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Posts posted by Kortal

  1. We made every effort to "control" our members without completely giving up on the concept of freedom. Our laws obligate us to expel or suspend offenders and we've acted upon these laws on several occasions. We actively encouraged people to post potential targets for approval before raiding, but requiring it would have been a logistical nightmare beyond our leadership's time availability. We're unlucky in raiding - that's the only thing I can truly come up with. We took every measure short of completely banning raids to "reign our members in" after it became a serious problem. We just hit the wrong people. PPF looked like a perfectly legitimate target. You would have to frequent these boards to realize the danger.

    Agreed on that point(the part about knowing who Opethian was that is). But instead of making excuses, you should be seeking surrender. As has been stated several times already in this thread, no one wants to see WAPA disbanded, or even crippled. I can understand your desire to fight to the bitter end, having experienced a similar urge a time or two myself, but it helps no one, and in the long run, hurts no one.

  2. So, Opethian - the CN superhero was attacked by a WAPA member. Our government were informed and agreed to pay reps and did so (within an hour). Then despite us meeting their demands, half the cyberworld descend on WAPA with knives, forks and toothpicks.

    Next, Sir Opethian of Heaven, cleaner than clean, first strike nukes. Alas, no outcry in the Cyberworld - what does that tell you?

    The good, honest people of WAPA are better off out of this corrupt, uncivilised cyberworld.

    Lets take as many with us as we can lads.

    I'm as much of a fan of heroic last stands as the next guy, but might I suggest taking a look at the post above yours?

  3. Sorry to see you go palachinov. Good luck IRL.

    And Silent: I'd like to direct your attention to RZ's post here(who palachinov said much worse things about and overall would have the most reason to troll). Regardless of his sincerity, that is the way to give a cheerful goodbye when someone decides to head to that big place in the clouds called RL.

  4. Remember everyone Communism is a economic type not a government. Most Communism states are Dictatorships.


    Also, sex orgy's are undeniable Scihobo. It is inevitable.

    Where are the supporters?

    Word on the street is that they're recruiting from the villainous pro-skub members of MK.

  5. It's the LSF...if it were anyone else I would have trouble believing too.

    Nahh...both alliances probably engaged in some level of spying, with the evidence against NoV being the strongest so far.

    The real question is this: what exactly does this change? No one is going to rush off to defend LSF nor is anyone currently attacking LSF going to drop out of the war even if LSF has complete logs and a signed confession from spy himself.


    While the spy ring that was posted was BS, it does appear that LSF had done some spying on NoV through other means.

    Both alliances spied, but NoV still wins.

    On a side note though, while NoV can justify this war, and perhaps even their spying, they do appear to have spied, and unless I'm more out of touch with the CN community then I thought, spying is still generally frowned upon, regardless of "justification".

    It would seem that both alliances contain relatively high levels of fail.

  6. LSF have been pulling the tigers tail for too long; now they are getting mauled its not a case of that they have gone out of their way to be asshats, been idiots in the past and indeed recently to NoV, no.... Its because they are communist and the evil NoV just want to kill them because they are communist.

    Seriously LSF - start playing a straight game, dont go out of your way to be asshats and everything will be fine. Dont play this 'OMFG WE IS GETTING ATTAKED CUZ WE IS COMMIE' rubbish when you have provoked such a response more than once. Unless you start playing ball and becoming a respectable alliance and stop playing this spying/undermining others rubbish you deserve what you get.

    OMG Im showing pity to LSF....... No wait...... False alarm; it was wind :blush:

    This man knows wut's wut.

  7. Yes you can. You should always have banking nations in an alliance. You have those nations banking for a purpose. To aid in war. Now who is going to say, "hey guys, btw, we are going to hit you in 7 day, you might wanna stock up." So , you should always be prepared for it. Period. And come on, they had at LEAST 3 days to prepare.

    fake edit: They should have been stocking up when they were condoning nuke rogue attacks. :awesome:

    Well, yes, everyone should have a decent bank at all times, but having a large enough bank during peacetime that can sustain one during a war with 3 alliances is incredibly difficult, esecially given LSF's size.

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