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Posts posted by Kortal

  1. Nice charter, in fact I remember admiring very similar ones a few times in the recent past for a few other alliances you started and disbanded before deleting yourself and starting anew.

    You've a very curious manner of alliance development Ser- er, Cinzia. Although I suppose you're probably used to so many names by now it doesn't really matter ;)

    Is there any reason you weren't satisfied with Ceredigion http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=38736 or the others?

  2. I'm not "White".

    I'm a German-Italian from Argentina, European in a broader term if you'll "classify" me.

    "White" is a word I consider insulting, I'm not just a color.

    Sorry i didn't have time to grab my wall paint sample cards. How does ochre sound to you?

    Either way I'm sure you lived a life of hardships because of the discrimination.

  3. I for one applaud the OP and his alliance. When someone steps out of line so grossly and with such utter disregard for CN(and human beings in general possibly) as to send a message to a nation they need to be called on it. Swiftly and in the most public manner possible. Multiple times preferably.

    I'm proud of you.

  4. If you mean in the grander view, in which similar cancellations have occurred since the UJW, then no, I haven't ignored them. All the past ones have been equally annoying. I just haven't spoken up of them, either because I was busy, or the politics of those simply weren't as interesting as the classic GATO-Order conflict.

    If you mean on GATO's part, I mean in the interest of defense. I would've expected GATO to come defend CPCN should their positions have been switched.

    You clearly aren't familiar with GATO then.

  5. 'Twas merely a prediction. I have no power over what CPCN can and cannot do. If they manage to sign more treaties, then good on them. Most of the voices in this room do not make this such a certain event, however.

    To set the record straight, if CPCN found itself in the same position, and we were charged with their defense, then I would not argue that. I'm merely saying, not just in CPCN's case, but in the general sense, it takes two signatures to sign an MDP. GATO's may have been tainted, but CPCN's was not. I suppose I was only hoping that they would exemplify that. 'Tis all.

    The sentiment is an understandable one, even one I agree with, but trying to hold CPCN to such standards and ignoring whenever another alliance does the same thing is a bit odd.

  6. People questioning OFS' right to activate their treaty are living in the cybernations of years past. Regardless of who attacks/who's attacked, OFS can jump in at any time, being sovereign to no one else. Whether or not they'll choose to do so of course remains to be seen.

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