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  1. Definitely like this. Congrats all in C&G.
  2. Not military yet, but the call of my blood is getting hard to ignore. I'm from a military family. Heh, my name is even a military rank. The furthest ancestor I can trace was a Hessian. Nearly all the males from the past 6 generations have been military. All but 2 or 3 and I'm one of them, including my father for 20 years. That call of blood gets hard to ignore. To me, "terms" in CN are the opposite of terms in reality. In real life following World War I the losing side was forced to pay reparations. Look how that turned out, but look at the pattern following that. After World War II, how much money did the United States pour into Japan and West Germany? How about Korea? or Vietnam? Afghanistan? Iraq? By the way though this is in Open World Forum so its all OOC, the whole thread.
  3. I'll be last seller. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=282642
  4. Coal & uranium http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=282642
  5. Nation Ruler: bobjohnny Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=282642 Resource 1: Coal Resource 2: Uranium Preferred Circle: 3A or 4A. But, any will do. Need Uranium? Have uranium Will switch to Aqua, so no worries there.
  6. I daresay, Edward 40 hands should be acceptable. It is the truest way to get to know a 40. When there is one duct-taped to your hands you enjoy several 40s. Genereally you enjoy the first one faster than intended or what is acceptable. If edward 40 hands is unaccepatable, you sir have no taste. You can even make sure to tape the pinky out for fanciness. <ooc> It really is pretty funny the see someone doing Edward 40 Hands for the first time, and it really is quit enjoyable.</ooc>
  7. Team: Blue Nation Name: Billy National Leader: Bobjohnny http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=282642 Your Resources: Coal and Uranium
  8. Somebody was asking how far west Magic Hat has made it. I've seen it as far west as Columbus(ooc Ohio /ooc). I've yet to see anyone mention Kilian's although, I didn't read everything. It's not too bad.
  9. Everybody justifies spaiing. But, your justification seems to be better than most. That, and somebody needs to fix font on first page. The gigantic font is annoying.
  10. I dare say good sirs, that this tea party is not a true tea party without some snow from a good old fashioned Avalanche to make iced tea. A hot cup of Earl Grey is splendid, although sometimes I fear it should melt me.
  11. Oh, no. Not those GR guys. But seriously, happy birthday.
  12. My opinions of NPO & IRON have remamined static. NPOs being bleh and IRONs meh. But, for the etc.... My opinion of Echelon and TPF has risen significantly. Theyre still fighting. Especially TPF. They've been decent opponents.
  13. hmmm. let me think Sponge, Dilber, Archon and Moldavi. In no particular order.
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