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Posts posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. TPF cannot be above NpO. Polaris fought off Genmay, TPF, \m/ and MK for days in the UJP war and guess what, two disbanded, two surrendered.

    NpO and allies outnumbered UJP more than overwhelmingly....any performance shown in GW4 can't be looked at in high regard. It's like the ~ side were Persians, and UJP were the Spartans in the Battle of Thermopylae.

    Just too outnumbered.

    But I didn't put a whole lot of thought into my list anyway, so yeh.

  2. An interesting read, to say the least.

    And, let's not let this get off topic, I think any bloody fool could guess who I am :) I'm, like, one of only three or four chicks on this board <_< and I'm certainly the only one who talks the way I do.

    A communist chick, whom plays CN? I think I'm in love :awesome:

    I've always found it interesting how much worse the overtly leftist alliances have conducted themselves compared to other democratic alliances, with perhaps only the Legion on the same par of repeated failure.

    I could name quite a few more than Legion.

  3. OMG! Stop picking things.. The posts that were before those had alot of things in it!

    Please Reply to what I am posting and don't pick sme sarcastic things to post about

    Man, we're all just sick an tired of this crap. Please stop.

  4. NPO is planning on taking over the world by having people pretend to leave, then all joining back at the same time so that it looks like we got super strong all in one day, and everyone runs in fear of NPO greatness.


    Student exchange programs?

  5. I think the Manhattan project is probably not designed for nations outside the top 5%, but rather for high-up nations whom do not wish to have the pressure of maintaining their strength, or the possibility of not having nukes after a big war.

  6. What is complex about pressing a button to destroy your opponent? I can't think of anything easier, hell you don't even need anyone else to do that. Atleast in conventional warfare it is to your advantage to have a squad to coordinate attacks.

    I think you're oversimplifying it, and your argument can go for both sides of the war - why can't each alliance just press buttons? They'd be equally dis/advantaged.

    Strategy comes in to nuking the most enemy nations, and getting the least of your nations nuked.

  7. It would also take about 2 months to aid a nation enough money to buy one of these. That is if they did not waste one day in all that aiding and if they used all 5 of their aid slots for receiving cash only.

    50 days. And what of that?

    That is one amazing banking system if you can pull that off PER nation.

    Sure is.

    Also, 27 million is alot to any nation. I make about 6 million after taxes, so everyday that I'm nuked I have to spend 4.5 days just to earn back that infra. Multiply that over 6 days of nukes and thats 27 days it will take me to earn that back. 6 nukes do a months worth of damage...and at what cost to the attacker? Many times none because the nation is quitting anyway.

    I think it's all a matter of perspective. I don't think that 27 days is a lot at all, to recover from 6 days of nukes. If it was several months, maybe.

    Also, the other problem is that nowadays wars have turned into, "If you have nukes, use them". The entire war system is useless because most nations that have nukes are going to use them in the war, so who cares about conventional wars. That takes alot of the skill and strategy out of the game...the little that was there to begin with anyway.

    I think that using nukes to their full potential, combined with conventional warfare can be a complex strategy as well.

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