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Everything posted by NEWBert

  1. The alliances that actually fought us and not those that were just declared on us will/should receive the reparations. It will be interesting to see how it's split, though, I agree.
  2. NPO bank nations are sent into peace while everyone else is commanded to change Defcon in 'heated' times. It has little to do with preventing total alliance NS damage, besides keeping our bank nations in tact of course.
  3. Idk IRON for example was considered a solid ally to us (or at least I thought so, I can't speak for the respective gov).
  4. Not to get sidetracked on the OP's purpose here, but I'm sure most alliance gov's wouldn't expect their allies to jump ship like you were the Titanic. (and then jump back on the Titanic, changing your decision after someone criticized your cojones )
  5. Did Karma alliances imprison former NPO nations in e-camps?
  6. Nice analogy. I'm no CN historian, but for example when alliances broke 'non-nuclear' wars, coming out nukes blazing, they were deemed 'wrong'. Things change, hence CN widely using nukes nowadays. It isn't even considered on holding them back. (I mean come on, in CN war we pretty much just nuke each other to death, lol).
  7. When in non-war times does a bank nation have 3 wars against it?
  8. I have to vent a little here. I understand how an alliance can be subjugated to being responsible for actions years ago, but is this some new CN precedent that is going to be set? Are alliances going to pay for all their past mistakes? Even when at the times certain actions were deemed correct? I mean think in general how much CN has changed. If alliances are going to be punished for actions deemed inappropriate years after they happened, we could have an interesting CN in future wars, lol. Are we going to see alliances punished for involvement in "x" war where one side did something "unjust" w/ reparations?
  9. No I'm not. What I'm saying is that the counter begins as soon as we meet those 10% demands. Meaning you end up w/ banks/senators being attacked for longer than 2 rounds of war. It would really never be 2 rounds of war, even w/ perfect communication. Not everyone checks into CN daily, which is part of the reason some people are bank nations to begin with.
  10. It's not like the NPO was expecting white peace, lol. We knew terms would be very high, but excessive is excessive.
  11. LoA's as well as casual CN players would turn the "2 weeks" into what would be most likely 4+ rounds of war. There are quite a few people who temporarily go into peace mode while on vacation, during business trips for work, during finals, while moving, etc. Even w/ mass PMs/communication, we'd be losing some of the only source to pay reparations with in the destruction during those 2+ weeks. Tons of NPO nations are bill locked atm, and our bank nations are a necessity to paying these reparations. You take away some of our banks and the reparations become 'impossible' or only achievable in an absolutely huge amount of time. It's one thing to pay these reparations straight up, but following an essentially undefined war period, things would be exponentially worse. And idk why Schattenmann likes to preach it, but we don't have some magical stash of nations hiding amongst the Red team.
  12. Francesca I'd hope you reconsider not leaving your alliance. I can understand that one may not agree w/ terms, but that's up to the Karma alliance governments to work out and you should have faith with the VE government. I don't think if an alliance stepped out at this point the rest of Karma would be vengeful, either. I certainly don't know VE's stance, but it's quite apparent there are some differences in how the situation should be treated. Some people just have the "burn them to the ground" attitude, where others have the "let's change CN" stance. In short, value the camaraderie within your alliance Francesca. I'm sure things will change soon enough, all you can do is stick by your friends at this point.
  13. It's pulling strings out of context the same. If a few people have billion dollar warchests, it doesn't mean you can make the assumption that everyone is sitting WAY above our warchest requirements (which of course were publicized at the beginning of the war situation.
  14. So every single bank has a billion dollar warchest. Yes, makes perfect sense.
  15. If this is referencing the NPO/OV situation, we had no intentions of crushing the alliance. That's just ignorant. I suggest you review the peace term(s) that was offered, revolving around sethb.
  16. Comparing alliances in peace to alliances in war is comparing apples and oranges.
  17. Hasn't it already been covered that NS is fairly irrelevant when it comes to bank nations? It makes little difference if they are 70k NS, their max potential aid is still capped by amount and slots. It shouldn't and doesn't matter that our bank nations didn't fight. And of course it's going to be skewed when the original top nations that fought (the non-bank nations) have been brought down to low NS levels. No one in the NPO was permitted to sit in peace mode beyond our bank nations/senators. Nations dipping into peace mode were by instruction not there for more than 2 rounds of war before coming out again.
  18. Yes we had nukes just magically disappear, and we did no damage to any alliance we were at war with. Come on now, it's quite clear on both sides that damage was done. The war was certainly fought, and I myself enjoyed fighting my opponents. They were honorable and in a sort of messed up way, made it worth fighting to near ZI. The NPO has fought in this war, saying otherwise is ignorant.
  19. The above is the real kicker to the terms. This is course would mean much longer than 14 days or 2 rounds of war, 90% is steep for any alliance. And of course realize that a significant portion of our banks were built as such, it's not like they all have SDIs or other war related wonders. Oh and those that chose to be banks because they can't meet war needs to be on CN daily? They'd be chop meat, you'd have nations not built for war and not really capable for war being attacked for prolonged rounds. Suiciding those actually capable of handling reparations sounds like a great idea.
  20. Props to all the involved alliances. Y'all fought hard and well, best of luck in rebuilding.
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