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Itsuki Koizumi

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Everything posted by Itsuki Koizumi

  1. Hey Guys! Aeonic Imperium is now recruiting and accepting embassy requests. For those that don't know us we have been around for a while and have made a lot of friends on Cybernations Tournament Edition such as TPF, Roman Empire and the WOLF Coalition. If you wanna drop by, join us at #ai-te irc.coldfront.net server or on our forums: http://aeonicimperium.toxicfarm.com/forum.htm
  2. War Flag Oh hai! Feel Free to drop by at #ai-te at irc.coldfront.net Hail Aeonic Imperium Hail WOLF!
  3. im in http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001244 aluminum&sugar
  4. I find that quite hard to believe lol. after all that time, no alliance ever barged down ur door?
  5. im in AI and i think this is lame btw, love the flag infidel
  6. hail the new generation. rule 34 ftw
  7. its a rip off for u since 50t costs an ordinary nation approx 800k
  8. nooks too bad i let mine fly early in the round
  9. farewell you have been an active player on Steve
  10. my alliance mate Carbiine has pigs and spices and have asked me to find him a trade circle. contact him about it
  11. i use chrome, works perfectly for me
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