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Posts posted by Kortal

  1. Do you speak for LUE 2.0 as a whole, or are you merely intending to endanger yourself by continually trolling?

    Let me repeat an important point, since you seem to be hard of hearing: neither TPF nor NoV owe you an explanation.

    If you wish to continue in this manner, please do it on your own forum. Trolling NoV and TPF at the same time is only foolhardy, since neither alliance is famous for having an especially long fuse.


    Ummm. I apologize?

    Edit: For those that do feel that I'm trolling here, these are of course my opinions, not MK's.

    I will ask you to give me the benefit of the doubt and not just assume that I'm trolling simply because my opinions differ from your own. The post you quoted for example was one in which I quoted another person and expressed my support of their position.

  2. IMHO, it is not a criminal act to not notify an alliance that they have a spy/mole. If I had information that NoV had a spy, I have no obligation to inform them as there is no treaty that obligates me to inform them. While most treaties have a section that obligates the signatories to inform the other of any espionage and common courtesy in CyberNations is to inform an alliance; it is only courtesy to do so, not an obligation. No where does it say that a 3rd party must inform an alliance of spying by another alliance. The alliance that is getting spied on might take offense but it should make for a weak casus belli.

    Disclaimer: I have no knowledge of any spying. The above is a hypothetical situation used to illustrate my opinion. Also, I am voicing my personal opinion. <--Attempt to stop flaming before it starts.


    Its generally considered polite for alliances to warn other alliances if they have information about a potential threat, but hardly mandatory.

  3. Please explain why LUE 2.0 even cares about this, apart from the fact that you guys sure seem to enjoy trolling. *points to multiple NoV-related threads*

    Well, I'm not sure who this LUE 2.0 is but if I see them I'll ask them. As to my alliance, I don't think they do care about this. Nice of you to ask though.

    Although we do have a reason to as one of our former gov. members was accused of spying in that "spy ring" post by one of your members with absolutely no evidence to go on, and I myself was threatened with war for voicing my opinions.

    Troll elsewhere please.

    Edit: Current gov. member actually. Results just came in.

  4. Who the hell are you to question the governments of NoV and TPF? You have no reason to see the evidence, TPF did, we showed TPF, not you. go troll somewhere else

    I never asked to see the evidence. I only asked if what was posted here was used to implicate Freddy. Funny how you're the one calling me a troll :rolleyes:

    It would be nice to remember that while your opinions might not always be shared by your chosen alliance, you're still a face for said alliance, and should act accordingly. NOW YOU KNOW.

  5. No it was not, we finaly got evidence it took all of one minute to confirm and take care of it.

    I'm not sure what your "it was not" was directed towards. If it was concerning the evidence, then yes, by itself, this was ridiculous. I'm not sure what he showed you guys for you to actualy take him seriously, but I hope it was more than what he posted here.

  6. Going rogue by itself? GKC.

    But Vader is believed to be still around today. In fact, depending on who you ask, he may or may not be responsible for the current war between LSF and NoV.

    And whether or not that's true, even if Vader moved on from CN months ago, the fact that people are still attributing major events with him is a laudable achievement in my eyes.

  7. Craig,

    You know very well that LSF is made up of losers. Whyelse would their big nations go on peace mode, whilst the little nations of LSF are destroyed. I have respect for you and your nation Craig, but not the LSF. You are a stand up guy Craig. I have learned much by reading these forums. The LSF is made up of kindergarten mentalities. You should surrender and ask NoV for mercy! Why be destroyed for a loser alliance that does not care about its members.

    1. NO Aid to mid-lower members that are in the fight

    2. No strategy to end this war

    3. LSF members on peace mode that are taking cheap shots at NoV and her allies in this struggle, whilst the membership is destroyed.

    You know FEAR is helping NoV because of treaty obligations. FEAR and NV are not puppets of any alliance. We are very good friends with NoV.



    HAIL NoV

    Alliances making Cybernations a little safer!



    You just took a looooong time to tell us "I don't like LSF and they use CN tactics that have been proven effective by many other alliances"

    Edit: Well, except for the not sending aid of course, but you can't expect them to have huge banks in a war they weren't prepared for.

  8. I myself have been working for Legion for months and nobody suspects a thing.......... oops. Uh death to spies and such.

    Out of curiosity, you're certain of the information that RZ provided you with? I ask only because he recently attempted to prove that an MK member was a spy, and the "evidence" he used was quickly shown to be false.

  9. Alright, I'm not saying he shouldn't have tried his damnedest to keep it in private channels. I haven't been involved in this drama. If he tried private channels and they didn't work, then I don't blame him for making this thread. I don't care that much either way, it's dealt with. It's ancient history.

    Canik, your loyalty is misplaced in this case. Let it go.

    The evidence that was posted here was laughable, and I sincerely hope this wasn't what caused TPF to kick Freddy.

    Fail thread.

  10. Done is Done, we appricate TPF's handling of the matter on there end. in listening and reviewing the evidence. and acting on it in an apropriet manner. I have had the opportunity to work with slayer in the past on matters and its always went smoothly.

    This said, how our man handled his end, in the wake of the ooc attacks on him i cant entirely fault him for being a but in a testy frame of mind.. done is done, the matter is dealt with and solved.. no matter how it was brought to light.

    continued berating of one of our members is not advised.. let it go.

    Perhaps if NoV would try to control some of the things that this guy put onto these forums, people would be less likely to insult his intelligence.

    While this time he was apparently correct, the "spy ring" he exposed a day or two ago was laughable at best, and dangerously close to an act of an act of war. For those that don't know what I'm talking about, Reich Zealand accused quite a number of people, including someone who was an MK government member at the time of his post, with spying on NoV with very little evidence to go on.

    People rarely get second chances in CN, and I hope in the future you'll try to keep this guy from posting here. For all our sakes.

  11. :mellow: Correct. Many of our members have expressed concern for the lack of responsibility shown by Haraldur and tthis "Ring" of spies.

    I've found that there is often a remarkable difference in what people will say while on their own forums and what they'll say on the CN forums, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and not insult you for blindly accepting the "information" put here by NoV.

    @Craig: CPCN going out in a blaze of glory alongside LSF would be pointless. Especially because you guys are partly responsible for this incident.

    Yes, NoV was looking for a reason to attack you. Yes, the evidence they have is total BS. But a greater effort could have been put forth to diffuse the situation. Of course, hindsight is 20/20, but still, don't try to drag CPCN into this.

  12. He means NoV I'm guessing.

    No need to generalise here. NoV does not = nazi's.

    I merely stated a particular preference MK's puppy(what the hell does that even mean?) had developed.

  13. You what I don't understand? The fact that everyone here "knows" that the NoV was itching for war with LSF... and instead of LSF staying out of NoV's way... they dict with the NoV to see what they could get away with. And now, other then Peoples army making some "moving" speaches, the only thing we have accomplished is we made MK's puppy cry. I'm sorry MK's puppy.... :(

    Heil NoV


    'ware friend. MK's puppy has developed a taste for nazi lately...

  14. And again, we see that NoV can't control their members or the wild theories that they post in an apparent attempt to damage someone's reputation.

    Which leads one to ask how they can then justify an attack on LSF for not controlling their own members.

  15. Reich Zealand: Please, do us all a favor and stop posting these little conspiracy theories of yours.

    Also, does anyone else find it odd that not one, but two LSF spies suddenly have a change of heart, and then pass along information to some random NoV member who's not even a government member?

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