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Posts posted by Dawny

  1. What genius ideas are coming out of Invicta?

    Um let me see.

    Well first of all we have allies who trust us and would fight at our side at the drop of a hat.

    Second the alliance is less than a year old and already at 2.5 mill NS and around 250 ish members.

    Thirdly majority of Invicta have made great friendships while belonging to the alliance, a fact i am very proud of.

    Ok i'll admit, i dont go round thinking up secret fake wars as ways of avoiding treaty obligations, but then i dont go signing treatys i don't plan on honouring in the first place. So who is the real idiot?

    Anyway, if you think you are such a success at this game, its no skin off my nose. I guess success is subjective anyway. All i see here is you saying 'i did it for good reason' and everyone else saying 'yeah well you are a misguided fool'.

    EDIT: Oh PS, i had the genius idea of NOT attacking my own members. I think that one deserves browny points.

  2. Once again, we were not "getting out" of a war - we were delaying another war.

    Tell that to the Browncoats members who were destroyed at your request. Your betrayal is all the more sickening because you betrayed those you should be closest to.

    Thing is even a cursory examination of how the sides were shaping up absolutely precluded this from ever coming close to great war status. Every single power in the Cyberverse has landed on the same side of this and every time someone new enters on the other side, a small avalanche of new alliances declare on that alliance. The number of alliances entering on the GATO side is extremely limited and we still have vast armies waiting in the wings should someone else join the fun. If this was to prevent a Great War, it was wasted effort.

    I echo this. Your delusions of grandeur are exactly that. You neither saved CN nor prevented anything. You kid yourself, but hey if thats what helps you sleep at night for turning in your own then so be it.

    Some people are just too short-sighted to appreciate the selflessness and sheer brilliance of this whole thing. I for one appreciate what both zzz and schatt did, and they are each an asset to the black sphere. Troll, flame, threaten them, whatever makes you feel good-- chances are you'll never pull off something so incredibly awesome.

    So brilliant all of CN got to hear about it and now both BDC and BC stand ridiculed and mistrusted. TOP GENIUS IDEA GUYS!

  3. Kyra watches ChairmanHal from the balcony window over looking the pool. She seems him pick up his cell phone, dial a couple of numbers, then lay back in his recliner laughing.

    Puzzled, she walks outside to the pool to find out what is so funny.

    "Ok, you've been sitting there chuckling for the past 5 minutes. What have you done?"

    "Nothing...important," with that ChairmanHal broke out into laughter again.

    "Now see here," Kyra leaned in close over the still shaking ChairmanHal. The last time you were laughing this much after making a phone call, several hundred gallons of quality rum were reported stolen from a Polaris warehouse. Fess up."

    "Let's just say that Invicta Headquarters will be receiving a few pizzas in about 45 minutes."

    "A few pizzas? Very generous of you. Wait a minute...you never order pizz...what have you done?!"

    "Ok, a few thousand. With extra Cheese."

    "Hal! If those poor people actually eat those pizzas, it will slow them down to a crawl."

    "That was kinda of the plan, Kyra," said ChairmanHal with a wink.

    The cell phone rang.

    "You best hope that isn't the pizza delivery people calling to confirm the order," said Kyra.

    "Nahh, the number is blocked and...uh-oh." ChairmanHal looked at the display on the caller ID. "I have to go."

    "Like right now? I making that pasta dish you found last night on the Internet," said Kyra. "Besides, it's my turn to cook and seems like every time it's my turn to cook you get called away."

    "This...conversation will have to wait as well as the pasta, sorry baby." ChairmanHal answered his cell phone. After several minutes of conversation, he stood up, hung up the call, kissed Kyra deeply taking her a bit by surprise and started walking briskly toward the house.

    A tear rolled down Kyra's cheek. "God damn it, you better make it home in one piece."


    *Dawny breaks out the drinks and holds a pizza party in #Invicta!

    *Dawny makes sure to gobble up as much pizza as she can.

  4. I want to talk about this as a serious question, from what i gather the current idea is the game has become dull because of the shear number of Defense pacts that currently exist. That point is notable, it makes it unlikely that one of the major players will go to war, in a attempt to claim power. Another good point it makes is that regardless of actions of your alliances, as long as you don't cross the wrong people you have nothing to worry about.

    I disagree. In fact it makes it more like the position the real world is in. War should not be something taken lightly, since even the victor often suffers damage and losses. I like how complicated the game has become, and i don't think it makes it boring at all. It makes foreign affairs a much bigger aspect of the game, and it is indicative of real life that things would be complicated. In all honesty, i think anyone that gives this argument just finds the game too hard, and has decided to blame whoever is a superpower for it.

  5. Anyone that would like to support either side can send aid to certain nations.

    If you would like to support Ragnarok send here

    If you would like to support Invicta send here

    If you couldn't tell, the above is a joke. That being said, I will accept your aid (and probably forward it to someone else).

    this one is a cheeky one :P


  6. Emperorflag.JPGInvicta_Flag-1.png

    Chevaux-de-Frise Accord

    The Chevaux-de-Frise was a french military defence structure designed to halt cavalry charges with large spikes, it was an innovation because it was moveable depending where the need for defence was. In honour of innovative and historical defensive inventions, Invicta and the New Pacific Order have decided to enter into a treaty. This accord states that both Invicta and the New Pacific Order agree that if ever either need a little extra help when it comes to defensive structures, the other will turn up with the very latest in medieval weaponry and say 'now go away or i shall taunt you a second time!'.

    NPO-Invicta Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact


    As sovereign alliances bound by common purpose and friendship, New Pacific Order (NPO) and Invicta have for a long time shared good relations. In order to solidify those relations, both alliances do hereby proclaim that they shall co-operate in times of war to ensure their mutual defence.

    ARTICLE I - Mutual Friendship

    Both the NPO and Invicta agree to not flame, bait or outright insult each other - be it in a public or private venue - but rather act in a respectful manner, even if the other party may have offended them in whatever way.

    ARTICLE II - Intelligence

    Both signatories agree to share any intelligence they have obtained and that could prove useful or vital to the other. Helping one another in counter-espionage is vital to ensure the safety of both signatories, therefore the NPO and Invicta will do everything possible to protect their partner from espionage. If either signatory alliance collects intelligence regarding a security breach or a credible threat concerning the other signatory alliance, the acquiring signatory alliance will convey all pertinent information in their possession to the other signatory alliance. However, information provided by third parties, which are bound to one of the signatories by other agreements and have declared said information as "confidential", cannot be shared without explicit permission of these third parties.

    ARTICLE III - Non-Aggression

    Both signatories agree to not, under any circumstances, attack any member of the other party. Should a member launch an attack on a signatory, the offender's alliance is responsible for stopping the attacks immediately and offering adequate reparations.

    ARTICLE IV - Mutual Defense

    Should any of the signatories come under the attack of any third party, they may request assistance by the other signatory to repel said attack. Both signatories must obey said request for assistance with financial aid and/or military action.

    ARTICLE V - Optional Mutual Aggression

    Both signatories may request the other to jointly enter a war with any third party or request funding for said war. Following the request is, however, voluntarily.

    ARTICLE VI - Cancellation

    If a signatory decides to cancel this agreement, it must give the other party 72 hours notice prior to the official cancellation.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned alliances have signed this Treaty.

    Signed for New Pacific Order

    Emperor Revenge

    Divine Bovine Overlord

    New Pacific Order

    Moo-cows with guns

    Moo-Tang Clan



    Signed for Invicta

    Dawny of New Dawnload, President

    Atlashill of Kansouri, Secretary of State and First Gentleman

    Synagence of Spoontonia, Secretary of State

    Haflinger of Llonach, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Coldman5 of Mcove, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

    tl; dr - Invicta and NPO sign a MDOAP and agree that each other are pretty damn cool :awesome:

  7. I'm surprised to see Vahalla getting so much attention in this thread. I dont think they deserve to be called most over-rated. Yeah they have a lot of bravado and such, but if you are measuring this by bravado we'd be here all day nominating loads of alliances!

  8. Clearly, RL ideologies should be left at the door in what a game such as Cyber Nations is concerned.

    Hatred in general is something that brings people together, compare it to religion if you will. There are countless IC examples where people group together because they share a common hatred for a certain alliance ("hatred" of course is IC as well, though stranger things have happened).

    Does that make them CN Nazis? The concept is the same as it is in RL, based on nationalistic tendencies, supremacist ideals, and a generalization of a large group of people as being "bad".

    It's all relative to our little world we call "Planet Bob". I doubt all the alliances role playing as communist have anything to do with RL Communism, which by the way is just as bad Nazism (provided you actually know something about RL Communism). I also doubt most people that use German ruler or nation names have anything to do with RL Nazi's.

    Race doesn't exist in CN, the alliances are the equivalent of "race", anything to do with race beyond that is purely OOC. People that join the game to serve their RL ideals or agendas aren't really interested in the game itself to begin with, and clearly shouldn't be here in the first place.

    I'm not saying people shouldn't/aren't influenced by their RL persona's, but in the end, this is a game isn't it? So it shouldn't be the dominant factor.

    So really, who are these CN Nazies, and what exactly are these "CN Nazi hunters" hunting for? Because hunting for RL Nazies in this game is just as out of place as joining Cyber Nations as a Nazi and using it as a recruitment ground for your RL purposes.

    Simply something that does not belong here.

    I agree with this completely. However i feel this doesn't address the issue. You are absolutely right, Nazi's and Nazi's hunters should not play a part in this game. Unfortunatly this game involves human beings, therefore every single human characteristic, flaws or otherwise, will manifest itself within the game. There are less than nice people in the world, therefore there are less than nice nations in CN. There are vigilanties and passionate people in the world, therefore there are vigilant nations who seek to remove the nations they feel passionate against.

    I do not subscribe to any nazi idealogies in any sense, and can completely sympathise with the desire to iradicate them and disassociate with them. My only concern is that sometimes this takes on a 'witch hunt' feel. Remember the Salem Witch Trials? People became so obsessed and terrified of witches that an absurd amount of young women were burned because they were even slightly deviant.

    Also the OOC and IC lines get blurred on this topic. Many people try and find real life nazis and attack them in game. My view? If you find any evidence that someone has racist beliefs and is expressing them inappropriately, there are places to report them. And be really careful, because there are many nations who like the sound of german names and titles that might sound nazi to you, but share your hatred for racism and the like.

  9. It seems odd that they would move to purple for the duration of the rep period. I can't think on any reason why that would be beneficial to either party, except maybe giving purple senators power over them to enforce reparations. Is that why?

    Also, hooray for peace, etc. o/

    I do not represent his AA either.

    While i wasn't in support of the term to change to purple, i did understand the reasoning behind it. It was to assist with them protecting these guys while they build up. To be fair to Elysium, they specifically stated there would be no voting from HoU, to show this isn't about senate seats.

    And the added part about this being a temporary change came at my request, so that HoU will still be a sovereign alliance at the end of this. They can change or not.

  10. 3) Alliance wide move to purple. (This will last for the duration of reparation period)

    The above edit was made cos it appeared there was some confusion over Elysium's motives here. They are out to help a new alliance prone to making major diplomatic faux pax's and turn them into a viable alliance. Not gain power or control. Anyone who thinks otherwise is mistaken.

  11. You declared war on an alliance for recruiting members?

    What the hell?

    I mean, I can see that one might not like it, but it's enough to constitute a war? Did you even talk to the alliance about it?

    You dont think its extreemly bad form to try and poach existing alliance members?? Alliance members are of course entitled to leave at their own will, or seek information about other alliances when considering changing, but activly trying to recruit from existing alliances is not only going to make you very unpopular, its also completely needless. There are enough 'none' nations out there for you to max your daily clicks out on, including fairly established nations.

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