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Everything posted by NearX

  1. This has become a common trend, good luck
  2. Good to see WF admitting it's mistake, good luck to UED and WF
  3. You raid a nation, that's fine, but when it happens to you, it's not? Oh well, I hope to see something interesting to come out of this, good luck...you little hypocrite
  4. Ruso also hopes things go well finding a reliable trade partner. We also applaud the new FSS
  5. To #1, I get on every day. And yes, the more you grow the more interested you get in this game 2nd, you can loot money and tech on a nation. You can't take over a nation nor can you lose yours, you can attack a nation until he has 0 infrastructure, he's pretty much done after that. You can attack a nation 2 times a day with regular soldiers, there are other ways of attacking though. If you attack someone, that person will get a message about it, and yeah if they know they're in a war, they will see it coming. Hope that helps
  6. Eh, unaligneds are basically targets anyway.
  7. Nice creativity, if this gets noticed you might actually get alliances to aid you to put them on the next vid
  8. I think it was completely neccessary for UCR to fight back, the raider needs to know of the consequences attacking a nation on it's own, especially if it is alligned
  9. Alliances usually want you to pass some exam or something to get money off them
  10. 1m is alot, surprised he had that much money, and he had so little men to guard it. It was bound to be stolen
  11. 10 tech for 80k, thats cheap for new nations(especially for growing nations with alot of tech), pm me on my nation account if interested http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=343356 edit: nevermind this post
  12. I want to donate to the game, but I'm not sure how, I want to know if I can donate by mail by putting in dollar bills instead of money order/checks, or do I need to donate by checks/money orders?
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