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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. Is it really necessary to censor the word "cuddling" (without a hyphen)? I don't think it can be classified as rude, inappropriate or insulting, and it's use is fairly wide-spread in the gaming community in general. Thanks.
  2. Then I assume "actual military" refers to the base soldiers rather than soldier efficiency :/
  3. Are there hidden factors which influence nation strength beyond the publicly available formula? Thanks.
  4. Come join FIST. Here's some (actually a lot of) info about us: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/FIST We have plenty of tech sellers, and we have an area for doing donation deals. if you can pay standard price (9-12mill) for a $20 donation, then you could probably get some. I know there's a few people in FIST whom do donations. I'm not sure how we could help a nation as large as you in terms of money to grow, but I'm assuming you mean mainly tech and donations, where we could probably help quite a lot. FIST is a black team alliance, but you can stay on yellow, because you're 58k NS. We're still fairly small (50 members), and there would be opportunities for you to come gov in the future, if you are an active player. You won't need to be a bank (in fact I really wouldn't want you to be one), but you'd need to have 20 nukes in case of war. Loyalty is a must. If you want to "try" out alliance for a short while, and find out that it's not what you wanted and leave - I won't mind, but if you leave when we go to war, I ain't goina be happy. Our Forums Link Take care.
  5. Come join FIST. www.fist-alliance.cn We provide free cuddling.
  6. Well if you read this thread, you'll know that many people would. Never forget, that your nation is comprised of meaningless pixels.
  7. Sure I will, if everyone else does it as well.
  8. Yep, I'd vote in favour of a game reset any day.
  9. #1 Would bring back many many players to the game, whom quit because it has become too unbalanced. #3 Would be the greatest thing ever. Change is good, not bad.
  10. If you wan Minister of Recruitment position, you can have it at FIST We would also make you a diplomat to a lot of alliances. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/FIST http://www.fist-alliance.cn/
  11. I think the Manhattan project is probably not designed for nations outside the top 5%, but rather for high-up nations whom do not wish to have the pressure of maintaining their strength, or the possibility of not having nukes after a big war.
  12. I think you're oversimplifying it, and your argument can go for both sides of the war - why can't each alliance just press buttons? They'd be equally dis/advantaged. Strategy comes in to nuking the most enemy nations, and getting the least of your nations nuked.
  13. 50 days. And what of that? Sure is. I think it's all a matter of perspective. I don't think that 27 days is a lot at all, to recover from 6 days of nukes. If it was several months, maybe. I think that using nukes to their full potential, combined with conventional warfare can be a complex strategy as well.
  14. It would take 6mill, not "an" - one aid package. 27mill shouldn't be a lot to an 8k infra nation, I would think. And that's the entire point of nukes - to deal massive damage to the enemy. As for only the biggest nations being able to afford it, that may be so, but alliances with good banking systems are going to systematically buy this improvement for all of their nations, and nuclear warfare against them will be useless.
  15. Then I suggest the admin gives us the ability to easily obtain several thousand nukes to counter the SDI? Don't know why you're dragging RL politics into this, but what you are saying there, is contrary to the truth. The problem is, as I've stated elsewhere, is that RL != CN, and for obvious reasons, CN should not try and imitate RL as much as possible, because CN is a game, and fun should be the #1 priority. Nukes are designed for high-range nations to throw at each other. And this improvement will make this concept redundant. It doesn't make the game more realistic, it removes the purpose of nukes. In real life there are many ways to deploy nuclear weapons. If you want this game to resemble RL, why not implement some REAL RL stuff? Why not make spies be able to construct nukes and detonate them in the enemy's nation? Why not have an option to sneak a nuclear weapon in? Why not have an option of researching advanced ICBM technology which would make any missile defence pointless?
  16. That's some flawed logic there. Can nations in RL choose whether they want to be involved in nuclear warfare or not? I think it's pretty outrageous to give that choice, as it's not up to any nation. It's just how the game works, and nukes are a feature of the game, but this wonder will ruin the feature. It does have something to do with it, because nations are going to be wasting a lot of nukes. If you spend 100 mill on the Manhattan project, and trade for uranium and have nukes, I don't think it will be nice, having those nukes "fail".
  17. I personally think there are too many military wonders. But specifically this: I think it's a pretty bad choice, nuclear warfare is both effective and necessary, and this would make it pretty redundant.
  18. THIS I think that's probably the BEST idea I have ever heard regarding defcon. Best Idea EVER.
  19. And we all know what a real depiction of life Hollywood portrays....
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