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Everything posted by abdur

  1. firstly you can only get 50 at a time, and you can only aid $3000000 at a time...
  2. This is what the alliance offers: Academy- a great place to learn about the game 3 Mil Start up aid: When you graduate from the academy you get a 3 mil dollar gift Trade Circles: the best trade circles in Cyber Nations Lotteries: frequent lotteries in which 3mil dollar prizes are given out Friendly people: EVERYONE in our alliance is friendly Nation building programs: the best in Cybernations Tech deals: again readily available PROTECTION: if you get attacked my allaince helps you defeat the other guy and pays for the damages!!! Fun forum games... Contests in which there are millions of dollars as prizes... Quick response for almost any situation. and... These are the instructions to JOIN: 1.)Go to this website and register (the link is at the top of the page) http://z9.invisionfree.com/UPNagoge/index.php?act=idx 2.) In the welcome section go to the Application part and read all the PINNED threads. 3.) Create a topic in the applications forum and submit your application that you find in the pinned threads, if you did it right an admin should be looking at it soon enough. 4.) Chasnge your alliance affiliation to UPN Academy!!! If you have ANY questions feel free to ask. Abdur iBump
  3. Hey there buddy, you want an alliance youve come to the right place!!!! I dont know what you want but my alliance (The United Purple Nations) has: Academy- a great place to learn about the game 3 Mil Start up aid: When you graduate from the academy you get a 3 mil dollar gift Trade Circles: the best trade circles in Cyber Nations Lotteries: frequent lotteries in which 3mil dollar prizes are given out Friendly people: EVERYONE in our alliance is friendly Nation building programs: the best in Cybernations Tech deals: again readily available PROTECTION: if you get attacked my allaince helps you defeat the other guy and pays for the damages!!! Fun forum games... Contests in which there are millions of dollars as prizes... Quick response for almost any situation. If you have any questions you can PM me in-game ( http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=283930 ) or you can PM me here!!!! I am on IRC at #upn These are the instructions: 1.)Go to this website and register (the link is at the top of the page) http://z9.invisionfree.com/UPNagoge/index.php?act=idx 2.) In the welcome section go to the Application part and read all the PINNED threads. 3.) Create a topic in the applications forum and submit your application that you find in the pinned threads, if you did it right an admin should be looking at it soon enough. If you have ANY questions feel free to ask. Good Luck in whatever you do!!!! Sincerely, Abdur
  4. shouldnt the message still be in your inbox if the oter guy deleted it?
  5. Thats the whole reason why people actually play this game (me included) to get a shot at the Nukes....
  6. I believe that this suggestion is good because Tech levels are hard to get except when you Tech Raid... and the military modifiers are not easy to get...
  7. I believe that Spies and navies should be allowed but as the other posts stated the cost should be significantly decreased...
  8. why is there offensive posting in this thread?
  9. now the action limit is 1000 and im blocked out
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