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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. The fall of the federal Yuktobanian Government has led to an increase in crime throughout the country, especially in the capital, CInigrad and it's largest city Okchabursk.

    The Yuktobanian Mafia, the sole dominator of the Yuke criminal underworld had it's strength waning through infighting over the past few years, but has held it's grip over various criminal activities within the country.

    But that was about to change after the Government's collapse. With the fall of the Yuke government, the influx of organized crime members and various other people coming in to Yuktobania increased exponentially.

    These gangs came here for what many would come here for, be it to seek alliances, to gain new members or to dominate the Yuktobanian underworld, the last vestage of power left unconquered....


    Alexei was sitting in the front passenger's seat of a 2004 GAZ Volga, armed with a PPSH-41 Sub-Machine Gun. He was part an escort being sent to protect a shipment of arms stolen from whatever leftovers left in an old Cinigrad Armory.

    The Driver, Ilya Borodin, was more focused on the road, though he showed signs of happiness, he believed that the fall of the government allowed his group to do things that they could not do before, and the fact that they are the only group standing (their family was now allied with every Russian Mafiya family in the country) made him think of other plans.

    OOC: Any group is available to come and intercept the shipment of weapons.

  2. Eggman Empire

    6 Hours Later

    Ludmilla came off the aircraft and saw the pristine atmoshpere of the Eggman Empire. Valkyria still had bad feelings about this place but Ludmilla shrugged it off.

    The plane landed in what EE would be considered to be Osea Province. The state was a breakaway state from the Eggman Empire and are actively against both them and Groenlandia.

    Ludmilla checked in to an inn near the airport, and began planning with Valkyria on what to do next.

  3. Today, on December 31st, 20XX, on 3:30 PM, we are saddened to annouance that Catherine Reznov, Prime Minister of of the Union of Yuktobanian Republics for many years, has passed away due to complications from the recent assassination attempt.

    With the passing of the Prime Minister, the Yuktobanian government is now in disarray and it's military too weak to institute a transitional government.

    That is all...

    OOC: Btw, Happy New Year's eve.

  4. Well, with Yuktobania now in the pits (temporarily), this gives me an excellent opprotunity to begin my idea of an Organized Crime RP. Right now, I wish to extend.....an offer you cannot (or can) refuse. I need rival Crime Groups, be it the Italian Mafia, the Yakuza, the Triads or even the Yardies.

    List of Interested Parties:

    Razgriz 2K9-Makarov gang/Yuktobanian Mafia

    HHATD-The United Organization (TUO)

    kitex-The Northern Alliance/Blue Heaven Mafia

    Subtlekifewieldwe-The Guild

    macike-Valencian Mafia

    V The King- Vinland Corporate Mafia

    N Reeki- Reisse Family/German Mafia

    Prime Minister john- Circle of Fenris

    KaiserMelech Mikhail- Marscurian Pakistani Crime Syndicate

    Elrich von Richt- Shisnei Yakuza

    JerreyRough- Clan Gundran

    Centrius- Cult of the Damned

    Machiabelly- West Prince Freedom Fighters

    iamthey- Pacifican Mob

    Tashir Re-Dranaggian Mafia

    King Chris- Fasci Empire

    Kevin Kingswell- The Principality

    JEDCJT-The Silvershirts

  5. Technically no, I'm still going to keep the land and it will still be Yuktobania, but it will be temporarily under anarchy or under some protectorate or something for the time being.

    And even then, I will be running the country.

  6. OOC: I had to end it, due to losing motivation to continue the war, I guess getting curb-stomped will do that to you.

    IC: All of the Yuke soldiers surrendered their rifles and other various arms before marching into Cinigrad in shame.

    With Dimitri dead, Catherine Reznov was the only survivor of the old federal government. If she dies, it would mean the fall of Yuktobania to anarchy.

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