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Posts posted by Dawny

  1. 'We are no longer the knights who say HoG! We are now the knights who saaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy............. umbrella and element!!!!'


    Apologies, thats my poor attempt at turning this into a monty python joke. I've done better.

    Anyway.... 'Oh knights who up until recently were called HoG', we wish you well! No go away or i shall taunt you a second time!

  2. To limit the number of alliances joining I made the 10.00 score rule to be added. I might removed the couple bottom ones soon, but I will not limit it to 15 alliances. Especially when their are alliances such as VE that might grow to reach a sanction in a few months. If previous authors did that we wouldn't have got to see Atlantis, TPF, MHA, TOOL, and others grow to power. We wouldn't have got to keep trace of FAN's small crawl back to power, and them get flattened again. I also happen to like rooting for my allies, and not for some others. Some of this threads most avid readers are from smaller alliances. I know if I led a small alliance, I would strive for it to be here. There is no way I am removing a bunch of alliances, and to ask me to do so is ridiculous.

    Very much in agreement, also appreciate this since i am the president of Invicta and we are near the bottom! (Not for long though!)

  3. I have had a very long term trade with this nation:


    He is a good friend of mine and he has not been on his nation for a few days. Yet today i discovered that our trade agreement disappeared, and i had no message to say he cancelled it. I checked his nation and it would seem every single one of his trades have disappeared! He would not have done this, and even if he had i should have had a message surely?

    I suspect either he was hacked or its a bug. Can you help?

  4. Yeah, Anu <3 Ragnarok and whatnot ...

    @Pansy: I think I've hit my announcement quota for the month. ;)

    @Dawny: Again with the pants issue! :P

    Hoo, what can i say the issue of pants is a deeply philosophical one. Its one that has plagued mankind since the dawn of time and i just want to make sure everyone knows where they stand. Pants? Or no Pants? That is the ultimate question. :)

    (Or alternatively i went crazy with excitement for RoK joining CDT and now can only manage gibberish, its very possible)

    o/ CDT

    o/ Rok

    have fun guys CDT is an awsome bunch of ppl

    o/ CDT

    o/ Rok

    have fun guys CDT is an awsome bunch of ppl

    Such a good point he had to say it twice. Here Here!

  5. Congratulations to both alliances.

    Dawny - John Lennon's songs and music are always appropriate. Don't be shy - sing!

    TGEF, always good to see you, bro. Best wishes for you and the CPCN.

    Edit: Schpelling

    *Dawny starts singing "All we are saying..... is give peace a chance!"

    *Dawny dances around all happy until she remembers people are watching then sits down quietly and she didn't make a fool out of herself.


    EDIT: Cos i didn't realise OWF does not recognise /me (grr)

  6. Hello one and all. On behalf of all of Invicta first i'd like to wish you all a very happy new year! Lets see what 2008 has in store for CN! :)

    Secondly, the actual reason i came here, was to broadcast Invicta's dual IRC channels. We are now available simultaneously on both Esper and Coldfront at #Invicta. Pop in and say hi! Say i sent you and you get a free beer! :awesome:

  7. EphriamGrey is correct in that trog spent a few days ignoring this. Eph is my internal affairs guy who worked on this investigation, and he spent a long time interviewing trog, and trog denied it all claiming various alibies and the classic 'my friend logged into my account' story. While he has at least come clean, it should be noted this was not without him facing up to the fact that Invicta has gained hard evidence.

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