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Posts posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. Right now, the reason we continue as we are, is because NoV wishes to destroy any last remnants of the LSF.

    Well this seems to totally contradict what you said earlier about NoV considering the war to be over?

    Make it perfectly clear, is it you or NoV whom are continuing this war?

  2. LSF, I support you and your cause more than the next person, and strongly believe in honour, however....

    ...this is ridiculous. Ridiculous because you are unlikely to achieve anything.

    And it's not that I don't understand - nor support what you are trying to do, it's just that, you will literally be achieving nothing, since the only nations in LSF with fighting capability are in peace mode, so when you say you fight for honour and your right to exist, that statement isn't true - because you are unable to actually do any fighting.

    Please bring an end to this.

    Best wishes.

  3. by revoking our status on GPA's DoN, we are sending a strong message (though not one of war) to GPA. we are stating what ES already said. We no longer find GPA to be a neutral alliance. GPA has fallen into the status held by every non-treatied alliance of the Orders and our allies. Simply put, GPA will now be regarded as every other alliance and so long as GPA does nothing against the Orders or our allies (and resolves the issues already going on), then we will leave them be as we leave the other alliances be.

    if GPA messes with us or our allies, they will not receive special treatment that the DoN gave them. they are no longer "treatied" (in a way) to the Orders, IRON, or GGA. thus, no piece of paper need dictate to us, what we can or cannot do or how we do it.

    again, this is not a threat of war. this is letting GPA know that we believe they have in effect failed to uphold their charter about staying neutral.

    Then I ask, if GPA proves their neutrality over the coming weeks and months, is there a chance that the orders will once again sign GPA's DoN?

  4. There's a possibility the servers that house all the data that makes up Cybernations will all spontaneously combust over night and we'll all have to start again

    Any speculation is just that

    Well, there is no other purpose, I mean effective purpose (beyond diplomacy and words) for withdrawing from GPA's DoN other than to declare war on them. Doesn't have to be immediately, but eventually.

  5. Yeah, we're going to go and declare war on NpO and GGA...... riiiiiiggggghhhhhttt :rolleyes:

    When did I suggest that?

    Too bad they stated it was their plan all along on the forums. First.

    But then again you disregard all past forum posts.

    As a result of them knowing you were going to come after them?

    No one, including myself, care what you think. Neither do we care you are bitter we destroyed your ex-alliance; cry some more for me.

    If you care so little, perhaps you should reflect that by not seeking to disprove me.

    Made an OOC comment in an IC forum?

    Oh no...the world is coming to an end :ph34r:

  6. Then you live in an unrealistic Planet Bob

    Im pretty sure NPO did not fight GOONS, \m/, or Genmay

    And I'm pretty sure you didn't help them.

    NPO DoW on FAN based off of factual intel

    That is widely disputed. Everything happens due to intel. Whether this intel is true and correct or not, well that's another story.

    NPO DoW on VE in support of the Order's allies

    And you didn't consider VE your ally just because they left the Initiative, even after fighting numerous wars with you?

  7. "See here guys, we were planning the downfall of the NPO and NpO for long periods of time and stuff! Sincerely - The Unjust Path".

    Blindly pseudo-trolling is probably lower then actually trolling. Whatever floats your boat.

    That's your side of it.

    The Unjust Past claimed virtually the exact same about you.

    So please tell me, why should I believe you over them, especially given past occurrences with FAN and VE?

  8. Ah, so you're one of those people that don't much care for "facts" or the "truth". How cute.

    No, I'm one of those people whom believe that fighting with an alliance for a long time as allies and then finding some excuse to destroy them when you don't like them anymore is not cool.

    Then your point has no support

    My point is so big and fat, it doesn't need any.

  9. The New Pacific Order has never betrayed an ally. Ever.

    VE, FAN, GOONS, \m/, Gen[m]ay

    I probably missed others.

    And I'm not interested in hearing technicalities and treaties.

    PS. Sorry couldn't resist, you guys are having too much fun without me.

  10. Over the course of the preceding weeks, we have been in the process of relocating our main forums. We were in the latter stages of completion when earlier today our old forum was the target of an attack by an as yet unidentified entity.

    Wasn't me >_>

    As for your new forums, well it's a step up from InvisionFree, but still made of epic fail, since it's still Invision software. Some argue that InvisionFree is even more secure than IPB 2.x, since the people whom maintain it have implemented so many fixes and hacks, that the basecode doesn't reflect vanilla ipb 1.3 by a longshot.

    So if someone managed to infiltrate your old forums, I don't think they will have much trouble infiltrating the new ones.

    Saying all that, best of luck to the people whom consider me a friend in Atlantis :wub:

  11. I've never heard of either of your alliances, but it's good to know about you and this new MDP. Congradulations to the both of you and may your relations prosper. o/

    We has been in existent for a week or so :D

    Thanks for the kinds words thar ^_^

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