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Posts posted by Dawny

  1. The orders have had a relationship unparalleled in CN, and this is a huge achievement. As they say, nothing worthwhile is ever easy, and the orders were bound to disagree over issues eventually. However both alliances contain some very fine people, and true character is shown by how people deal with these sorts of difficulties. I believe a solution is possible, and i intend on encouraging it.

  2. Having spoken with Tyga before this message was posted, i just want to re-iterate that Invicta is also in an uncomfortable position here. We have very good friends in both the order camps. We would be willing to work very hard and do what is required to find a solution to this.

  3. A member of my alliance appears to have declared a war, then gone away for a few days. This means he has not attacked the nation he declared on, and the victim offered peace immediatly and hasn't attacked either whilst he is waiting for peace to be accepted. This has been flagged for possible war slot filling. Now the victim nation (not in my alliance) has asked me if he can attack my member to prevent him getting into trouble for war slot filling. Obviously i'd rather he didn't, and to be honest he only wants peace. But i don't want anyone getting into trouble for war slot filling. So basically.... are we forced into attacking here? Bear in mind the victim has 2 other defensive war slots open and this is the attackers only war, so its hardly slot filling.

  4. When i asked Atlas to whip something up for the OWF i did not imagine that! Atlas cooked! O.O You guys don't know how honoured you are!

    As for our 1 year birthday, i can't help but reflect on that day DoubleU said to me 'hey lets start our own alliance'. All i could think was 'that just sounds like too much hard work'. I wasn't really that keen. But he pestered and i relented. I did not expect us to suceed, neither did i expect us to reach 1! And yet here we are.

    Here is to our next year, i'm looking forward to what it might bring! :popcorn:

  5. I remember when states joined Invicta ages ago, DoubleU and i were impressed with his keeness and activity and promoted him to a lower government position. Shortly after we both asked ourselves 'what have we done!?' because he spammed us to death! But he turned into a great member, and i can see why Ephie appreciates him so.

    States you weirdo, congrats man!

    o/ Ephie and another Andromeda Announcement!

  6. Almost a year ago i frequented a special forum for the discussion of purple unity, the talks went on for months and the progress was painstakingly slow, sometimes even backward. The end result was a treaty called GRAPE, which was essentially an NAP, unfortunatly due to a number of disagreements a large portion of purple had not signed. Months of hard work had failed to achieve purple unity back then. The sphere was so fragmented and plagued by mistrust, it was hard to imagine purple unity could ever be achieved.

    However here we are! :awesome: I'd just like to emphasise what an achievement this actually is. The purple sphere is a different place these days, and it took a lot of work getting it this way.

    Purple has a great looking future now.

    o/ All things and all people purple


  7. I asked if a merge would nullify it and you said no! :P

    o/ Invicta

    Allegedly you ask, i had no memory of this! Also you admit that 1 day after this comp started you knew about the merge. :)

    These RoKers are a bit sneaky if you ask me. Bit of a shame cos i was enjoying this comp. Ah well.

    *Dawny goes off to find an alliance to merge with so she can get to the same level as RoK again and start a new comp :P

  8. As of 05/05/2008:

    Ragnarok: 3,611,008

    Invicta: 2,591,241

    :wub: Invicta :wub:

    You guys were good sports and I really didn't plan on ASC merging into Ragnarok when we discussed this. :P



    Hoo you little cheater. You get no thread from me :ph34r:

    You do however get major congrats!

    o/ RoK (although they cheat, lol)

  9. I personally believe in judging people by their actions more than their words.

    Zzz when i first met you, you talked the talked and i was impressed at your keenness and aims in CN. But it would seem your priorities lie in different places to my own. My priorities lie with defending allies, and showing integrity and honesty in my actions and decisions. You however, made a judgement about the state of affairs involving other alliances (one which i, and other disagree with) and you took matters into your own hands lying to those who vowed to defend you come what may.

    So as it stands, no i'm not impressed with you. And i am not so quick to forgive based on a bunch (albeit a very big bunch) of words. That is not to say i close my door, it just means that its going to take time for me to see that this is not normal behaviour for you and you learnt your lesson.

    Your apology is noted, but now lets see if you can walk the walk.

  10. Surely you could have gone with someone better than Janeway! :P

    Wha? Er. Right. Someone clearly needs to be educated in the ways of how awesome Janeway is. I suggest you take a look:

    Also i'm a girl and the leader, it was an obvious choice for me. :P

    Also..... Yes this month Invicta faces her 1st birthday. Seems a whole long time ago i said to my co-founder DoubleU "do you really think anyone is going to want to join us??', well it was not long before that question was answered. Anyway i'll save the cheesy talk for the actual birthday, in the mean time Janeway out!

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