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von Metternich

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Everything posted by von Metternich

  1. Anyone up for a Coalition name poll?
  2. This is exactly why. Stop trolling Coalition of Excuses and calling them cowards. Arrnea (and everyone else), if you didn't already know this when you made the thread, and if you didn't figure it out after all these posts, then just look at this. End of story.
  3. I don't understand why the coalition is called Coincidence. Its not really a coincidence. Its a bunch of defense pacts holding each other in the net. "brb, TPF" Coalition makes more sense.
  4. Thats why we should go for Coalition of "brb, TPF"
  5. FB came up on this thread..and I can't remember if Pacifica is in Frostbite or not... Can someone remind me plz?
  6. [sarcasm]Thanks for answering my question.[/sarcasm]
  7. Yo Zenith...you lost your element of surprise. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=2074746 How did this happen?
  8. I can't believe you put your ally as FRANCE! C'mon! They're your allies!!!
  9. Did you just say "greatest war in cybernations history" in the vid? Do you remember Karma?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cysU2JLzSM Zenith DoW (wickedj has pic) Notice when the video was uploaded. o/ Zenith timing and propaganda team
  11. The "Dude, Where's My Allies?" War sounds good.
  12. Oh and don't forget the MDP we've had for half a year. LMAO! I lol'd so hard!
  13. It means a member of the government is spying.
  14. You can see my reaction from 26 seconds to 37 seconds.
  15. I was hoping TPF's "allies" would declare. This is almost as good as nothing.
  16. A High Council member of my Gov. told me to make it. I'm still being neutral to you, ADI.
  17. ^I would like to believe that this is relevant to this discussion.
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