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Everything posted by Dawny

  1. Cos i made friends. Oh and i met Atlashill :wub:
  2. I was a member of Novus Orbus, who apparently were protected by NoR. That was until of course we complained of racist material on the forums and then were unceremoniously dumped and watched as NoR tried to destroy us for accusing them to be what they later admitted. So yeah happy times.... um not. Good riddance.
  3. Seriously can purple get any secksier!? I think not o/ Everyone who has a secret purple fetish o/ The New Invicta!
  4. Best you all get over and check out how much cooler we just got All hail the undefeated!
  5. Well said Anu. I have every faith in Buffy and his friends to create an awesome alliance, and they will have NATO to thank for such a good grounding. Looking forward to seeing both Olympus and NATO on this thread together Also yay for purple
  6. I tried to join an alliance but goofed up the process so spent the first month alone and not doing very well. Then i joined a really small alliance and before long found myself part of the government and having to save up for days in order to pay the 20k we used to offer new members (so i never grew). One day i heard about this new fad call tech raiding and how people were making money. So i went to give it a go but misread the american date system and accidentally attacked someone only 3 days inactive as opposed to 15 which was what i thought. Of course he came back and destroyed me. I'd like to say i made only mistakes as a noob, but i still do them occasionally. Like forgetting to buy the labour camps BEFORE paying bills. Also i delayed for stupidly long in starting back collecting, and i started after it was not as good for you. I never sold tech and donated to my nation when it was young. Basically if there is a mistake i made it. This thread makes me lol cos its nice to know i'm not alone.
  7. Uh oh. Haf its time to get those special rocket booster skates out i told you about
  8. A member of my alliance appears to have declared a war, then gone away for a few days. This means he has not attacked the nation he declared on, and the victim offered peace immediatly and hasn't attacked either whilst he is waiting for peace to be accepted. This has been flagged for possible war slot filling. Now the victim nation (not in my alliance) has asked me if he can attack my member to prevent him getting into trouble for war slot filling. Obviously i'd rather he didn't, and to be honest he only wants peace. But i don't want anyone getting into trouble for war slot filling. So basically.... are we forced into attacking here? Bear in mind the victim has 2 other defensive war slots open and this is the attackers only war, so its hardly slot filling.
  9. This won't last forever. Give us time
  10. ARGH! How did this happen? Thats it i'm off to flog a few people!
  11. Sorry Logan, we all just get sooooooo excited! This thread FTW
  12. i have nothing to comment on your post, but i love your avatar! Dawny sings 'quiet down now, yes its time to watch the show, look its starting, dont go licking me no more, matter of fact could you get me a handy wiiiippe' Oh the joy. Also where is teh update??
  13. I love you Logan <3 I also love this thread <3
  14. I take this as a challenge o/ Invicta! Lets get to it
  15. Great move on pinning this thread. Well worth it. Also o/ Invicta (we made the commentary... yay!)
  16. I give it 2 or 3 days max till Invicta passes Legion woot!
  17. The NADC loss must be close to a record for the biggest loss ever surely.
  18. i second this. i need today's fix
  19. Somewhere along the line i realised i became addicted to this thread. Its the first one i check!
  20. Very much in agreement, also appreciate this since i am the president of Invicta and we are near the bottom! (Not for long though!)
  21. Dawny

    Trade Bug

    I have had a very long term trade with this nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=25888 He is a good friend of mine and he has not been on his nation for a few days. Yet today i discovered that our trade agreement disappeared, and i had no message to say he cancelled it. I checked his nation and it would seem every single one of his trades have disappeared! He would not have done this, and even if he had i should have had a message surely? I suspect either he was hacked or its a bug. Can you help?
  22. Its all just so awesome! Invicta rocks!
  23. Um even i got lazy! Bumping FTW Invicta FTW
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