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The Wizard of Oz

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Everything posted by The Wizard of Oz

  1. This would apply under normal situations. You were spy'd prewar and directly when war commenced. Peace was achieved, THEN YOU NUKED. Obviously, your statement above would not apply in this instance.
  2. Fumbles through his papers, realizing Beazys "original" statement made in "this" thread was inconsistent with his last postings as a response. Baffled why Beazy is so confused. Walks over, "discards 2 out of the 3 examples, due to off topic, different thread. Totally unrelated. Looks at the remaining 1, shakes his head, mutters too him self, Will he ever see the light?
  3. Still a little bewildered, looks closer at Beazy, realizes he is actually blind and was picturing things based on Tibs words. Totally understanding, whispers quietly to Beazy, you weren't the only one that was fooled. Walks quietly away as he sympathetically taps Beazy on the shoulder.
  4. No surprise here.... Gabby please stop picking on the kids
  5. You sir are very very wise. Takes off Beazy's sun glasses, B) removes "both" patches from his eyes...THERE can you see better now? I LOL'd, too funny DM. Very good words of wisdom....For any occasion.
  6. There is one HUGE flaw in your analysis. The plans brilliance was based on treaties being paper, instead of treaties being built on actual friendships. Folgers conscience that in fact the goal does not justify the means, is an epic win for the Roman Empire as well as how others view him. I know before this all came out in the open, we at TPF as well as atleast 4 other alliance were already scrutinizing Tibs and RE. Tibs plan would of failed either way, he assumes when he deals with others, that he sized them up and its a done deal. Arrogance being the biggest flaw of the plan.
  7. This was discussed last night, with a pending decision. The decision has been made and the leader of Frostbite has been PM'd to this. I am sure there will always be a few that don't listen, but I do believe that Frostbite's leadership will have no problems getting the word out. The Phoenix hunger has been satisfied, "for now".
  8. It was great chatting with you guys. Your a great group of people. TPF looks forward to our future friendship.
  9. It was short and it was fun but this party is over. TPF and Frostbite have agreed to white peace. All battles are to stop. You can't do a group hug with a rifle in your hand. That is all. o/TPF o/RD o/Frostbite
  10. This is very disappointing. Shame on you Tibs. I would never try to coup BG anyway... That would just be downright silly.
  11. No worries, we have a TPF hamster revitalization program in place. There will be no Hampster for dinner tonight.
  12. Come join the Grownups, fierce soldier, your standing in the youth section..
  13. I fully endorse all this TE partying. Woot Woot
  14. Congrats or your reorganizing and growth. Keep up the good work.
  15. This man has a Total view of TE. I love this. All truth!! Thanks for your contribution. I wish it was pinned..
  16. This would be a Great Idea, just to make sure you have your facts straight BG,, As amused as you may be by your vision of BG's hypocrisy, it is yes just your vision. He was willing to offer for you to prove him wrong by a poll. You never addressed that idea!! The leaders of RE, are a great bunch of guys, are you sure you didn't confuse kindness with like? Even if they are fond of you, I have no doubt, they don't like what you been doing... Best bet, Do a Poll, then you will know. Imagine if you find out we all lubs you, what a great day that would be for you....
  17. This is not true ES. Your personal choices have formed the opinion most have of you. Andrew's opinion and skills as a leader has lead TPF towards a good friendship with SDF. Andrew deciding to appoint you in his absence is viewed as a personal choice. Maybe, you were good to him. But none of us are him and you have not been good to us. Your views of TPF are plastered all over the OWF as well as your recent action. So, perhaps Andrew's view of you is different then the rest of ours. Both views may or may not be true. So as much as we like Andrew and SDF, we are looking at you with a very skeptical eye, due to your own words and actions. No one else is responsible for that but you. I am not closed minded to giving you a chance to do SDF a good turn and am totally willing to talk anytime with you, to begin a fresh dialog on behalf of TPF and SDF. One note* Please do not bring up Wolf or Gabby... Your opinion's have been heard and appropriately dismissed.
  18. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and ha. Any TPF member that would follow you should.. But, I do believe 99.9% of our members have an IQ over 30. So I suppose you can lead the remaining .01%. That is all......
  19. Was there a point you are making or something we aren't aware of here? Perhaps you could enlighten all of us to your profound conclusion. )):
  20. Congratulation Black Knights!! Sounds like a great merger.
  21. Your absolutely correct, I have been wondering this since the first post... However its a done deal now.. Nothing to see here any more...Time to let it disappear and move on to more fun!!!
  22. KD actually was quitting for the reason of "I can't stand Gabryal" His first post on this thread reiterated this, as well as accused Gabby of some sort of coup. This accusation has "ZERO" merit to it and personally I would like to see some evidence of this coup. These words were initiated by KD, then the issue of putting it on the public forum for all to see, would certainly "voluntarily" put the situation for all Alliances to see and form opinions on what they see and hear as well as the personal character of KD and Gabby. KD also made a specific plea to the Roman Empire to abandon TPF as an ally. This gave cause for RE and anyone else to react. I am curious now in retrospect, KD was our MoFa, isn't he suppose to have a solid relationship with RE and MHA? Why does RE and MHA support Gabby instead of KD. My personal guess is that Gabby has done the work, to establish a more solid relationship with them. Personally, I agree with RE and MHA doing what they are doing and do not feel I or anyone else should tell them not too. They got dragged into this, now they took a stand. KD has to deal with it. *Edited typo
  23. I totally agree lonewolfe, He reaped what he sowed. By posting this on the OWF you can expect opinions and actions. You may not always like what you start..... As it should be Tibs, enjoy the tech and land.
  24. Sigh...... This is a sad day for TPF. This does not belong on the OWF. I am not going to elaborate much as this is an internal matter for TPF. However, KD you chose to quit TPF, I asked you to reconsider. You said, that would be impossible. You could not work with Gabby. I considered it a done deal, since in fact Gabby does work very hard for TPF. I have looked at both sides.. Based on your past behaviors, which would serve no purpose airing them here, I believe Dogbite was very justified in retrieving control over the forum since you had quit 2 days previous and you were the root admin. You know Dogbite is not admin savvy, so he asked Gabby. Gabby's best guess was it looked like the forum might be getting deleted. So he secured it, whether that was a real threat or not. He posted his concerns in a top level TPF room. As you know, no other TPF member could see it. So even if he was mistaken and your power was indeed off, he intended you no malice by making it a private posting as well as still leaving you a private GOV eyes only to respond with your thoughts and opinions. At this point KD, I did lose respect for you posting this on the OWF. This is clearly a bad move for TPF and if you were so concerned about the well being of TPF, you would not have embarrassed us all like this. To: RE and MHA It's good to see you working so well together Thanks for your friendship. To: Gabby, put your offices back up, you have work to do!! I apologize to TE for this obvious lack of judgement by KD. KD has contributed to TPF in the past and his good deeds should not be forgotten or unnoticed.
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