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Posts posted by Kortal

  1. after about a week you sign an mdoap?

    There's something wrong about that. Not that you did it, but that it doesn't seem the least bit out of place, because that's the sort of thing that still happens all the time. You get to know each other for a week and all of a sudden that means you can sign an mdoap.

    That's a little $%&@ed up. Again, nothing against either party, but just the fact that such a thing is so commonplace.

    Start a huge war in an unknown alliance's defense after being aware of their existence for a day? Awww yeah

    Treaty an alliance after working with them closely for a week? Whoa whoa whoa, moving a bit fast aren't we?

  2. I for one am shocked and outraged that \m/ allows techraids and attacks poor innocent alliances.

    Maybe if this thread gets to 30 pages by the end of the day they'll realize the error of their ways and allow all of us other cn alliances to dictate who they can and can't attack

    It may be our only hope right now :mellow:

  3. I prefer Harry Pollitt's flag, with the dove(based on some british party's iirc) though icsn's is nice enough

    Also all communist/socialist alliances are awful. No exceptions. Yes that includes you

  4. No I was Qeron back then and we've spoken several times more recently where that was disclosed and you're making me feel really forgettable now :'(((

    My self esteem is right here: _ atm

  5. Should never have destroyed Mattgfdafdasf(never would have thought I would forget that name way back then)'s "Why not the ICSN" article. That would have introduced the first ICSN much better.

    Later ones were pretty !@#$ty versions full of people ranging from incompetent to idiotic(not that the original lacked its fair share). Introduction of whichever versions of the ICSN into the ICP strengthened that alliance immeasurably but I'll always regret the moves as they really changed the alliance, and not always for the better. That said a lot of really good people were gained with each of those moves and they made the alliance much more legitimate, if oft unstable. Good times nonetheless

  6. The People of the Land of Kortal are thankful this day for this continued success of our most cherished alliance, Umbrella.

    Having been a part of this fine group for generations, we feel humbled by this continuation of greatness and look forward to many more such announcements gracing this fine hallowed place of discourse.

    We will drink tonight in celebration and our merrymaking will reach unrivaled levels of gaiety and good spirits.

    Umbrella, we salute you. And to the rest of our brothers in this world, we thank you for your continued well-wishing and ourselves wish you nothing but the best in these joyous times.

    With love and respect, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Alexandr Tarkatan, First of the noble twelve and beloved ruler of prosperous Kortal

  7. Its like you're not even trying to slam valhalla with massive reps representing every real or imagined transgression committed in the past(and lets not forget the future crimes!!) umbrella :mad:

    You sicken me.

    Kudos to Stumpy for this edifying piece on par with all other things he's contributed to this fine game, especially given the lack of dozens of other self-titled editorials gracing these and other boards. Well done sir.

  8. Those were peace terms. We've not been under those for awhile now. Nice try, though!

    You guys are surrendering to someone or other like every other week, who can keep track honestly?

    (But ehhh, dumb mistake on my part, you get first blood k?)

    General Specific its more the venue that makes this a tad less than respectful rather than the actual posts tbh

  9. He'd rather make mead jokes rather than own up to the fact he enabled noWedge as he went around bullying people IC and harassing them OOC.

    In his defense, the records of all those assault charges get unsealed if he makes direct reference to them. The legion ones alone would add up to something like a century in prison, better to be on the safe side.

  10. You're likely right.

    Just so you know Valhalla was quite excited to roll MK back when you were there, sadly their beloved noWedge could not deliver. He and chefjoe probably cried about their inability to roll you on Skype for hours.

    You just blew my mind. Nowedge, MK, the gravity present during the "moon landing", it all clicks into place.

    I will turn in my resignation at once. God bless you sir.

    Edit: I secretly admire you for your willingness to troll here and I hope you won't think less of me because I doubt that the moon landing actually happened maybe we can be friends still

  11. I am happy that TORN signed this treaty because I respect the leadership of MK and trust MK as an ally in that I know that they will ALWAYS be there for us if we need them (and the same is true for how they feel about us). I don't see how that relates to whether or not they or we are mature, or how politics in CN as a whole are maturing.

    I wasn't so much calling them immature as your comment irrelevant. :mellow:

    Well you're obviously very close to eachother and have a relationship quite fitting for MDP partners.

    I'm sorry I didn't recognize it sooner. I'll admit that MK shows neither maturity here nor simply a sense of well being but an expression of their commitment to TORN itself and a new way of going about their business.

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