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Everything posted by rtellez06

  1. Someone spied on me and dropped me to Defcon 3 It was fun though, next time we might get to go play with toys
  2. I know, look at the end of the post, it says you wrote it and posted it Also it was kind of hard to not get into anarchy when I wake up to 31 messages
  3. o/ Black o/ SOS o/ AI Good fight! Also, FIRST!
  4. Enjoy the flag, I spent HOURS on it. Anyways, Black, SOS Brigade, and Aeonic Imperium have all agreed to peace with the following terms: All 3 alliances agree to peace out. We are all going to a bar, SOS pays 80% of tab, AI pays 20% of tab, and Black pays the gratuity of 18% Mutual Non-Aggression and Co-operation for 4 weeks. We will not attack each other, and will protect each other during a rebuilding period of 4 weeks. That being said, we at Black bought 2 bottles of juice for Itsuki-sama because he doesn't drink alcohol. I also ate Itsuki-sama's smoked sandwich. We also agree that me and Infidel Israeli get to keep talking trash about our wars, but don't get to act out on them. For example: I just pwned your face in! Signed by: Black: Mathias, Trium Co God Ben, Trium Doch, Trium SOS Brigade: Arrnea, Brigade Chief and Ultra Director Aeonic Imperium: Infidel Israeli, Trium Itsuki-Sama, Trium PS: I didn't really write this or post this, Infidel did since he called dibs
  5. We (Black and AI) have made terms, we are waiting for you to approve
  6. Oh but you do. We do smell like victory! Or beer. One of the 2.
  7. AI and SOS smell. Thats why they won't give up. They also kick babies.
  8. Actually, PU NEVER asked UJA for help. In fact, PU wanted to fight it alone, UJA just jumped in to help them out
  9. JR doesn't exist anymore as long as WOLF doesn't exist. But the wars will continue until each member peaces, and I will definitely help out any JR member who needs it until the war is finished.
  10. Were all going to go grab a beer on your alliances dime, then part our wars. Meet up once in a while for some beers, again, on your alliances dime, and again part our ways. Repeat this about 6 more times. And Gabryal, you can say JR is trying to dictate how the game is played all you want, but everyone said this about WOLF when WOLF was created, you guys then asked everyone to do something about it. Complaining that someone did something about it and ruined the game is just ridiculous. You guys ALL begged us to do something about it, and now you guys are !@#$%*ing and moaning that someone hit you guys. Really?
  11. Woah. We did "curbstomp" SOS, as you can see their NS dropped a lot, and ours went up. Just because we have 39 nations listed, doesn't mean they were all sent to hit SOS. We probably have around 15-16 who hit SOS, and the rest were sitting for AI. And on top of that, we have an SOS member who is ghosting us which is kind of funny, but I doubt that the leaders of SOS know about it. And we haven't whined at all. You sir are the only one whining.
  12. There are no representatives. Go to the alliance you guys attacked, thats your only option. We have stated we are not a bloc or anything.
  13. Andrew, I don't condone what happened to you, but I have no say in that. I know exactly how you feel, my last alliance was out gunned, much worse then yours. But you have to realize, no one is going to show you sympathy right now if you have the simplest terms to get peace. WOLF has been disbanded, now ask for peace its that simple. You guys did get destroyed, I've been there, and no one showed us any sympathy. But the reason you guys are getting attacked is much different then Emperor Stranger's reason. Not only that, but your terms are a lot different then ES's.
  14. So this announcement is fake? CP, you were starting to earn some of my respect. But now its going back down. If you don't like their fake messages, don't stoop so low to their level, it just makes you look a lot less credible.
  15. o/ TBH <3 Eric Hope ya guys get the peace.
  16. You owe us beer. Till then WAR! lol j/k, we can take this to PM
  17. You should let them know they will get destroyed if they don't accept peace. And I'm not WOLF, I'm actually fighting WOLF because I'm wtfAWESOME! B) <---check out my stunner shades, I'll be wearing them when the fire of hell rains upon you
  18. Jeb, just give the guy peace. He admitted defeat, and thats all there is to it. You guys hit them first, don't forget that. And they do have plenty of backup, their backup is just occupied by the war thats using nations that total 100X your alliance size. I will also back up Emperor Stranger. I know how it feels like to get destroyed for no reason by being out numbered, my old alliance got hit 10-1. So peace or I will join in. And trust me, you don't want me to join in.
  19. Well can I borrow them? I was kidding, thats why I put the funny LOL guy Not by us
  20. Your in IAA? Your alliance is in Black, and your in SOS?
  21. Your bat can be 10X stronger then ours, which means nothing when you have no arms. We shall not only destroy your homes, but we shall steal your bases, balls, bats, and hopes and dreams.
  22. Alek smells funny. Tell him I said that.
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