle


    You can mix in deputies as well and senates/heptagons/triumvirates/whatever. Go.

  4. I don't actually think that is our latest crime in the perception NSO et al.  Apparently we ruined their plans for world domination at the feet of Pacifica, sweet peaceful non-ambitious Pacifica, oh how I long for the days of Pax Pacifica.  History would suggest NSO/NG are carefully pruning the reality tree so it grows some nice ''truth'' flowers, discarding all the flowers that just won't tell the same story.  It is looking pretty bonzai about now, be lucky if it doesn't die of its own accord.


    Our overlords must be appeased.

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