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Everything posted by mattski133

  1. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330739790' post='2932305'] Tautologies are fun. I know enough about all of you & your workings. I know this may come as a surprise, but despite what you might want to think you don't live in a vacuum. Thank you for agreeing that people Beefspari considered part of your kind are for certain not explicitly so. Endangered species already taking hits . [/quote] it takes all kinds. you know what happens when you put people who only think alike in a room, right? i believe it's discouraged everywhere.
  2. [quote name='trimm' timestamp='1330732814' post='2932243'] Sure, they just run contrary to darn near everyone elses. But, I can't fault your dedication to them. [/quote] i think you'd be surprised what people would do if they were allowed to do it. [img]http://img.izismile.com/img/img4/20110826/1000/awesome_classic_movie_gifs_03.gif[/img] ...and i think of our fights, more good comes than bad. that's just my opinion though.
  3. [quote name='unpronounced' timestamp='1330652095' post='2931606'] Good luck, Kaskus! Make sure you spell War correctly, or otherwise GOONS will think this is a Tech Raid. Sesuatu banget! [/quote] what scathing wit.
  4. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1330596941' post='2931150'] So if all that is true, what is the difference between the 22 nation MONGOLS (Microalliance) and the 21 nation FnKa (band of rogues)? [/quote] FnKa and the Ninjas would have beaten us because of their higher tiers. they had 40+ nations total with half a dozen over 100k and a few dozen over 50k. it was sound strategy not to lose. I don't think it's necessary to tap dance around that fact, those guys would have had our number 2 on 1, because our strong suit is not big nations. On the other hand, MK and Umbrella were on top of them before all of us even knew what was going on, if i remember correctly.
  5. should be good if the rest of Kaskus is anything like Gantan and the other (i think ) ex-NEW dudes. can we stop validating Hiro and Methrage with responses, for the love of god?
  6. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1330583025' post='2931060'] I see GOONS has more than twice as many nations in anarchy as Mongols, this war is going great for you guys. [/quote] well...i suppose if we put three nations on one of them, and they got a few DOW's in there as well, then this makes a lot of sense now that we've started nuking. really, it should be more like 3-5x. somewhere in there.
  7. [quote name='enderland' timestamp='1330571924' post='2930950'] I opened this thread thinking GOONS would be hit with a wall, and was thinking it'd be something like the mongol horde [img]http://jmichaelrios.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/riders-of-rohan-at-dawn.jpg[/img] But sadly I was mistaken? I'm really not sure what Caparo's beef is but if I understand correctly it sounds like, "we're not afraid to fight we're just all MIA" - that about right? [/quote] there are myriad reasons as to why they're not entering this but i think the most likely are- 1) we didn't think GOONS would attack if we puffed up, bro. 2) MONGOLS said stay out. (this one's been my favorite forever) 3) we're waiting for a REAL war. like, a big one. 4) we're on vacation! spring break! i'm gonna take my top off! 5) that treaty was signed coincidentally, we didn't know GOONS was coming, so it doesn't count. EDIT: mongols have been good sports about this and it's nice to have a genuine challenge.
  8. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330553513' post='2930788'] More abuse but no indication what it is that I missed. I'm not surprised. [/quote] If you're just going to stand by your fence and yell at the neighborhood kids as they play, what rebuttal did you expect? C'mon. Didn't you like, fire the first nuke around here? Where's that initiative gone to?
  9. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330559534' post='2930858'] The problem is the former terms are not possible in today's era. I'd welcome you to encourage them to try, though. [/quote] I think my government exercises a restraint on people like hasn't been seen until recently around here, not because they have to, but because they [i]prefer[/i] to.
  10. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1330559244' post='2930853'] Have I said I "get" goons? The only thing I get from goons is reactions [/quote] you contribute nothing to anything. just another scorned DUDE running his mouth at every turn. "goons is getting crushed! look at the graph!" "well you see that dip is from nations leaving and coming. it's fixed now." "haha goons has to post that to justify their overwhelming numbers in this war!" is that what all this has come to?
  11. when a war of nations is inconceivable, you can always count on a war of semantics around here.
  12. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330401855' post='2929712'] [quote]mattski133, on 28 February 2012 - 03:47 AM, said: I didn't see anyone attacking you.[/quote] [b]1) Of course not. Labelling me butthurt, saying I am only saying what I say because I apparently don't like you or because I'm the anti-raiding anti-christ is all germane to the discussion at hand. Not attacking the person presenting the argument at all.[/b] [quote]I saw you attacking our policies because they are different from yours though, and you ignoring the lengths we went through to avoid this because "it shouldn't have happened in the first place".[/quote] [b]2) No, I did not attack your policies because they are different from mine. I offered my opinion on your action based on your actions and my perception of them. It shouldn't have happened in the first place? What, the raid? The aid to a raided nation or your demands for reps? The Dow that followed? What shouldn't have happened?[/b] [quote]Any defense we make of our actions is disregarded immediately for this reason; the best choice is to outright ignore you because ultimately a personal attack probably WILL happen with no other road available.[/quote] [b]3) I am disregarding your defence because your defence does not make any sense. You have one lot saying you don't help raiders and the other saying anyone who does anything to disrupt your raids will have to pay reps or be attacked. You can ignore me all you like, I couldn't care less one way or the other. But, kudos for justifying personal attacks you claim don't or haven't happened.[/b] [quote]You're not going to win this debate, and we're not going to change your mind about OUR charter, so you sitting here blathering on about how awful this is and how your vision is more clear is just going to end in a trainwreck.[/quote] [b]4) So, basically, this is a "shut up and leave us alone" demand? Awesome.[/b][/quote] 1) Like I said, I didn't see any of that. 2) You're judging our actions by your own charter (your perception, in your words). That's what I was getting at when i said we weren't going to see eye to eye. So far, confirmed. 3) Again, it doesn't make sense to you because you're playing by different rules. I don't justify any personal attacks, I simply recommend ignoring people that try to goad others into them by unceasingly railing their cause against them. 4) I didn't say you should shut up and leave us alone, far be it from me to impede the GOONrage posting process; I was just saying it's going to end in a trainwreck. And look how far we've gotten in the interim! Has anyone won yet? Here's what you should do; raise an army and wipe us from the earth, because I would prefer decimation to listening to you. (IMO, lol)
  13. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330397907' post='2929678'] Whether I like GOONS or not is irrelevant to my opinions on this incident. I do enjoy you all trying to attack me personally rather than the issue I'm descussing though. Just like old times.[/quote] I didn't see anyone attacking you. I saw you attacking our policies because they are different from yours though, and you ignoring the lengths we went through to avoid this because "it shouldn't have happened in the first place". Any defense we make of our actions is disregarded immediately for this reason; the best choice is to outright ignore you because ultimately a personal attack probably WILL happen with no other road available. You're not going to win this debate, and we're not going to change your mind about OUR charter, so you sitting here blathering on about how awful this is and how your vision is more clear is just going to end in a trainwreck.
  14. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1330398408' post='2929684'] Where's Kaskus? [/quote] Demobilized in Defcon 5 by the looks of it.
  15. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1330396970' post='2929661'] Three goons hit one nation. Three MONGOLS aided that nation. MONGOLS gov condoned the action and had no intention of resolving the issue. This is not a 1 vs 1 scenario. This is the policies of GOONs vs the policies of MONGOLS. [b]Is this really so hard to understand?[/b][img]http://meru.xfury.net/images/aeris/aeriso_oL8.jpg[/img] Historically, when has GOONs made a distinction between a raid and a war? As I said we usually raid in packs. And if one of our people messes up and raids someone inappropriately, people come to GOONs gov. Because it's an alliance issue. And always has been. Everything you're saying you're pulling from literally nowhere. [right][img]http://meru.xfury.net/images/aeris/aerisfffR9.jpg[/img][/right] [/quote] Yes. Because the policies of STA are different and we should change ours to meet or exceed them. And he we are, writing walls of text when a simple "I don't like you" would have sufficed.
  16. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330393641' post='2929622'] Yeah, because helping out an innocent victim of your raiders is "[b]walking all over you[/b]". Damn those good samaritans walking all over those thugs beating down on the little old lady. Should teach them !@#$%^&* a lesson! Songs and poems shall be written about your bravery. [/quote] Helping the target is not walking over us. It's the stuff after that I was referring to. Are you suggesting that if a nation of yours tech raided an approved nation via your charter, and GOONS aid bombed that nation with money, technology, and soldiers, you'd be cool with it? Or is this strictly case by case?
  17. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330393300' post='2929618'] Which is, essentially, bailing the guy out who got into trouble with the raid. You can spin it any way you want I suppose but it doesn't change what it is you are doing. Someone came to the aid of a raid victim and you got all pissy about it. [/quote] they would have been fine. it's a matter of principle, and maintaining the precedent that you do not walk over us. EDIT: IMO
  18. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330388894' post='2929565'] In your opinion. To me, they had nothing to get out of at all. [/quote] i think i just said that.
  19. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330388685' post='2929559'] I don't really care about any of that. My point was that raiding someone then sooking it up when that target gets a little help is just pathetic and pissweak. I don't see that MONGOLS did a great deal wrong here. They sent aid to a nation that you guys were attacking for the reason of...well, because you could do so free from any real retribution. That nation had committed no crime other than to exist so I don't see why helping that nation is considered an act of war or anything that required reparations or for MONGOLS to dance to your beat on your mercy board. I though GOONS loved a good fight but it seems they are more intent on beating up old ladies and calling in the troops when the old lady gets a helping hand. Again, pissweak. [/quote] I know our policies are different. So we can't ever agree about this. But we gave them a super fair shake at getting out of this.
  20. [quote name='lord bitburg' timestamp='1330387959' post='2929544'] Since GOONS have attacked us and we have 30-40% of the declarations, and we control about 90 of the GOONs 120 wars. And the Goons usually have 150-200 wars with smalls. I Lord Bitburg of MONGOLS declare this the "REST PERIOD WAR", And from some posts I think "some people need a nap" Good Luck and Good Hunting,lets have fun, its a GAME. BTW I blame JFK [/quote] I'm going to show you why Mongols should have WRC's.
  21. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1330384752' post='2929521'] It is what it is. "other words"[/quote] Dios mio, that is some policy you have over there. It is not like there was some misunderstanding or rushed entry into this. It's been 10 days of cross-armed mongolian !@#$%^&* with these guys. They sent tech and soldiers to someone we were fighting, and rather than acknowledge this was bad, they are STILL calling it a tech deal. They took our starting point of 18m in reps and decided rather than negotiate down, they'd just flatout refuse it and call it extortion since that might garner some support from our critics. While we are watching this, they sign a treaty with Kaskus. The deadline for payment passes so they are given a Mercy Board challenge, that while difficult, could be done by someone with a thinking cap on. This bitburg dude...I don't even know. If you want to see the gem of a submission he sent in, stop over sometime. Point is, they went over the line in a league game. And what's more, I think they wanted to.
  22. they had several chances to redeem themselves and failed in all of them, at least they appear to be ready and waiting for us.
  23. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1330266624' post='2928506'] Interesting. This treaty happened [b]after[/b] the incident you say? This treaty was posted on the 23rd. Over a week ago would make it at least the 16th, if it was really signed "over a week ago." The first time we took notice of this incident is the 18th. Because the aid itself was sent on the 18th. The first time we made contact concerning it was the 22nd. "To: Lord Bitburg From: Tristesse Date: 2/22/2012 1:29:03 PM" If it happened [b]after[/b] the incident, it was a one-day process. So either it was signed quickly as a rush job to interfere with our procedure, or you signed it before the incident not knowing what you were getting into. Which one is it? [img]http://meru.xfury.net/images/aeris/aeriswutL4.jpg[/img] [/quote] Maybe they developed rudimentary time travel from the Mercy Board exercise.
  24. i think, after reading this a little more, UE could have simplified things by saying they weren't going to tech deal with Doomhouse anymore.
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