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Blog Entries posted by Gopherbashi

  1. Gopherbashi
    Effective December 31st of this year, I will be ending my involvement with the Sanction Race.
    Simply put; after eight long years, the Sanction Race is no longer something that I enjoy doing. It has become a chore rather than an interest - something that has carried on only due to inertia of expectation - something the frequent streaks of irregular updates only serve to make more clear.
    I would like to thank the dozens of people who have helped with updates throughout the years, especially during the early days when it was just getting started - Supri and Diomede were particularly active at the time; as were Adrian LaCroix, Arcadian Empire, and a handful of others who have momentarily escaped my mind; Logan, for (re-)starting the whole thing in the first place, whichever hapless mod made the sorry decision to pin the damn topic and stop it from disappearing within a few weeks; the legions of people who helped with small, periodic updates along the way; and finally, to all of you who enjoyed it, posted comments, left feedback, trash-talked your opponents, and argued about numbers throughout the Sanction Race, Warstats, and Survivor series - you provided the energy to keep it going for so long, and I couldn't have done it without you.
    Keeping the Sanction Race for so many years has always been an honour, and the gratitude and thanks I've received from it has always been most welcome. It was a pleasure and a privilege to do something like this for so long, and though our paths will cross less frequently in the future, I wish each and every one of you all the best moving forward.

    Why now?
    When I started doing weekly updates so many years ago, it just so happened that I did it on a Thursday, and it's been Thursday ever since. Two Thursdays from now will not only align with a month-end update, but also a quarterly update and *also* a year-end update. Combined with this being the eight year anniversary of the Sanction Race and the ten (yes, ten) year anniversary of Cybernations, it seemed like a good clean-cut milestone to end off at.
    Can I convince you to reconsider?
    No. The light at the end of the tunnel was the only thing keeping it until now.
    Is this because NPO beat you up?
    No. This decision was made at least three months ago.
    Are you leaving CN?
    No. Not yet, at least, or unless admin discovers my multis.
    Is someone else taking over the Sanction Race?
    I have made no such arrangements.
    Can I threaten you to reconsider?
    No. Well, you can, but I'd be very sad because my infra still has that new car smell and I don't think admin offers a warranty.
  2. Gopherbashi
    (I'm still looking for logos. More info here.)
    Last time I ran these Olympics, we had 36 events. I'm looking to keep that number for the upcoming edition, but I'm sure you lot can think of some more interesting and useful events than the ones I hastily dreamed up four years ago.
    The list we used last time is below. I'm looking to pull two events and replace them with your suggestions. I'm also interested in hearing what events you want to be taken out.
    Average Strength - 1 Day
    Average Strength - 3 Day
    Average Strength - 5 Day
    Cruise Missiles
    Economic Improvements
    Economic Wonders
    Elite Wonders
    Hap/Pop Improvements
    Infra - 1 Day
    Infra - 3 Day
    Infra - 5 Day
    Military Improvements
    Military Wonders
    Nation Strength - 1 Day
    Nation Strength - 3 Day
    Nation Strength - 5 Day
    Nation Strength - Ratio
    Nations - 1 Day
    Nations - 3 Day
    Nations - 5 Day
    Naval Improvements
    Score - 1 Day
    Score - 3 Day
    Score - 5 Day
    Score - Ratio
    Tech - 1 Day
    Tech - 3 Day
    Tech - 5 Day
    Total Improvements
    Total Wonders
  3. Gopherbashi
    I'm going to be putting together an olympics-style survivor competition for the ASR in next week, and I'm looking for some graphics for it.
    Style is all up to you... I normally just do some quick edits to the actual survivor logo for that season, but it would be nice to get something olympics-themed in there.
    As for text, I'll either be calling it "Cybernations Olympics" or "Survivor Season 12" or something along those lines. I'll go with whatever makes it in the graphics.
    Tentative start date is March 7th.
  4. Gopherbashi
    Hey all,
    I thought I'd post a little contest for anyone who's sick of making war propaganda. Looking for a Christmas/Winter themed header for the sanction race just to mix things up a little bit. Submit your entries by the end of the weekend and we'll have a vote for the winner early next week. Anything goes.
    Current header:

  5. Gopherbashi
    Just looking for some input about the warstats. If you feel like posting your reasons, hit up the comments section below.
    This sentence is here to cover my ass, as I tell you that the results are non-binding.
  6. Gopherbashi
    I haven't set a date yet, but I'm interested to hear your ideas about what kind of format you want for Survivor 11. I don't have a front-runner right now, though I'm probably going to avoid a head-to-head format. Let me know what you want in the comments.
    Also, added a poll about qualifying. Do you want a full qualifying tournament like we did this time, should I just select the participants from the top X number of alliances, or should I do some behind-the-scenes qualifying based on recent results?
  7. Gopherbashi
    SURVIVOR 10, !@#$%*ES

    It's been long. Too long. Like 16 months too long. So after its nice, extremely long slumber, Survivor is back for an all-new season.
    This season will be similar to the March Madness style we used for Survivor 4 (it was a few years ago, for those of you who can remember that far back). Two alliances will go head-to-head, and whoever comes out on top will advance to the next round - advancing up the bracket as they go.
    Each round will be five days long, and the alliance with the largest score gain by the end of day five will move on. In case of a tie, the smaller alliance will advance.
    I will not be policing the manner by which alliances gain score - whatever shows up in the stats is what you get.

    I also have to apologize for not doing a post-war rebuilding update. It's always fun to see which alliances lead the way in rebuilding, and which ones lag behind.
    Qualifying for Survivor 10 will be be based on cumulative score since March 26th - the last day of the war. The 32 alliances who have gained the most score since then will be entered into the tournament, at a rate of two per day until we've reached our target. Those who have rebuilt the most may get in immediately; those hovering around 32nd have a few weeks of work ahead of them to make the tournament.
    The first two alliances will qualify with tonight's update. Qualifying will end on June 30th, when the first round will begin.
  8. Gopherbashi
    And the final version of the alliance wars tracker, with ODN taking the top spot by 24 wars over GOONS. Any alliance with 50+ wars has been included.
    502 + 1837 Orange Defense Network
    1050 + 1265 Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
    721 + 1367 None
    329 + 1729 Viridian Entente
    1491 + 165 Independent Republic Of Orange Nations
    888 + 664 Anarchy Inc.
    1149 + 184 New Pacific Order
    134 + 1172 Umbrella
    80 + 965 The Order of the Paradox
    865 + 133 New Polar Order
    561 + 393 Nuclear Proliferation League
    316 + 609 Mushroom Kingdom
    597 + 322 NATO
    177 + 717 The International
    117 + 672 The last remnants
    216 + 568 Non Grata
    504 + 170 Sparta
    456 + 176 RnR
    510 + 86 The Grand Lodge of Freemasons
    307 + 270 LoSS
    447 + 119 The Legion
    373 + 189 Death Before Dishonor
    272 + 265 Nordreich
    402 + 125 The Imperial Order
    427 + 81 Fark
    88 + 420 Deinos
    392 + 99 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance
    193 + 275 Kaskus
    187 + 232 Random Insanity Alliance
    186 + 225 Global Alliance And Treaty Organization
    160 + 223 Mostly Harmless Alliance
    68 + 312 Mortal Wombat
    252 + 116 The Templar Knights
    336 + 28 The Phoenix Federation
    189 + 133 North Atlantic Defense Coalition
    37 + 266 Alchemy
    232 + 43 Christian Coalition of Countries
    222 + 29 Invicta
    221 + 26 Nusantara Elite Warriors
    23 + 224 The Sweet Oblivion
    122 + 99 New Sith Order
    128 + 61 guru order
    166 + 22 The Dark Templar
    162 + 6 SNAFU
    59 + 91 United Coalition of Nations
    25 + 105 The Order of the Reaper
    103 + 23 The Apparatus
    120 + 5 Sengoku
    50 + 74 Shangri-La
    91 + 25 Argent
    101 + 12 TENE
    95 + 13 The Order of Righteous Nations
    87 + 18 Cult of Justitia
    78 + 26 Coalition of Royal Allied Powers
    76 + 27 Dominion of Righteous Nations
    11 + 91 Darkfall
    84 + 13 federation of armed nations
    73 + 24 Global Democratic Alliance
    71 + 20 Global Order of Darkness
    49 + 34 World Task Force
    49 + 34 Berwickia
    33 + 46 Team Rocket
    46 + 31 Ragnarok
    69 + 6 Libertarian Socialist Federation
    23 + 52 Wombat Disciple
    55 + 17 Aurora Borealis
    57 + 7 Pirates of the Parrot Order
    49 + 4 MOLON LABE
    10 + 42 Hooligans
    34 + 17 Zulu
  9. Gopherbashi
    Final version of the individual war tracker. Doxxy managed to take first place overall with a total of 41 wars. Anyone who fought more than 30 wars overall has been included.
    In total, 7248 nations have fought 19550 wars since hostilities began.
    1) 18 + 23 Doxxy of Orange Defense Network
    2) 20 + 18 Macking of Orange Defense Network
    3) 25 + 11 Johnny Reb of Non Grata
    3) 20 + 16 James Robert Ussler of Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
    3) 19 + 17 Tiggah of Orange Defense Network
    6) 30 + 5 Unfortunate Reality of None
    7) 21 + 13 karlmarx of Orange Defense Network
    7) 20 + 14 italiarule of Orange Defense Network
    9) 22 + 11 Beets of Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
    9) 18 + 15 dancemasterlee of None
    11) 18 + 14 Five Killer of Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
    11) 15 + 17 Bill Wallace of Viridian Entente
    11) 15 + 17 deviousfairie of Viridian Entente
    11) 12 + 20 Kesslan of Orange Defense Network
    11) 12 + 20 ZKee1 of Orange Defense Network
    11) 9 + 23 Tick1 of Umbrella
    17) 26 + 5 grey1 of uzu
    17) 20 + 11 Suryanto Tan of Kaskus
    17) 16 + 15 Rancho Brado of The International
    17) 7 + 24 Holy Empire of Halin of Umbrella
    21) 19 + 11 Hapapants of Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
    21) 17 + 13 yuzarg of Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
    21) 16 + 14 Chunjee of Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism
    21) 15 + 15 wolfwyrm of Viridian Entente
    Equilibrium: Your top guy was Predrag Glavash of Nuclear Proliferation League, with 15 offensive wars and 11 defensive wars.
    If you want stats for your own alliance, let me know.
    For those wondering where they fit in, match yourself up to the following:
    25) 29 wars
    28) 28
    36) 27
    44) 26
    57) 25 wars
    80) 24
    112) 23
    155) 22
    196) 21
    246) 20 wars
    291) 19
    362) 18
    420) 17
    494) 16
    573) 15 wars
    645) 14
    740) 13
    855) 12
    976) 11
    1129) 10 wars
    1296) 9
    1508) 8
    1726) 7
    2004) 6
    2371) 5 wars
    2786) 4
    3316) 3
    4134) 2
    5204) 1
  10. Gopherbashi
    As an add-on to yesterday's most war-happy nations entry, here are the top 10 alliances by number of wars (offensive + defensive) since the outbreak of hostilities.
    lol @ none
    (2060) 412 + 1648 Orange Defense Network
    (2003) 916 + 1087 Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
    (1824) 307 + 1517 Viridian Entente
    (1739) 608 + 1131 None
    (1428) 1279 + 149 Independent Republic Of Orange Nations
    (1419) 764 + 655 Anarchy Inc.
    (1177) 1013 + 164 New Pacific Order
    (1162) 117 + 1045 Umbrella
    (919) 80 + 839 The Order of the Paradox
    (849) 159 + 690 The International
  11. Gopherbashi
    While running some war stats for my alliance, I decided to see who CN's most war-happy nations were. So far, we've had 9 nations who have fought 30+ offensive or defensive wars since hostilities began. That's an average of one war every two days. AAs are based on what they were flying during their first war.
    (35 total) 30 offensive + 5 defensive - Unfortunate Reality of None
    (35) 24 + 11 - Johnny Reb of Non Grata
    (35) 15 + 20 - Doxxy of Orange Defense Network
    (34) 19 + 15 - Tiggah of Orange Defense Network
    (32) 18 + 14 - James Robert Ussler of Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism
    (31) 20 + 11 - Suryanto Tan of Kaskus
    (31) 16 + 15 - Macking of Orange Defense Network
    (30) 15 + 15 - dancemasterlee of None
    (30) 15 + 15 - Bill Wallace of Viridian Entente
    Equilibrium: Your top guy is im317 of Random Insanity Alliance, with 19 offensive wars and 6 defensive wars.
    So far, 6997 nations have fought 17580 wars.
    If anyone wants stats for their own alliance, just let me know.
  12. Gopherbashi
    First three people to correctly predict how the electoral college will stand after tomorrow's election will each get 50 tech. The first person will get an extra $3m thrown in on top of that.
    One guess per person. Deadline for submissions: 9 PM ET on election night. I'll be going by whatever CNN says the morning after.
  13. Gopherbashi
    I've been watching these two for about a week now, because they've been going back and forth and are pretty similar across a whole pile of categories - only separated by a tenth of a point in score, three nations, 700 ANS, 70 nukes, 1600 tech, etc. And it makes me wonder who would win in a one-on-one battle between the two, with no treaties or outside help whatsoever.
    Only a couple of major differences I will point out:

    Activity - Nordreich is at 86% activity, while NEW is only at 71%. Would the attention that Nordreich pays to their nations on a regular basis put them over the top?
    Infra - While their tech is practically equal, NEW has about 85k more infra than Nordreich (amounting to about 10%). To what extent would the "infra-heaviness" of the average NEW nation impact the final result?
    Navy - Nordreich's standing navy is more than double that of NEW's. Would Nordreich be able to use this head-start to dominate the naval theatre, and would that make a difference in the end?
    Specific Nations - Nordreich's top two nations are about 20k too strong to hit even the most powerful NEW nations. Nation-for-nation, NEW is numerically outmatched until they get below 65k NS or so. Would NEW be able to make up this ground through superior tactics or a pre-emptive strike?

  14. Gopherbashi
    The treaty between TOP and Umbrella - two traditionally top-heavy alliances - got me wondering about how much of the upper tiers they actually controlled. Apparently, I also had the same thought about six months ago, which is posted below for comparison.
    The NS of the 1000th-ranked nations has actually come down since then, from 97.5k to 95.8k NS.
    The top 3 alliances are very close to each other - GPA leads with 67, Umbrella is close behind with 65, and WTF is even closer behind with 64. Anarchy Inc. managed 4th place with 41 nations, and TOP grabs fifth place with 39 nations.
    Pandora's Box has been disbanded since the last stats, though Doom House is right up top in their place. Separate slices now exist for NG and VE, who are both still quite high on the list. "The Goonies" is BFF's protectorate bloc, not GOONS (who is lumped in with DH). The Chestnut Accords are no longer included as part of SF - it's now split between SF and Aftermath depending on which other bloc its alliances are part of. R&R is included with XX instead of SF, while CCC is included with Aftermath instead of Arizona.

  15. Gopherbashi
    (Yeah, I'm not even trying to edit these logos anymore)

    Since our last competition was a tech challenge, I figured we'd continue along with the stat-specific competitions and have a recruiting challenge.
    Now, granted, it would be incredibly easy to win a recruiting challenge if someone really wanted to; have a bunch of allies join your AA for a few days, demand that people go onto your AA in exchange for peace, spam the living daylights out of the unaligned nations, promise each new recruit $100m for joining and never pay up, and so forth. So in order to avoid these shenanigans, this competition will focus on quality instead of quantity, and there's really only one way to do that.
    Your job is to recruit me.
    Use whatever method you like to grab my attention. Send flowers. Send tech. Send nukes. Anyone can send out 200 messages in-game, but the hallmark of a good recruiter is his ability to bring in active, high-NS nations instead of just a bunch of 3NS newbs.
    We'll start on April 6th with the 36th-ranked alliance, and gradually work our way up. Each alliance will have 24 hours to make their pitch. At the end of each day, I'll give you a summary of what that alliance did to try and recruit me, as well as who's currently winning the race to bring me into their fold. That should have us ending sometime around May 11th.
    Sadly, only one alliance can win this competition. Their prize at the end? The same prize that any recruiter is normally looking for.
  16. Gopherbashi
    I always love it when two alliances are so close to each other statistically - not only in terms of score, but also in terms of nations. These two are virtually tied in terms average NS, but who would come out on top in a one-on-one fight to the death? No allies, no peace treaties, just a battle of wits and nukes.
    Let me know what you think.
  17. Gopherbashi
    You know what I realised the other day? It's nearly been a whole year since our last edition of Survivor, and that's completely bloody well unacceptable. It's like Greece going a whole five minutes without a financial meltdown, or Rick Perry getting through a debate without making a gaffe, getting booed at by the crowd, or doing some third thing that I don't feel like thinking of.
    But seriously, next time, someone smack me upside the head before we get anywhere close to this point. You know why we haven't had any wars? Because I haven't been making Survivors for you lot to muck around with. That and you've gotten so used to blue balls due to lack of Survivor that you're scared by actually going through with it.
    So, you lot, we're starting one on November 20th. It will involve the top 90 alliances. If you're not there, then get there. Pronto. And if you spent any time at all looking at the logo, you'll notice the word "tech" horribly re-fonted on there. Oh yes. Tech. Islands of tech. Whoever wins will go down in history as the most techwhoring alliance that the rest of us tech-deficient wannabe-techwhores have ever seen.
    Umbrella, you're welcome. Don't disappoint.
    Here's how it'll work:

    Each round will consist of three "tribes".
    Each tribe will have six alliances each.
    Each round will last a total of five days.
    At the end of five days, whichever tribe has gained the most tech moves on.
    Sound simple? Of course! Which means it's way too simple for my liking.
    You know what would be awesome? If we made this into a super-authentic Survivor and voted people off the island. Sadly, I'm not going to organise a vote of the winning tribe to see who gets voted off and flown back to glorious civilization. So I'll do the next-best thing.

    The bottom two alliances from the winning tribe are thrown into the fire-pits.
    The top alliance from each losing tribe will take their place, and move on to the next round.
    So, on November 20th, we'll take 18 alliances - those ranked 73 through 90 - and divide them into three tribes. Random selection. Come November 25th, whichever tribe has gained the most tech moves on to the next round. Except for the bottom two. We feed them to admin. The top tech-gainer from each of the two other tribes will take their place.
    Round 2. The winning tribe from round 1, plus alliances ranked 61 through 72 - those twelve additions are randomly sorted into two new tribes. Rinse. Repeat. Until you get up to round 7, and we've included everyone.
    How to win? At the end of round 7, six alliances move on to the championship round. Same method as before - four from the top tribe, and one from each of the losing tribes. At that point; every man for himself, and whoever ends up on top after five days gets to rub it in everyone else's faces until they get bored and find something new to gloat about.
    For those who want to plan ahead, rounds will take place as follows:

    Round 1 (73 - 90): November 20 - November 25.
    Round 2 (61 - 72): November 25 - November 30.
    Round 3 (49 - 60): November 30 - December 05.
    Round 4 (37 - 48): December 05 - December 10.
    Round 5 (25 - 36): December 10 - December 15.
    Round 6 (13 - 24): December 15 - December 20.
    Round 7 (01 - 12): December 20 - December 25.
    Championship Round: December 25 - December 30.
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