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von Metternich

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Everything posted by von Metternich

  1. If I had a ribbon for every person I recruited...
  2. Some things I expect others to learn: Don't accept screenies Don't leave your allies or else they write an article in CN Wiki called 'Coalition of Cowards' Don't stay in peace mode for too long or else people start namecalling you
  3. This is the most awesome place for art and hangout every!
  4. No. I'm pretty sure you're wrong. The post in the OWF by shinra was made AFTER the attacks.
  5. this is happening because the Karma war was too massive for Planet Bob. Now Mars and Moon will have to suffer because of us. I suspect the aliens will one day kill us for destroying the solar system. Scientolgy - Its a fact
  6. I thought it'd be hard since your infra goes down, they're quite expensive and other stuff.
  7. Did he let his enemy (ShinRa) know that he was preparing to meet the terms? Did he send ShinRa a PM saying "NPO has surrendered. Don't attack me. I'm decomming my tanks, etc."?
  8. Epic smoke. I also celebrated. I shouldn't really tell you how because I could get banned.
  9. i wonder what the results are for peace/war mode nations. by that, i mean how many switched to peace mode before and after. good work though.
  10. All this time, NPO and others have been saying that RoK/ShinRa are cheap. Now, this is no longer so. Either the NPO player who made this horribly misread it or tried to fake something.
  11. I will go back to gardening and applying steroids on my eggplants. :'(
  12. Things take time to pass on to people depending on how active they are and when the message arrives to them. He isn't particularly extremely active so I'm guessing he wasn't aware of the peace message. That does make sense to me.
  13. /bump Wrestling ring broken by Lesnar and Big Show
  14. legion had the support of NPO, IRON and others. NPO no longer has those guys. Q broke up and NPO lost a lot of allies
  15. Do you guys think NPO will comeback and wage war after having lost so many members, faith and confidence?
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