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Comrade Yev

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Everything posted by Comrade Yev

  1. Nordreich? Is someone trying to reinflate the Hindenburg for the third time?
  2. To the Mod Team and Admins, It clearly states in the rules that one cannot hold more than one forum account on this forum. This rule is completely understandable and needed to ensure the community is not exposed to unnecessary or obscene posts. When CN:TE was open last year, the CN forums on InvisionFree doubled as the regular CN forum and the CN:TE forum. If I recall correctly, there were incidents with one member in particular who played CN:TE but not CN, and his forum account was banned for not having a nation. Likewise, I have a friend on CN who rerolled as a different player who cannot return under his original name due to him being on multiple ZI lists. This player wishes to return using his original name in CN:TE, because CN:TE is not regular CN, and he will not be on a ZI list. He already has a forum account on this forum that matches up to his new nation. But, since he wishes to play under his original CN name, he cannot use the CN forums without giving away his new nation. My question is this, due to the nature of situations such as the example that I gave you, would it be possible to have a new forum in a different location? This will alleviate the fears of my friend. Thank you.
  3. Join -----. You get to break windows.
  4. http://anarchism.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx
  5. Yeah, the ICP and the SRI were never on good terms, but it never went to open war. If I wasn't worried about NoR coming in for the kill afterwards, I wouldn't have minded cleaning up the SRI though, haha.

  6. There's the CPCN (Communist Party of Cyber Nations) which is the larger and more moderate Leftist alliance (think ICP or whatever) and there there's Silent's alliance, the SE (Soviet Empire) which is the authoritarian left. I'm not in either right now though. I'm in the New Horizon Network which is a smaller alliance started by Ameris.

  7. Hehe, yep, still here. Silent and I were never in the same alliance though. He's a little more of a hard line Communist than I think most people can tolerate. Glad to see you're still around/came back.

  8. I'm in ur profile, refreshin the page, getting you moar views.

  9. I don't think it's the Right crowd for people like me.
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