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Posts posted by Kortal

  1. And people wonder why NoV went to war with LSF...

    I know I do...

    And Anu: You seem to be a reasonable person normally, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and tell you to try to read up on the situation before commenting on it, rather than seeing "LSF, nuke, and spy's" in the same sentence and immediately spouting off some accusation against them.

  2. That LSF rogue should never have nuked Reich Zealand and Acamas. This was an act of war and possibly sanctioned by the LSF. Still, as a Nordlander, I think that this should have been solved diplomatically. Eventhough I find the nuking extremely distasteful... forcing the LSF to pay very high reperations should have been more then adequate to those that had been on the receiving end of that rogue. Turning the other cheek would have been considerably more honourable then wage a war of destruction.

    A war in which many of you, socialists and us Nordlanders will face economic ruin or ZI. There are no victors in war, only those that are in peace mode.

    I don't want to end my rant with the oldfashioned "Hail NoV", a "Hail Peace" would be more appropriate.

    I think you may be in the wrong alliance.

    And Vinzent: Palachinov never said LSF never attacked people for their ideology. But when LSF did it, they at least were open about it, rather than trying to come up with some random reasons.

  3. He means Yasha is a loudmouth who didn't learn his lesson the first time we taught him, and your alliance is a joke.

    Archon is okay, though. In small doses.

    I was actually a little confused as to why this particular topic came up in this thread.

    As to the joke comment: We try.

  4. Again no. NoV has never been spied on by LSF. They did however have an adminspy (or former member who happened to disclose the info :rolleyes:).

    Quoted because people keep throwing around this BS(the spying bit, not what Peder said).

    LSF did NOT spy on NoV. The last "spying", if you can call it that, was done back in April, when the election results of one of NoR's government positions was posted.


  5. I'd just like to point out that in the topic regarding the so called "spy ring" yesterday by Molloy, a NoV gov. member repeatedly stated that the thread was not sanctioned by NoV and that NoV could not control what Molloy posted.

    And now NoV is attacking LSF for not being able to control its members.

    GG NoV.

  6. There are so many things wrong with this, I don't even want to get into it.

    But I will anyways.

    The nuke rogue bit from the OP is BS. If a NoV member had posted a similar message at NoV's forums stating that they were planning to nuke Haraldur, or someone, do you honestly expect us to believe that you would warn LSF?

    And as to the spying bit, you're attacking LSF for spying on another alliance(NoR)?

  7. I stated that Comrade Molloy's findings were posted of his own volition and were not officially from the government of the Verein. Nowhere did I state that said findings would not be taken into account.

    What findings? You mean an old forum where the last spying was done in april against a different alliance?

  8. I saw the thread before it was wiped clean Vinzent. There was no evidence showing that Trotsky was part of this spy ring except for a thread entitled "Trotsky" in which his name is brought up and then dismissed as a potential member.


  9. @ Qeron, Hyperion: Don't play dumb. For the accusations, check about half of the posts past page one of the other thread.

    Of which MK government member do you speak?

    Who's playing dumb? I've outrightly accused the guy of slandering(again, libel, but there's no verb for that) one of MK's government members(not to mention threatening me with war).

    I find it very ironic that NoV is threatening LSF with war for not being able to control its members when it clearly has no control over its own.

  10. While the math skills of the OP seem to be a little off here, he does bring up a good point.

    And that is, that everyone makes these kind of jokes on their off-forums boards. LSF just happened to be the ones who were caught doing it.

  11. I'm saying that this thread is not endorsed by the government of the Verein. Reich Zealand does not speak on behalf of the Verein.

    This would seem to exonerate LSF then, as their claim is that a few members posted some advice, so the alliance as a whole shouldn't be held accountable.

  12. Please go check the MDP web, and then get back to me. You're not doing COG any favours with your words here.

    And actually NoV did not libel anyone here. This thread is not NoV's doing, it was the doing of someone who happens to be a mid-level officer in the Verein. In fact, the ridiculous suggestion that NoV were the ones spying was made in this thread on numerous counts.

    So you're saying that NoV isn't responsible because its only a lower rank NoV member that posted it?

    Because that would seem to exonerate LSF in the rogue incident :rolleyes:

  13. There do seem to be a disproportionate number of ex-ICP, ex-LSF, LSF, etc. trolls here.

    In this thread, NoV has slandered(libel I actually, but you really can't make that into a verb) the names of a lot of people(including an MK gov. member) and threatened to attack someone(me) for their opinions.

    But yes, we're the trolls :rolleyes:

  14. ok, well if HoG won't help them, there's not much LSF can do.

    Unless by come miraculous action MK swoops in to save the day....

    Why would MK help LSF? We have no treaties with them...

    Though I for one dislike being threatened with war for my opinions...

    You obviously didn't read the forum posted in the OP. It's not my fault NKOS swept through and deleted all the evidence, now kindly cease your trolling.

    Oh, I read the forum. There was no memberlist. If you have one, please share it with the rest of us.

  15. I'll always support LSF over NoV. Gonna do any thing about it? Is it worth starting a crapfest over? No.

    Anyways, the fact that this info wasn't posted by the Kaiser leads me to believe the whole thing is suspect. If NoV truely had this all planned out, it would have been posted by the Kaiser himself, in a much more eloquent fashion.

    Also, the absense of any sort of memberlist besides the one you have provided makes it seem like you just threw a list of promiment LSF members together.

    I was in LSF for months, and never heard of it. I think they'd have at least approached me if this had been active in the last 5 months.

    eh. Basically what needs to be addressed is in this post here. Especially the apparent lack of a memberlist on those boards. Hopefully someone a bit higher in the chain of command will post soon.

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