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JT Jag

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Everything posted by JT Jag

  1. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1283672578' post='2442427'] With the kind of stuff they request you do to get off EoG list makes it worse than any PZI list I've seen alliances maintain in the past. [/quote]I agree, having to write a haiku is utterly unconscionable.
  2. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1283671076' post='2442399'] Is trading resources with me now an act of war against GOONS as well? [/quote]Considering you are a sanctioned nuclear rogue... yes. Yes it is.
  3. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1283670336' post='2442390'] So basically they got permission to spy on Dopp by threatening to hold it against the entire alliance if they weren't allowed to spy on him. or implying they were already holding it against the entire alliance until they were allowed to spy... [/quote]You might as well give up who your uranium trade partner is. It would make all of this a lot more painless. I mean, if this thread proves anything, it's that we're gonna find out eventually.
  4. [quote name='Choader' timestamp='1283669804' post='2442380'] It's not often you get a thread where every involved person ends up with their credibility shot to hell. [/quote]I'll have you know that my credibility is fresh like a spring breeze.
  5. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1283668085' post='2442354'] Are you? Anyways now you've committed an act of war on NSO more severe than sending some aid by spying on him and all you've managed to reveal is that Corinan is doing the right thing here and GOONS are in the wrong again. [/quote][quote name='heggo' timestamp='1283649597' post='2441968'] I have full confidence that Dopp wouldn't do something as dumb as aid Methrage, and as such had no qualms with authorizing GOONS to run gather intel spy operations on him to find out.[/quote]I can smell your desperation. It is [i]delicious.[/i]
  6. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1283667746' post='2442343'] I don't think anyone considers that screenshot to be real, but I'm inclined to believe Beefspari's report. Though, before Fernando gets a big head, a broken clock will be right twice a day...or once, if you live somewhere with a 24 hour clock. [/quote]Clearly you are not enlightened enough to understand that my screenshot, Beefspari's screenshot and that spy log are, once you look past the veil, one in the same.
  7. If that spy report is fake, why isn't anyone from NSO in here debating it? That's pretty damning evidence to me.
  8. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1283666680' post='2442315'] So no screenshot. Thanks. [/quote][img]http://i54.tinypic.com/ip4b4g.jpg[/img] Try and keep up.
  9. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1283664357' post='2442261'] This doctored 'proof' is CB enough for NSO to declare on you guys, they don't need to explain anything. [/quote]Why so jumpy, Methrage? Does the SEARING LIGHT OF TRUTH burn you that much?
  10. Gentlemen, I have finally acquired the information we have all been looking forward to. [img]http://i54.tinypic.com/ip4b4g.jpg[/img] I assure you that this picture has not been doctored in any manner, and demand that Corinan explain himself.
  11. As a member of GOONS, I must say that we take real offense to this harmful allegation that we are "gentlemen".
  12. Over-under 12 months until Ivan wanders off and forms another successful Order from scratch? I'm taking the under, he has a great pedigree. To use a reference from another world, he's the Larry Brown of Planet Bob.
  13. A truly momentous milestone in the history of Planet Bob. Fight on!
  14. Looking at this it seems to me the Invicta/Olympus front would be the next one to close. They're really outgunned.
  15. GGA needs a single, charismatic and decisive leader to come to the fore, reconcile the various factions and bring the alliance to a new era. GGA needs Prodigal Chieftain.
  16. [quote name='ktarthan' date='22 February 2010 - 12:58 PM' timestamp='1266861519' post='2197515'] Well if we go by this definition: 2. (AID) American Institute of Interior Designers. It's absolutely clear that you mustn't practice interior design in America during wartime. [/quote]I heard that UCN was trying to feng shui their front office over the weekend. Welp, time to declare on them again.
  17. [quote name='Dave93' date='20 February 2010 - 10:36 PM' timestamp='1266723405' post='2194493'] I'd like to point out to those who are hating on the reps that if NPO was still in power and they had given out the reps you'd probably all be going "fair and honourable terms NPO" not that I'm saying we're like the old NPO [/quote]No, we're obviously worse
  18. [quote name='Dontasemebro' date='20 February 2010 - 03:05 AM' timestamp='1266653140' post='2193366']Because I won? I get money for winning? Pretty lame. Although it's how the world seems to work[/quote]This is exactly how the world works. You work hard, you win, you come out of things better then the next guy. It's the human condition.
  19. [quote name='Dontasemebro' date='20 February 2010 - 01:55 AM' timestamp='1266648954' post='2193264'] I fix your logic below Nachos=good GOONS=good GOONS=nachos also nachos=peace [/quote]Logical fallacies are delicious!
  20. Guess who's leading the surrenders forced count in this war?
  21. [quote name='R3nowned' date='18 February 2010 - 10:53 PM' timestamp='1266551587' post='2191292'] Congrats on the peace UCN. Relatively light reps, and weird terms. I have no clue how to write a Haiku xD [/quote][center]Writing a haiku Pretty simple, syllables Five, seven and five[/center]
  22. Jesse, you really are doing your alliance a disservice by comparing what we've done to you to what you've done to us. LSF is literally the lowest-priority target on the totem pole, and you're throwing everything you've got at us, bless your hearts. Now that UCN is out of the way, we can send more slots in your direction, just like you appear to be asking for. Enjoy it before you end up begging for terms.
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