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Posts posted by Dawny

  1. You're missing the Biggest loser and the formatting is still weird :(

    Also, VE just lost like 3 nations, so we in the tank currently.

    i have nothing to comment on your post, but i love your avatar!

    Dawny sings 'quiet down now, yes its time to watch the show, look its starting, dont go licking me no more, matter of fact could you get me a handy wiiiippe'

    Oh the joy.

    Also where is teh update??

  2. Congratulations to Valhalla and to Chefjoe, may your reign be long!

    So does this mean we will get to see even more of the Swedish Chef avatar on these forum/s in the future? Sorry but am I the only one that could just stare at that for hours? :)

    No you are not


  3. Unfortunatly, the memo was sent, but a dog got hold of it and buried it in the back garden. It was found again and sent back on its way, but then lightning struck and it was burned away. The avid messenger proceeded to pass the message on verbally unfortnatly he was mis-understood and shot before he suceeded. Plans were underway to sacrfice a second messenger, then i found chef direct and the second messengers family are mighty pleased.

    All Hail to Purple!

    <3 Chef

    <3 Logan


  4. The game is over for me.

    The truest statement you ever made.

    By sending aid to them, you condemned them. By getting them to fill your war slots, you condemned them a second time.

    Also very accurate. I hope KoS can sit back and look at his achievements with pride, cos aside from a little attention i fail to see what he achieved. He screwed over the one person he tried to defend.

    Also Illuminati guys, i'd very much like to speak to you and whoever is actually running your alliance now. Come find me.

  5. 1) Dawny - New Dawnland

    The current leader of Invicta. She was an !@#$%^& to Jables when he started the game and I swore to take vengeance when I was strong enough. She's still an !@#$%^& and now is the perfect time to attack her.

    You know its so honourable when a man will defend his friend to the death.....

    oh wait....


    WHAT?? Not THE Jables he so valantly defends?? Turning against him in a cruel twist of fate! Oh the irony!

    oh wait....


    It seems they kissed and made up and just 'forgot' to peace. Such a normal and natural set of events.

    Seriously KoS; points for being so blatant in your dishonesty and cowardice.

  6. As per this thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=14849

    KoS has had one war slot deleted due to war slot filling. So not only is he a rogue defending a thief, he is also a coward. And KoS... you can claim being attacked bothers you not, but i do not believe you. You made efforts to minimise your destruction. I shall enjoy it all the more now.

    Also, the deleted slot was filled within seconds with another nation desperate for a pop at you. Feel all warm and cuddly now you got the attention you so craved?

  7. I looked up Jables.

    Turns out he was an aid thief and stole money from my alliance. As a result i kicked him out. I don't regret it and would do it again given the chance. In fact send his butt my way and i'll give it another kick. Nobody steals from Invicta.

    KoS, you went rogue to defend a thief, how ironic. They say like attracts like dont they.

  8. 1) Dawny - New Dawnland

    The current leader of Invicta. He was an !@#$%^& to Jables when he started the game and I swore to take vengeance when I was strong enough. He's still an !@#$%^& and now is the perfect time to attack him.

    I'm a GIRL you asshat!

    Go ahead and get your kicks out of attacking me if you must. I'll forget you existed in a week or so. I already forgot whoever Jables is :rolleyes: But if it makes you feel bigger and more important then i'm more than happy to boost your pathetic ego for ten minutes, especially if it gives you some sense of meaning in life. After all, you gotta do SOMETHING with your day eh?

  9. Man, UPN got the shaft in the thread title. :(

    o/ Invicta (<3 Dawny)

    o/ UPN

    o/ My former trading sphere

    lulz, to be fair i was making the announcement and UPN said 'yup we agree, please add our support'. UPN Are awesome dudes!

    Also o/ GeneL

  10. t127505294.png

    Statement of support for NATO

    It is with a somewhat heavy heart that we make this announcement, as such statements require tenacity to make. About as much tenacity as watching blunder after blunder be committed, insulting our friends and allies. To watch a once-mighty alliance succumb in near-identical fashion to another once-mighty alliance, ironically accepting into their ranks someone who once ran the latter. To watch one of the cornerstone documents of the Cyberverse, by virtue of the implied incompetence, become yet another brand of discount toilet paper at Aldi's.

    In light of NATO's state of war on the Green Protection Agency as per their membership of the Continuum, Invicta and the United Purple Nations stand with our Purqua allies and declare support for NATO's involvement. Further Invicta, as per our tight friendship with NATO, has determined that their signature on the GPA's Declaration of Neutrality contradicts with potential obligations to NATO through Purqua, and henceforth announce their immediate withdrawal of their signatures from the GPA DoN.

    Signed for Invicta:

    Dawny of NewDawnland - President

    Atlashill of Kansouri - Secretary of State

    Synagence of spoontania - Senator

    Masons Child of Propmised Land - Minister of War

    Scythegfx of Anarcasia - Dep Minister of War

    Haflinger of Llonach - Minister of Foreign Affairs

    M0ST Wanted VIP of Uzbeckastan - Dep Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Roy the Mighty of Retret - Minister of Recruitment

    Signed for UPN:

    Hansarius - Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Magister Agricolarum - Minister of Defense

    Samotopia - Minister of Communication

    EDIT: For additional signatures

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