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Everything posted by KenoDurkster

  1. well if it's on CNTE or CNSE i must reject the offer =\ also are u refering to how close we are in RL?
  2. ahh thank you for explaining. I see where your getting at. Just a little mad at how Karma has no 1 voice even though they all fly the same "karma flag" or at least say they are in some ways apart of it.
  3. then please explain what you ment by this i in know way intended to twist your words how i responded to them is how i took them.
  4. Look at my quote in my signature your saying since IRON & NPO lost the war they should forgive what has happened to them while YOU have every right to remember the past? All your setting yourself up for is another war and the next war you never know.. Karma had the element of suprise and shock effect. NPO and her future allies might have the same effect. and with karma supposedly being dissolved it may be hard to muster up what you did this time. Some alliances got there fill while others will be to damaged from the current war and the wars that will happen within a short period of this one ending.
  5. Personally I am hoping and expecting that NPO after all this BS (if war ends prolly by then of June) that it will have or be close to sanction by Jan 2010. and hopefulyl they will not be as agressive in CN politics and stay out of it. Also hopefully IRON & NPO stay good buddies . but i don't think NPO & IRON will do anything... id bet more that admin gives Moo admin abilities before NPO or IRON attack anyone...
  6. I am just wondering how they will consider them after this war. But i don't want nessecairly a "politically correct" comment from an alliance member i want how the members of the alliances feel. Because I feel the alliances themselves may uphold there vow to consider them neutral (or so i would expect unless you guys are going back on everything you stand for) but i feel the members will not hold up to there alliances commitments.
  7. Shark week ftw prolly gonna be alot of "Afterschock" wars between alliances that ethier want revenge or didn't get there fill on a certain alliance. in which case would cause some problems i wouldnt be suprised if a sanctioned alliance warred IRON or NPO even after karma peaces them out and wants them dead..doubt anyone would intervene.
  8. ahh well you did good BigKat and you were only BOD to use IRC really ;; no more #BOD
  9. elb for once we are totally on the same page
  10. maybe karma should forgive and forget all the lame crap NPO,IROn and the rest of them did it's good karma to do so.
  11. No white peace pathetic... IRON Shouldn't agree to this id rather quit CN then agree to this kinda bullcrap.. IRON didnt have to fight but they did they knew they were gonna lose but still fought bravely they deserve white peace. To bad Karma can't
  12. not bad 7/10 kinda randomly reminds me of Imperial Dominion States on another browser game ;P
  13. You guys forget about Moo's evil twin brother "vover" he will coup the NPO and bring in 10,000 nukes and over 500 nations to a glorius final battle >
  14. That was then this would be a completely different situation and i am sure they would gladly accept the large Nations if it would mean they could help the re-rollers and others re-grow then they wouldn't be mad at them as traitors they should be mad at themselves for being morons for not understanding how at the time yes it was really lame and bs but now it could come in handy.
  15. pssh Elb isnt down and out yet I bet Idiot is gonna take advantage of this and attack LE would defenietly turn the tide if Idiot and get it's member active.
  16. No I aint that new unless you count roughly around 1vision war newish =\. Also NPO i am willing to bet even if you knocked it down to 100k ns if it holds 800+ members still it could easily get back into the Sanction race by years end. NPO might be overwhelmed by Sheer force but unless your willing to keep pushing it down until literally the moment someone puts there AA to NPO's they get warred then this war will only really give you a small amount of time. Add in the fact they are still highly organized and still well known it wouldnt be hard for them to regain some of there lost members and im sure alot will come back and rejoin the AA once this war is over. So really karma has 2 options. basicly ban(By warring anyone on it) the NPO AA (Which i am sure is against the rules) or giving them white peace say hey you did good and were fun to fight against and try and re-build relations & MAYBE have NPO's gov reform so it's not pre-war NPO.
  17. Not giving NPO white peace serves no purpose other then to create more instability and problems you think if you do this you would weaken them to the point where they are no longer dangrous well your kinda wrong.. NPO still has 800+ nations more then any other allianceso there capacity to re-grow quickly is kinda obvious and expected. Now if you offer white peace you might be able to show NPO we may hate your guts but we still respect you as an alliance. Why should you stoop to there level? are you guys that pathetic? NPO unless it decides otherwise will most likely always remain a top alliance and you guys just need to realize this. Unless of course your willing to treat NPO like GOONS got treated which could work but with NPO would be quite a bit harder.
  18. if somone would say the names i would but i dont wanna piss off anyone by saying it.
  19. not as good as the one on idiot but yes very impressive
  20. we love CSN Theme song done by the turkey & Sausage bands
  21. Not early OON already has it's forum & IRC set up http://s1.zetaboards.com/IrishRepublicanArmy
  22. Wake Up - Rage against the Machine Devils Dance Floor - Flogging Molly
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