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Overlord Klein

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About Overlord Klein

  • Birthday 10/04/1977

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Previous Fields

  • Nation Name
    Magnus Imperium
  • Alliance Name
    New Polar Order
  • Resource 1
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Overlord Klein's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thank you Rok. Honorable as always. I have nothing but the utmost respect for you.
  2. Wait, when you say "payment negotiable" are you referring to in game payment only, or are we talking a paypal transfer?
  3. I was a diplomat to (green) GUN for Polar during the BLEU conflict and for quite some time before that as well. I remember my time working with them as one of my more pleasant experiences on Bob, and even during the conflict I remember them as being professional and downright pleasant. I even remember someone posting birthday wishes for me on one of the spam boards. I will always remember GUN as a respectable and organized alliance, full of good people. Its sad to see you go, and I wish you all the best wherever you end up.
  4. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1280380137' post='2393600'] Congrats guys! Also your nine's look funny [/quote] I don't think those were nines, I think it was meant to read "ob-ol-zoog" followed by "zz-oy-og" and then "zb-ll-zoog" I just assumed it was some kind of non-American foreign type language.
  5. Another neat fact about Bourbon is that it was named after Bourbon County, Kentucky where it was originally produced (Not to be confused with Bourbon County, Kansas) I used to be a big Makers fan myself before I tried Woodford Reserve, which for the same $25-$30 I found to be considerably better.
  6. Good luck Key, I hope it all works out well for you.
  7. I love RV, not just his posts, but the way people talk about him. I remember years ago, people in the higher up areas in Pacifica actually talking about RV as if he were insane, or as if he had went insane. Its been too long ago now for me to remember details clearly, (I think it was early Dilber era, certainly well before Moo)but the seriousness of it, the idea that it was not a joke, is something I cannot easily forget. The reactions that RV can sometimes bring out of people is enough to make me vote "makes the world a better place" Perhaps turning him up a notch may even make the effect better?
  8. As I was reading the story, I was pulling for bird poo, but I suppose cockroach is okay too. I suppose it wasn't a bad way to go for the little guy, better than being squished.
  9. Part of me didn't want to believe it was true, even with everyone telling me it was. Its quite a disappointment.
  10. Excellent commentary today as usual. It literally took me a few seconds to register the "MHA gains ground on sparta in the race to NpO" part. Then, once I picked up on it, I realized the genius of it all.
  11. I was in the Pacific Order from my nations creation until August of '07. (The Moldavi incident) It was some good times. My favorite thread was an argument about assault rifles, and which one was better, for our firearm of the month.
  12. They did? I seem to remember personally giving a good deal of tech to TOP nations as part of "tech reparations" just a few short months ago. Has history changed already? Perhaps myself and all of the banks of the Polar Order were donating all of the tech their nations had out of the goodness of their hearts?
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