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Esau of Isaac

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Status Updates posted by Esau of Isaac

  1. Wow, didn't know one existed. What kind of a sequel is it?

  2. "I don't know why Japanese anime companies have this fetish..." I was tired and suffering from lack of sleep. BECAUSE IT'S GETTING HOT HERE. Anyways, Kamina's death was sadder, but fit in the series well and absolutely made it better. Nia's end was phoned in and pointless, and tarnished what could have been a truly spectacular conclusion to the series.

  3. Nia dying was the only singular bad thing in that entire series. I don't know why fetish Japanese anime companies have this fetish of phoning in annoyingly depressing endings but even I find it hard to get off to.

  4. Googling Medaka Box returns me a cover of a person with large jubblies. Bueno.

  5. I'm still holding off to play any of the SRWs until I'm completely fluent in Japanese. Though I'm trying to think of games that would help with getting conversational bits down along with television programs and was thinking that maybe SRW's simple enough. Hmm.

  6. This manga looks exceedingly manly. Is it worth reading?

  7. It's a mech game thus I am interested. I signed up, but hmm. I need to get people to click it...I guess I'll just have to trick people with links in various internet signatures like it's the early 2000s all over again~

  8. There's another guy around here named Isaac, actually. Apparently it's not a rare enough name these days.

  9. They all say that before realizing the folly of their unbelievable viewpoint. SNSD is the only hope today has of truly ending armed conflict in the Asian community. They are a true force of peace, fashion, and undeniably catchy music. SNSD. o7

  10. Damn right. Like, the most manly, studly zombie in existence.

  11. I have actually transcended the living form. I cannot be said to be truly living any longer.

  12. Oh man. Though I was expecting Simon's speech when he takes out Guame. That would've been cool.

  13. Sauce on the avatar bro. (~^o^)~

  14. Yeah, I'm confident he'll be around as long as the forums are. Which is a good thing, I rarely find myself not enjoying or learning from any of his posts. :D

  15. Yeah. I read up a little bit on the good stuff. Sadly, haven't been able to read much DC stuff at all. I talked to Lamuella, though, and he gave me a huuuuuge recommendation of all the best ones to get through. So I'm pretty stoked.

  16. This is actually kind of creepy. I was thinking about where you were like last night. Maybe I'm secretly a superhero, like uh, Scarlet Witch-style. DON'T DISPLEASE ME OR I WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE. :V

  17. Now it should totally work. I think I emptied my inbox. :)

  18. Thanks. I made the signature myself. I don't know how to make vectors, though, or I'd have like a million of those.

  19. Nah. The only IM program I use these days is IRC, and even then I shy away from it when possible.

  20. You two, my good man. :V

  21. Ooh! Looks like another club banger. They better hang on. When I throw this thang on. Get a little drink on. They goin' flip. For this Akon !@#$. You can bank on it. Pedicure, manicure, kitty cat claws. The way she climbs up and down them poles. Lookin' like one of them Pretty Cat Dolls.

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