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Everything posted by shayde

  1. The only way to fight back when being attacked by an alliance is to make it as costly for all members of that attacking alliance as possible. ESPECIALLY when outnumbered, or being attacked by dishonorable people.
  2. Complete B.S. The Kronos nation attacking me did so with ground, air, CN and spy attacks. Great revisionist history there.
  3. Not AN idiot.. THE idiot. Well, not THE idiot. There's a lot of goons too.
  4. The button you hit to raid is "Declare war". You have no moral high ground. Our info warns tech raiders will get nuked. Enjoy getting stung when you raid the bee hive.
  5. RLMMO is accepting all help. There's plenty of goonies (and don't forget Kronos) to go around. Thanks Zombie Brothers. Friendship uber alles.
  6. OOC: When so many nations in character claim to be nazis? Godwin's law seems quaint when compared to people trying to roleplay nazis.
  7. Hey.. I'll enjoy throwing every nuke I have at my attackers. Even though the goonie keeps asking for it. It's not as fun when they beg.
  8. Just because a group of people do the wrong thing, it doesn't make it right. Just ask the nazi party... or those who did the Macarena.
  9. We're attacked first, yet we're IN THE WRONG HERE??? You're batsquat crazy. Anyone who claims otherwise just is justifying their own bad behavior.
  10. They knew he risks. They declared war on us. We have every right to retaliate in kind. Now the Goonsbags jumping in was just vultures waiting to butt in... now that was general stupidity. Fail is the one raiding an alliance who thinks there are no repercussions for doing so.
  11. I dunno.. fireguy brought it up in the first place, I was just saying it was irrelevant.
  12. Funny.. if former protector really held weight, then Kronos was super-dishonorable to attack RLMMO in the first place. That is if any of what you typed mattered.
  13. You overestimate your virility. More like the alliance who loves to eat nukes.
  14. And you are again??? On a serious note... we all know everyone is itching for a reason to declare war on someone. Goons just did it to us for zero reason... why not let someone who wants to exterminate vermin use defending RLMMO as a justification? All the major world wars have been started for less. It's the holidays, we're due for a real good war, why not let those who play in the name of honor take up a just fight?
  15. Honestly... if anyone had any old scores they feel like settling with Goons or whoever else decided to start a war with RLMMO... there's plenty of slots available. From their actions here, it's clear they're a dishonorable group of idiots who look for any half-baked justification to play pitbull. Actually, that's been obvious for years already. The bottom line is, the button you hit to tech raid is called "Declare War". There's no "Steal Stuff" button. You can't punch someone in the face, and when they retaliate, claim they started it.
  16. Hehe... oh, your alliance tag is outdated. And it was the alliance "Leverage" who attacked you
  17. If anyone wants to support tech raiders getting smote by nuclear weapons, there's many aid slots open
  18. RLMMO will nuke everyone allied with the asshats attacking us. Our information states it clearly. We're defending ourselves after being attacked. That's the #1 rule in CN. You are always allowed to retaliate an attack.
  19. Why bother? The war against Athens is days away.
  20. That's like you raping someone and claiming they enjoy consensual sex much better now that they know how bad the alternative is. You have no moral high ground at all. All your justifications are just laughable. Just man up and say you did it because you thought you were untouchable jerks.
  21. Boy.. your "facts" couldn't be more imaginary if you were the Joker dropping acid. But as always... with such imagined publicity, at least you spelled our names right.
  22. Done. Consider Leverage and Ronin at peace. You took the high road, and I give you much respect for it. May Ronin prosper (well, except one of you, but you understand).
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