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Everything posted by rtellez06

  1. Ask SOS We only had around half our guys attack them. Get ready to see the rest
  2. Nope, this was preplanned before the actual DoW, we were going to attack you the first night but had to back down because of an internal problem.
  3. Guess I can tell you now. The other alliance we were going to hit was AI, they just beat us to the punch. Lets see who comes up on this war
  4. Why can't the NS be updated again?
  5. Were* Looks like FB and MHA have ya beet this round.
  6. You got it wrong. The people who recruit from SE can only be terrible if they are not in WOLF. Cmon, you have to know theres a double standard
  7. I had to re-roll, I want these guys to have a compete trade circle so anyone with Uranium and Oil
  8. Sorry man, I didn't understand what he meant when he wrote his post. I read it wrong and thought he said you went to the middle east strapped with explosives, so I regretfully apologize. And its not that I hate you, I just don't like you. You put so many people down for minuscule things. Then you try to hit them with a wall of text when they don't agree with you. And I always support my troops, I have never belittled a soldier, some of my best friends are family are in my military.
  9. o/ PU Clash, Ryan is their MoFA, so I'm pretty sure its real.
  10. Its ok, we all have our problems. B)
  11. I didn't mean to offend anyone, I just didn't understand what happened. Explain please.
  12. Well... Get the beer ready! Im thirsty!
  13. Dammit, you guys beat us to the punch. Cya in hell
  14. What are you talking about? Strapping a bomb to yourself doesn't make you a bigger man, it makes you look like a terrorist.
  15. You guys out numbered them by over 100 last round, so stop your whining. Nice to see a depiction of yourself in your avatar though.
  16. Do I at least get an A for effort?
  17. 1 {263} (-6) Roman Empire: 45.62 --> 43.71 (-1.91) 2 {198} (+7) Frostbite: 30.94 --> 32.02 (+1.08) 3 {177} (+8) Mostly Harmful Alliance: 27.86 --> 28.83 (+0.97) 4 {146} (-6) The Phoenix Federation: 26.26 --> 24.76 (-1.50) 5 {97} (+4) Fark: 14.94 --> 15.68 (+0.74) 6 {91} (+1) Purple Unity: 15.44 --> 15.38 (-.06) 7 {78} (-1) Lafayette Escadrille: 13.49 --> 13.09 (-0.40) 8 {69} (+3) UJA: 11.80 --> 11.76 (-.04) 9 {68} (+0) Spartan Defence Force: 11.51 --> 11.04 (-0.47) 10 {55} (-1) SWAT: 9.41 --> 9.05 (-0.36) 11 {51} (+2) Global Democratic Alliance: 8.46 --> 8.59 (+0.13) 12 {48} (+7) We Are Perth Army: 7.63 --> 8.43 (+0.80) ----- The Sanction Line ----- 13 {43} (-4) The Fellowship: 7.94 --> 7.22 (-0.72) 14 {39} (+1) Aztec: 6.49 --> 6.54 (+0.05) 15 {37} (+11) BLACK: 4.65 --> 6.43 (1.78) 16 {35} (+0) Common Defense Treaty: 5.92 --> 5.72 (-0.20) ----- The Add Line ----- 17 {26} (???) The Phoenix Hatchery: 4.61 --> ?? (???) 18 {26} (+1) The Black Hand: 4.12 --> 4.42 (+0.30) ----- The Drop Line ----- 17 {22} (-1) Aeonic Imperium: 3.87 --> 3.65 (-0.22) 18 {22} (+0) SOS Brigade: 3.94 --> 3.86 (-0.08) 20 {7} (-7) !@#$: 2.35 --> 1.16 (-1.19) Today's Passes and Other Events: Fark passes Unity WEPA passes The Fellowship Black passes CDT The Drop Line passes Aeonic Imperium TPF Hatchery pops out of nowhere, right below the add line. The Black Hand knocked out of the add line. Today's Biggest Gain: Black (+1.78) Today's Biggest Loss: Roman Empire (-1.91) Not sure if I did this right, so waiting for Arrnea.
  18. Of course we can. We just followed the 10 easy steps guide in Wolf's archive. Don't worry, we will give it back maybe. Also you guys !@#$%*ed and moaned saying "do something about it." Somethings being done about it, and were being called hypocrites? Really? Make up your damn minds.
  19. No one said permanent zi. You are probably on a permanent zi because no one likes you, but I don't see where its stated anywhere. Also, this was created to destroy WOLF, so in reality, WOLF killed TE, and LW got more players to play. And we are NOT hypocrites. We did exactly what you asked for, we did something about it. Now stop your crying and gtfo. Black is not ZI'ing anyone either. We have a lot of respect for SOS Brigade, and me and Arrnea have talked in private about this war. We will have no hard feelings over it, its war.
  20. Thats low. They have never once talked down on you guys. I hope they destroy YOU.
  21. 35,210 was our start off NS, our current NS is 43,399, so a gain of 8,189. I have a spreadsheet for it too. Thanks for these updates, they are awesome.
  22. That doesn't mean anything. Anyone can come up with "facts and evidence" by providing fake logs or photoshopped pictures. And really, history repeats itself. You attacked MHA last round for being the biggest (behind TPF), now FB is the biggest, what secures them from getting the same fate?
  23. TPF/TPH: 175 /39 LE/FARK: 171 / 11 Looks like there doing it so far. Also, looks like your alliance is the one crying right now. So :lol1:
  24. SOS Brigade: 22 /7 Black: 24/ 5 a difference of 4 unanarchied to Judgement What does the 4 unanarchied mean? Also I agree, pin would be awesome
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