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Posts posted by Dawny

  1. For the record, and for most of you numbnuts, the ODN is NOT planning to attack NPO. Nor Valhalla. Nor anyone, for that matter.

    i thought that bit was obvious, particularly when trog said this bit:

    [20:54] trogdor439: i told NPO and Valhalla ODN was planingon attacking them

    [20:54] trogdor439: but it was not true

  2. how come i dont the see the names of the ODN bank nations that he supposedly mentioned :rolleyes:
    Yeah, one nation about an hour ago...oh and he has enough nukes to start a nice bonfire assuming he plans on coming back to his nation...(9 Days Inactive)

    Could be he was just waiting to collect....for what, who knows.

    ODN asked us to leave 2 slots for them. Or Invicta would have made more declarations by now. We understand that trogdor's offences are against ODN, and are working with their wishes on this.

    As for disclosing the names of the bankers further.... if i had those names i would not post them (that would only add to the leak!)

  3. trogdor439 recently joined Invicta after leaving ODN. As he was a friend of the alliance for some time Invicta did not question his application and accepted him with open arms. ODN then approached me with concerns that he may have been involved in leaking some sensitive info. Invicta immediatly began an internal investigation into trogdor439, and he was charged with 2 offences:

    - leaking sensitive ODN info

    - inciting war

    The investigation has been ongoing for a few days. And whilst trogdor initially protested his innocence, after the proof started coming in, trogdor admitted both of these offences. See these extracts from an IRC convo with trog:

    [20:54] trogdor439: i told NPO and Valhalla ODN was planingon attacking them

    [20:54] trogdor439: but it was not true

    [20:59] trogdor439: i gave NPO a full list of ODN bank nations

    [21:00] trogdor439: if they were to go to war

    [21:00] trogdor439: NPO would know exactly who to hit

    [21:00] trogdor439: i was increadbly stupid

    Despite trogdor asking if there is anyway he can make up for this, Invicta have taken the view that such acts of espionage and blatant disregard for the rules all alliances go by are unacceptable. Invicta has removed trogdor from our ranks. We will work with ODN (and NPO and Valhalla if they request it) in repairing this mess in whatever way we can.

    Invicta's official stand on any act of espionage, regardless of how regretted it is after, is that it is not acceptable and we will act against it whenever we discover it. We hope other alliances will take a similar view.

  4. So one day, after some discussions about who was going to get into who's shower, Invicta and STA discovered that actually they quite like each other (despite the original assumption that the Invicta horse would get eaten up by the siberian tigers). The more they talked the more they thought each other was fairly cool guys, and so in the bid to start something really truely special they decided to put pen to paper.

    So if you care at all have a look:

    White Horse Agreement

    Treaty of Peace, Intelligence, and Aid


    In honour of the long developed relationship between The Siberian Tiger Alliance (STA) and Invicta, we hereby agree to the following terms.

    Section I

    The governments and constituent members of the signatory alliances remain sovereign from each other.

    Section II

    The below signed agree not to authorize or condone attacks by a member of one signatory on another. If a nation is found to be in violation of this they will be ordered to offer peace and pay reparations equal to the damages done. Should the offending nation refuse either peace or reparations they are declared a rogue and no longer a member of their alliance.

    Section III

    Members of Invicta and STA agree to remain civil to each other, especially in public forums.

    Section IV

    Part A: Neither alliance will conduct or condone espionage against the other.

    Part B: If a signatory obtains information regarding a direct threat to the other signatory, they will immediately notify the government of the other alliance, providing the relevant information. The source may be disclosed at the original recipient’s discretion.

    Section V

    Should a signatory alliance find itself in a defensive war, the other signatory is encouraged to provide military and/or financial aid where possible. Such aid, while desirable, is not mandatory.

    Section VI

    Should the need be found to cancel this treaty, the cancelling alliance will provide written notification to the other alliance 48 hours prior to enforcement of the cancellation.



    Dawny of NewDawnland - President

    Atlashill of Kansouri - Secretary of State

    Siberian Tiger Alliance

    Crown Prince Mishka of Tygaland (Supreme Chancellor)

    Rocco31fb of Nation of Rawk (Chancellor)

    Shardie (Secretary to the Supreme Chancellor)

    Nicky Firenight of Zulchep (Consilium Tigris)

    Boomhower of Octoid (Consilium Tigris)

    Lammoth of Condatis (Consilium Tigris)

    Dirol of The Jin Dynasty (Consilium Tigris)

    Uhtred of Norse (Consilium Tigris)

    tl; dr = Invicta and STA sign a PIAT and quite like each other. That is all.

  5. Seriously the whole looking for sympathy from the rest of CN gets old guys. When will you idiots learn? You wrong an alliance and then come and piss them off more by plagueing the rest of CN with your woes? Very few of us are likely to believe that such a respected alliance as NATO, or such an honourable leader as Anu, would behave in any way other than reasonable. So back to PRIVATE CHANNELS FTW and try to remember that next time..... dont go messing with alliances in the first place (then you wont have to complain when retribution comes down on your sorry self!).

    :wub: NATO

    :wub: Anu

    :wub: Buffalo

  6. one question is there any solid proves from both side without it this whole thing is point less. you have show some evidence that you gave him 3 million and he ran off and he betrayed if you can do that then you can do w/e u want with him or else let him go. And Gilly please find another alliance if you are proven innocent or get some ally who can support you

    gilly is not denying any of it. he admits everything i am unhappy with. he even admits he owes us the money and wont pay it back. he is only upset with my chosen course of action. do catch up.

    oh and for the record his title is 'i was wrongly ZI'd'. he has not yet been ZI'd. not yet anyway. and if he comes to find me he can still negotiate this.

  7. How can you be so cruel to someone who did what he thought was right? We live in the 21st century, yet we reduce or selves to sheer barbarianism. Dawny, call off the attacks, and end this. Gilly, although you committed some wrongs, I believe that you did some right in the process.

    sol you are a reasonable guy and always have been. i appreciate you are trying to mediate here. but only gilly can approach me for peace now. and i would be willing to negotiate it still. but last time he asked for peace he called me a !@#$%^ 3 times, so i ended the talks. funny that.

  8. Its all a very long story. But this is a classic example of someone who has screwed up and come to CN crying for help. Dont fall for it.

    For reasons too long to explain Invicta was under orders to withold votes this senate election. Gilly went against this and sold his vote for a large amount of money. When the ban was lifted and voting began again Gilly had to come clean. I asked him for the name of the person he sold his vote to and he refused to give it. I stated it would result in a court martial process to investigate his intergrity (as it screamed potential spy to me) and he refused. I explained that by refusing to co-operate he would be banned from the alliance. He still refused. So he was booted from Invicta for disobeying direct orders and acting in a manner unbecoming of one of the undefeated. He becamse bitter and threw insults around, and stated he would not re-pay 3 million he owed to the alliance. I informed him that is he refused to re-pay what he owed, he would face war. He continued to refuse. So attacks were made.

    And the guy wonders why this all happened? Dont fall for his victim act. He was given a stupid amount of chances to sort it out. Not to mention he has committed previous offences within the alliance of stealing aid. But on that previous occasion i forgave him and let him work it back. I'd be a fool to keep over-looking such indiscretions. Invicta demands loyalty, honesty and integrity. Anyone that falls short of those standards is welcome to !@#$%* and complain to CN about their removal, but it makes no difference to the situation

  9. /me actually takes the time to read the NAP posted and comes to a certain realisation. She realises it is in fact the very same NAP she signed, just not formatted.

    /me humbly apologises to NSF and to AlexLenin.

    argh i'm human afterall! when did that happen!?!?!?

    seriously, doh on my part.

  10. The founders of the alliance Invicta (myself and DoubleU) were once leaders of Novus Orbus. For one reason or another we left and started our own alliance. There was a time when Invicta and Novus Orbus did not get along to well. NO felt abandoned, and Invicta felt shunned. But it didn't take long for both sides to put these thoughts aside and start working together. Time went on and we viewed ourselves sister (or brother) alliances. And now the next step in our friendship has come along.

    Novus Orbus is officially merging into Invicta. All NO members will be changing their AA and flying the Invicta flag. For the slower members of NO, Invicta will grant them 7 days protection for them to change their AA. Both NO and Invicta are very excited about this new move, and we look forward to spamming a forum near you!


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