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Everything posted by bobjohnny

  1. Mogar, you dashed my hopes of anticipation. But congrats.
  2. I'm just saying that I miss it.
  3. Because i have terrible memory.
  4. No, i mean the drama meter from the old forums. Don't ask me who did it. I can't remember.
  5. Haha. There was a GW3 I was here for it. That was fun stuff too. Except, now that i think about it I feel I was fighting for the wrong side. Whoever said GW's always take place in the summer is wrong. GW3 was mostly in March if I recall correctly. Edit: typo.
  6. Forsee pedobear making an appearance in this thread. Or perhaps boxxy?
  7. Did anybody else notice that the old phrase is "Where there is smoke there is fire." ? /facepalm edit: i no can spell
  8. Watch out. Don't get Zi'd again banner
  9. Well i just lost the game. Because i thought of it. *facepalm*
  10. I'm sorry but after having read that all i can think is lolwut?
  11. I joined about a month after GW2 and left about a month after GW3. Then came back about 3 months ago. I was in GDA during GW3. That was some pretty fun stuff right there. Somehow i managed to gain NS over the course of the war.
  12. hailercopter STA. you guys are the shiznit. edit: loldots
  13. Grats on the treaty. ooc: have you ever actually been to canton? god what a trash hole. kinda like mansfield.
  14. AVALANCHE Bigger, better and with whiter snow.
  15. I lold at this thread. Would read the first 2 pages again. +1
  16. Is barasus still in on this? Waited 3 days for him to accept and he didn't.
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