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Kubla Khan

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Blog Entries posted by Kubla Khan

  1. Kubla Khan
    Alliance ranked by Total NS
    # number represents place among Alliance Nations, Nation Ruler- Nat Link [Days at war] {Number of Opponents} (Total NS) +/- Change in NS
    1. #2 Ethan the Lionheart- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=146124 [2] {3} (225,357.562) +8,678
    2. #3 Justin666- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=132232 [2] {2} (171,701.112) +6,069
    3. #4 Tulak Hord- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=14481[2] {2} (151,300) +2,217
    4. #5 Darklink7748- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=189022 [2] {2}(144,331.892) +6,650
    5. #13 couchmonkee- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=13699 [2] {2} (111,751) +4,261
    6. #17 Trinite- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=123827 [2] {2} (107,623.189) +2,830
    7. #21 Spun Dirtah- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=41402 [3] {3} (101,241) +4,407
    8. #23 NickLee808- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=127547 [2] {2} (96,884) +1,525
    9. #24 Shinpah1- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=170436 [2] {2} (95,947) +4,991
    10. #29 peachey- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=108539[2] {1} (93,072) +2,362
    Total Change in NS: +45,990
    Total Alliance Change in NS: +54,761
    Next: Independent Republic Of Orange Nations
  2. Kubla Khan
    Nations: 128
    NS: 3,425,783
    ANS: 26,764
    Score: 14.13
    Infra 526,257
    Tech 216,702
    Alliance Infra/tech ratio: 1:0.412
    Nukes: 923
    Stock Markets: 62
    SDI: 42
    MP: 53
    WRC: 14
    Active wars: 85
    Offensive: 62
    Defensive: 23
    Nukes Thwarted 164
    Direct Hits 154
    Anarchy: 21
    Peace Mode: 46
    -135,061 NS since beginning of the war about 1589 NS lost per war, respectable but if they want to have a bigger impact on their front against IRON they need to get their upper tier into the war. Among their top 40 nations only 14 are in war mode and only 10 of those are in active wars. If only 14 nations above 32k are engaged and no one above 80k, you are really just letting iron double team all engaged nations and letting IRON take you to the woodshed in your mid range. Ill update in a week with a aid slot breakdown added.
    Best of luck guys.
  3. Kubla Khan
    On 12/2/2011 at 11:29:18 PM the Ruler "Moose Hole" of Coldy Was the first FARK nation to declare war on the New Pacific Order, his noble reason "Auntie and uncle in Bel-air" no doubt carries with it a deep symbolism to him.
    As in the last war I plan on giving detailed stats on alliances and analysis on that data as dispassionately as I can, I hope you enjoy. Here Are the initial numbers for FARK, FAN, and NPO
    Nations: 246
    NS: 13,941,587
    ANS: 56,673
    Score: 51.69
    Infra 1,972,889
    Tech 990,542
    Alliance Infra/tech ratio: 1:0.502
    Nukes: 3,546
    Stock Markets: 197
    SDI: 145
    MP: 165
    WRC: 93
    Active wars: 195
    Offensive: 119
    Defensive: 76
    Anarchy: 30
    Peace Mode: 13
    Nations: 143
    NS: 5,044,788
    ANS: 35,278
    Score: 19.85
    Infra: 769,579
    Tech: 281,798
    Alliance Infra/tech ratio: 1:0.366
    Nukes: 2,320
    Stock Markets: 120
    SDI: 80
    MP: 118
    WRC: 27
    Active Wars: 77
    Offensive: 59
    Defensive: 18
    Anarchy: 0
    Peace Mode: 16
    Nations: 383
    NS: 10,501,551
    ANS: 27,419
    Score: 43.13
    Infra: 1,853,093
    Tech: 489,590
    Alliance Infra/tech ratio: 1:0.264
    Nukes: 4,036
    Stock Markets: 242
    SDI: 171
    MP: 193
    WRC: 92
    Active Wars: 272
    Offensive: 94
    Defensive: 178
    Anarchy: 58
    Peace Mode: 51
    If there are any specific stats you would like me to track, please let me know.
  4. Kubla Khan
    90 days of war.
    Sustained, damaging and brutal. GATO is rebuilding, have been for 2 1/2 months now we only fought for what could be considered a blink of an eye in GATO's and CN's history but to me, it seems a lifetime ago that a post by VE would rip Bob apart.
    I've been reflecting a lot in this new year and was thinking about how GATO, Bob and I have changed. To you Old Guard as i thing of you, 4 digits in your nations and 2,3, hell 5+ million casualties, Im nothing but a snot nose kid. A post Karma generation baby, I "grew up" as it were in a special age. NPO was big to be sure, but it was one of the many boogymen i was raised with. PZI for entire alliances, forced disbannings, Vietfan, and, to me as a GATOan, viceroy. My alliance beaten to a point, physically and psychologically I cant imagine. The New Pacific Order, hated, reviled, and feared.
    Yet once again, I cant imagine, in the abstract well of course, to read about it, which i have, more pages than id care to share, but I or anyone of my post Karma brethren can truly understand.
    The scars of the past run deep on Bob, still fresh, throbbing and swollen, ready to split open.
    But I cant understand. The NPO has been polite to me, cordial in fact, even as a young, experienced nation. At only a month old Zeta Defender offered me a few nation building tips in #nsa. Their diplomats held up against everything GATO had to say and for the most part took it on the chin, i came to respect them, know some of them, I saw members of GATO whom I looked up to go "to the the dark side" as it were and somehow survive. I saw naught but reps being paid, diligently and without as much swearing than i know i would in the same circumstances, when i became GATO's Minister of Finance I admired there economic and military development. The creature in the dark, Christ Im young I thought.
    I look back on this war, I fought in Bi-Polar, a few brushfires and 10/10/10 but this was my first major war in the grand scheme.
    Anyway, back to reflecting,
    I've seen an Umbrella Proxy war
    Chris Kaos return to CN than GATO
    Dozens of alliances come into existence, each with week, months, years of planning, than fail some with a whimper, some with a bang
    Honor among those I looked on with contempt
    Weakness among alliances and blocs where I thought stronger and impregnable
    Strength where I expected collapse
    All that and in humble gaggle of Spanish cats rise up from the ashes of a bonfire I never saw, regain sanction, and break 30 score for the first time in history.
    I only wonder what I will have seen next
  5. Kubla Khan
    Change since 1/25 in parenthesis, Changes since 2/28 in brackets, totals at the bottom
    I'm not going to give commentary in this post, I will in another one once I have updated all my numbers for the week, I hope you find them informative
    As of Feb 28th
    Nations 548
    Nations in Anarchy 192 (35%)
    Nations in Peace mode 194 (35.4%)
    Nations in War Mode 354 (64.5)
    Active Wars 342
    Nation Strength 9,041,137 (-7,547,379)
    Average NS 16,498 (-14,108)
    Score 38.95 (-25.88)
    Land 256,972 (-369,691)
    Infra 1,525,668 (-1,538,058)
    Tech 484,834 (-273,303)
    SDI 215 Ave. 20.9 nukes thwarted so far this war
    MP 248 (45.2% have MP, 12.6 nukes per nation with MP)
    WRC 111 (20.25% have WRC)
    one month later...
    Nations 493 [-55]
    Nations in anarchy 171 [-21]
    Nations in Peace mode 193 [-1]
    Nations in War Mode 300 [-42]
    Nation Strength 6,629,193 [-2,411,944]
    Average NS 13,447 [-3051]
    Score 30.33 [-8.55]
    Land 216,546 [-40,426]
    Infra 1,066,487 [-459,181]
    Tech 370,991 [-113,843]
    SDI 207 [-8]
    MP 240 [-8]
    WRC 111 [-3]
    Total losses after 2 months of war of war
    Nations -49
    Total NS -9,959,323
    Average NS -17,159
    Score -34.43
    Land -410,117
    Infra -1,997,239
    Tech -387146
  6. Kubla Khan
    Umbrella Aid Slot usage
    Facts and Patterns
    The following is a breakdown of the aid slot usage of the Umbrella and the Umbrella Applicant alliance affiliations between 3/24 9:07:14 and 3/15 12:01:33.
    By cataloging and documenting his information i hope to glean insights on the priorities of this alliance who i have little contact with.
    Furthermore i hope to make the incredibly efficient and complex system of aid and growth more understandable for the average citizen of planet BoB
    I will first present the facts, cold hard numbers then give my own commentary and perceptions.
    Any factual inaccuracies are unintentional and i will do my best to remove my own biases from my analysis
    Total Nations 100 up 10 from declaration
    14 nations in Anarchy
    8 in Peace mode
    Total NS 7,862,331
    Average NS 78,623
    Total Tech 826,743
    Nukes 1,798
    8 Offensive Wars
    16 Defensive wars
    Umbrella aid slots documented: 417
    Umbrella Exports
    Total Cash sent out to Foreign Alliances- 634,500,000
    Total internal cash Sent within Umbrella - 129,000,000
    Total Cash sent by Umbrella Nations- $763,500,000
    Aid to Warring Doomhouse alliances
    579,000,000, All but 12 mil going to GOONS
    324,000 Soldiers
    This means that 110 of the aid slots sent to GOONS are now cash only (about 40%), the percentage was much higher in the first several months of the ongoing conflict but i do not have the number accurate to the point i would publish them. But one thing is for sure, GOONS, with almost 150 new members and a total NS staying around 1.8 mil, has bottomed out, and that extra 500 mil and the 600,000 extra soldiers could have gone a long way.
    Umbrella Tech importation and its origins
    Total tech gained by Umbrella 3,500
    The Empire
    Knights of Ni!
    The last Republic
    Bankers of America
    Union of integrated National Entities
    Red Elite Defense
    Kingdom of Italy
    Union of Communist Republics
    TOP applicant
    Amazon Nation
    Shinra Electric Power Company
    League of Enlisted Gentleman
    Mostly Harmless Alliance
    Random Insanity Alliance
    Terran Empire
    Flying Hellfish
    World Federation
    Umbrella Applicant
    Forgotten Legion
    World United nations
    Rubber Ducky Division
    Peoples Order of Truth
    SOS Brigade
    Union of integrated National Entities
    Death before Dishonor
    Knights of Democracy
    Organization XIII
    TOOL Tech Seller
    Flood Empire
    These deals in addition to 7 internal Umbrella deals round out the total slots.
    If these numbers and facts don't make sense to you, i would reassure you by saying i don't understand them either. The aid airlift we saw for the first month of the war, made with ruthless and surgical precision to keep the lower tiers of GOONS fighting the beaten down nuclear nations of the NPO coalition seems to be fraying. Nations are no longer pushing 1 billion of war aid to their brothers in arms but have begun to shift their priorities. An upsurge in domestic aid to rebuild Umbrella nations who have taken a serious beating to the tune of around 130 million dollars, no chump change and 40 odd slots now aimed at the home front, this combined with the motley crew of alliances providing Umbrella nations through tech deals also shows a clear lack of coordination on the govt. level and is simply nations deciding that their slots would be put to better use for their own tech acquisition than the aiding of GOONS nation who are fighting highly developed, NPO nations content with winning successive GA's against inexperienced and in some cases incompetent young nations, flush with MK and Umbrella cash. You can watch former mid tier, experienced nations in 3 defensive wars, out of anarchy and slowly gaining NS.
    It is my belief that Umbrella has begun to go through the process of cutting GOONS off as it were. We know that they have the war chests and the income to aid GOONS out of all slots for eternity, but while they do this, tech are still under sporadic attack from NPO allies energizing in Kamikaze war mode and quading a mid tier umbrella nation, he is countered and a minor 4-5 nation skirmish often resulting in mutual ZIs. NPO due to its high amount of lower tier nuclear nations and content to stay there hold umbrella nations down and evaporate the tech, the most difficult to replace part of the war machine. The must now rebuild not only the demolished nations Infra, but must sacrifice the precious slots, for rebuilding there own nations. As the war drags on Umbrella has begun to face the reality of a drawn out war. Their growth stunted and their power waning with each passing day, aiding another comrade who fell victim to the tactic they hoped to use, a sneak, powerful attack, then a lower tier swarm. The whole time the upper tiers of NPO remain content in PM.
    As an aside I feel the need to point out another interesting stat noticed in my look at Umbrella is its strange NS chart, they took a gradual loss daily for over a month then began to gain in score and NS in remarkable spurts. A glance at their alliance seniority gives us the answer in seeing around 750,000 NS and 68,000 tech bulked on to distort their true losses or damage take over the last month of the war, combined that with the addition of several smaller nations dragging down their average NS.
    I look forward to the coming weeks to see if any of my theories and speculations will be confirmed, but alas, that is for a different thread. Thoughts?
  7. Kubla Khan
    Change since 1/25 in parenthesis
    Nations 184 (-20)
    Nations in Anarchy 72 (71.2% of nations in war mode)
    Nations in Peace mode (84)(45.6% of total nations)
    Nations in War Mode (101)
    Active Wars 130
    22 Offensive
    108 Defensive
    Massive Counter Attacks 3/13-3/14 and 3/16-3/18
    Nation Strength 6,681,738 (-4,756,158)
    Average NS 36,314 (-19,784)
    Score 25.30 (-16.17)
    Land 156,528 (-210,590)
    Infra 703,056 (-766,186)
    Tech 649,116 (-220,141)
    SDI 145 (Ave. 25.8 Nukes thwarted since beginning of war)
    MP 151 (82% of nations have an MP, 13.1 nukes per nations with MP)
    WRC 105 (57% of nations)
    Nukes 1,989(-1600)
    3/20- in the last round of war we have seen a dramatic swing of the pendulum, with many MK nations including several highly developed MK nations as evident buy the drop in total WRC/MP/SDI totals. Another dramatic change is the # of MK wars and the effectiveness of the attacks, 108 defensive wars to 22 offensive. we saw 2 highly effective attacks against MK0n the 13th and the 16th utting a shocking 71% of MK nations into anarchy. This has also resulted in a flight to PM bringing a total of 84 nations. With 72 Nations in anarchy and 84 in peace mode, that means only 28 MK nations are in war mode and not in anarchy.
    Slot usage has also seen some fascinating developments, while MK nations still send some aid out and some internal, MK has begun to receive aid in almost a GOONS like level. thought TOP was sending aid to MK at a moderate level in the previous round, it could be written off if that was your politics. However after the 2 coordinated attacks MK has needed its own aid airlift. TOP has provided MK 141,000,000 in direct aid with other nations bringing that total to about 180,000,000. If NPO continues their current strategy and Umbrella unable to aid them without diverting their 1.3 billion in aid to GOONS, this is a situation that will be interesting to follow. Will Umbrella have 2 Alliances to aid? Will TOP begin the second great war airlift to a Doomhouse Alliance? Only time will tell.
  8. Kubla Khan
    Per request and rounded to nearest thousand
    First 100 most recent wars 11:02 3/21-3/15, aka first 10 pages
    Added MP/WRC/MP to the smaller guys (20<) who have gotten beaten down to give some perspective.
    First 10 pages worth 3/15-3/21 11:02
    Top Tier_____________________________________
    SynthFG- 109k
    Renegade4box- 81k
    Der_Ko- 81k
    Lord Stark- 77k
    Floyd- 76k
    Neneko- 52k
    Lord Chort- 33k
    Mecha Sheikh- 38k
    Instr- 26k
    Boscher- 23k
    The Neverender- 25k
    Jeeooh- 22k -ZIed
    Sandwich Controversy- 20k
    Rafael Nadal- 18k ZIed MP,SDI,WRC
    Magictrevor- 17k ZI MP,SDI,WRC
    Imperator G4G- 16k MP,SDI,WRC
    Craig- 15k MP,SDI,WRC
    Leet Guy- 15k MP,SDI
    Visceration- 12k MP,SDI
    Bikelee- 12k MP
    Potato- 12k MP
    Thaone- 11k ZIed MP,SDI,WRC
    Metallica5000- 11k MP,SDI,WRC
    Steodom- 10k MP, SDI
    Lancer- 9k- Zied SDI,WRC,MP
    Uaciot- 9k MP,SDI,WRC
    Ryuzaki- 9k MP,SDI
    Unsicher-9k MP,SDI
    Chief Admiral Jeff- 8k MP,SDI
    Voytek- 8k MP,SDI
    Preist Khan- 7k ZIed
    Alana-7k ZIed MP,SDI
    Ardus- 6.5k MP, SDI
    Faramir Kenobi- 6.5k SDI
    Sumcallmeben- 5k MP,SDI
    Lord Josh Allop- 5k MP,SDI
    Stalk- 4.5k
    Some-Guy- 4k MP,SDI,WRC
    Blackdragon- 4k MP,SDI
    Mack Truck- 4k MP,SDI,WRC
    Tannel- 4k
    Banksy- 3k MP,SDI
    Amiee Mann- 3k only 22 days old
    Rachet Man- 2.7k Has MP
    Stromsend- 1.5k
    Widget- 1k
    EatDirtFartDust- 693 21 days old
    Danek- 618
    Elina Fox- 348
    PChanrming- 300
    GayBrushThreepwood- 300
    Edger Lobster- 269
    Bigpizzahut-217 38 days old
    Denial- 157
    locomoco- 86 43 days old
    Several ZIs are not marked but the majority of 20-10k nations started 2-3x their current strength, Not the wonders for nations with less than 10k NS alone, Incredible stuff.
    Let me know about any mistakes, im sure stuffs changed since this morning
  9. Kubla Khan
    As per request
    If you would like me to tell you approx. the damage GOD and GATO inflicted on each other i would happily PM it to you. Our major upper tier battles were against RIA, this is where the majority of dammage was inflicted on both alliances. The second Major source of damage against us was by TTK who had a great blitz and their impressive middle tier was able to single out and coordinate on specific attacks on non-nuclear GATO nations.
    GOD, though they coordinated attacks quite well and did a lot of damage in the first wave were hit by the second wave of larger GATO nations who were able to get the counter DoWs on GOD that limited the damage they could dish out, the lower tiers fought about even. In the upper tiers however it is clear that though the majority of GATO nations were fighting several opponents, dealt damage at about a 2:1 ratio against GOD nations.
    In the final analysis the Infra heavy GOD nations for the first days of the war won GA's at about a 3/4 rate on average after that as the average god nation despite not being the central focus of GATOs conflict had lost an average of 2783.76 infra and 358.91 tech. The GATO average would be inconsequential due to the number of alliances and wars but by the end of the war, the losses to wins had evened out then tipped to GATOs favor 60/40 as coordination and counters became more organized and the infra advantage began to disappear.
    my best approximation is that you dealt about 225,000 NS damage to GATO during the war and took approx. 350,000 NS in damage from GATO, This is due to high infra and the relatively under-teched nature of many GOD nations, In addition based on the spy reports and the use of foreign aid slots it became clear that several 40k+ nations had exceedingly poor WCs and though many GOD nations could have supported a long term campaign. 1/3rd to 1/2 would need to be recieving some form of aid within one more week of fighting.
    A major edit is comming, as exact stats are impossible to find we will need to be as general as possible. I based the above on cryptic notes i had made and something is clearly messed up.
    Based on a quick glance at the facts and my notes i can give a reasonable estimate . any info from GOD would be greatly appreciated. I am really curious now.
  10. Kubla Khan
    Total Nations: 373 (low point was 2/21 at 274, 101 recruits since then)
    Nations in Anarchy 94 (25% of the alliance)
    Nations in Peace Mode 39
    Active Wars 296 (.79 wars per nation)
    Total NS 1,791,554 (Down From 4,896,019 as of 1/25 or -3,104,465)
    Ave. NS 4,803 (Down from approx 16,824 on 2/2 or -12,021 per nation) was 6,129 on the first day of the massive recruitment (2/21)
    Total Nukes 354
    Total Tech 109,744 (-105,099 since 1/25)
    Total Infra 279,422 (-612,486 since 1/25)
    Total Land 59,964 (-152,565 since 1/25)
    75 Manhattan Projects
    17 Weapons Research Complexes
    35 Strategic Defense Initiatives
    The addition of Zombie Nation with its full quiver of arrows as well as a few other mid size joiners balance out the loss of several GOONS nations
    Previous round
    Slots receiving Foreign Aid (3,000,000 minimum, usually with 2000 soldiers) 349 per round ($1,047,000,000 minimum)
    or $2,792,000 per war
    or $4,105,883 per Nation in war mode
    Most Recent Round
    372 Receiving 3 mil, about 2/3rds with 2000 soldiers
    1,116,000,000 in aid received
    3 mil per nation
    3,351,351 per nation in war mode
    3,770,270 per war
    1260 Nukes thwarted this month- 1/25-2/25
    2922 Direct hits, GOONS on the receiving end 3/4 of the time
    Thwarted 727
    Direct Hits 1,626 same 3/4th ratio of being on the receiving end
    Many of the stats, particularly those involving total nations and nations in was mode are off due to the massive influx of nations
  11. Kubla Khan
    As per request
    All parenthesis are the info from 1/22, the Declaration on Loss Unless otherwise indicated, all stats are from personal notes, and Stats from Unspeakable evils graphs on OWF,
    The stats were taken from approx. 2:30:28-2:36:29 AM, CN time on 2/26
    Nations 125 (152) -27
    Nations in anarchy 64 (51.2% of total nations, 3rd highest among nations on BoB)
    Nations In Peace Mode 21 (16.8%)
    Nations in War Mode 104 ( With 64 of the 125 nations in anarchy, this means 61.5% of warring nations are currently in anarchy)
    137 Active wars (104 in war mode means there are 1.31 wars per nation ave.)
    Total NS 3,188,203 (5,967,382, net loss of 2,779,179 NS or 46.6% of war boner NS)
    Average NS 25,506 (39,259, average loss 13,753 or 35%)
    Score 12.64 (22.39, or 9.75 points lost, 43.5%
    Total Nukes 1,001 (1,668, down 667)
    Nukes thwarted 1299
    Direct Hits 1629
    76 MP's
    58 SDI's
    34 WRC's
    Interesting Wonder statistics, on 1/22, the day of the initial declaration on LoSS, CSN boasted a Wonder total of 1,535 Total wonders, One month later, on 2/23, their total stands at 1,432, or -103 wonders (6.7% of total). The loss of 27 nations accounts for this but still were they deletions? I believe on CSNer left and joined GATO but have not checked his wonder total. It should also be noted that 2 nations have joined CSN since the initial declaration, one is Liz, the current Head of State, so go figure, she has 25 days senority, but they bring another 38 wonders combined to CSN meaning a possible loss of 141 wonders.
    Land 71,412 (263,598 or -192,186)
    Infra 403,542 (916,407 or -512,865)
    Tech (237,339 (345,442 or -108,103)
    There was a massive jump across the board on the 30th of January due to a massive nations with approx. 12-13k tech joining for several days then leaving, other wise CSN has lost
    92,639 NS
    6,406 land
    17,096 infra
    3,604 tech
    On average, per day
    Soldiers 2,151,310 (4,902,039 or -2,750,729)
    Tanks 174,378 (337, 324 or -182,946)
    CSN War Break Down Against LoSS and DT (stats might vary slightly but are presented as accuratly al possible)
    Offensive wars
    on LoSS: 20
    on DT: 48
    Defensive wars
    On LoSS: 55
    On DT:21
    The Additional wars were declared while i was gathering stats
    CSN Aid Breakdown
    120 Avtive Slots in Use this round
    Up from 74 the previous
    What we clearly see is an alliance who had several nations very prepared for war, but as an alliance, particularly at the upper middle and top tier, war capabilities fall sharply.
    In the top 20 nations :
    126 mil sent in war aid (42 packages)
    30 mil Recieved (10 packages)
    300 Tech Recieved (6)
    Most nations have stopped sending aid all together, the Aid from these top 20 nations was abruptly cut off on 2/6, the day of the DT Declaration, going past the first 20 we see even more interesting patterns emerging. Internal aid is given at the same rate, about 70-80 slots per round as far as i can ascertain but a surprising amount of aid is being funneled into CSN from Outside sources, the Following alliances have Sent at least 3 mil to CSN nations
    FOK 6 mil
    FARK 36 mil
    "GOD applicant" 24 mil
    Various- 12 mil
    Athens-6 mil
    IRON- 6 mil
    The round before that, we see those same alliances sending a total of 72 mil to CSN, I sure hope all those nations are at war with LoSS and DT, thats an act of war...
    Final take, CSN is still strong buy they are deteriorating economically, with internal aid drying up, they have now begun to call on friends and allies for help. No doubt they can be a military threat for some time, but the massive losses of infra and tech will be very difficult to recover with their depleted resources. They have taken damage the hardest in the lower and middle range. The top tier nations that were engaged, primarily govt, have been ZIed, in several cases multiple times and bill lock among many mid tier, former upper tier nations is all but certain. CSN talks a big game about the lower tier being the easiest to recover, and credits LoSS and DTs comparatively smaller losses, even gains to money being stretched farther than it does in the upper tiers. However that argument holds less water with each passing day as currently 40% of their alliance is below 10k. and growing by the day, sorry CSN, you are a week away from being a low tier alliance with 100-110 members.
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