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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. Location: Russian Far East, west of Alaska

    Climate: Multiple, Tundra climate in the center, Desert climate in the west-central area, mountaineous throughout.

    National Resources:

    Bauxite and Rubber


    Pop: 2,290,000

    Ethnic Groups:

    Russian: 65%

    Japanese: 15%

    Chinese: 12%

    Other: 8%


    Russian, English, Japanese


    Long Name: Union of Yuktobanian Republics

    Short Name: Yuktobania

    Capital: Cinigrad

    Largest City: Okchabursk

    National Holiday:

    National Day: January 22

    Suffrage: 18 Years

    Executice Branch:

    Prime Minister: Catherine Reznov

    Deputy Prime Minister: Demetry Petrenko

    Elections: Every 6 Years, renewable Twice

    Legislative Branch:

    Duma (120 members)

    Judicial Branch:

    Federal Supreme Court of the Yuktobanian Republics



    Yuktobanian Army

    Yuktobanian Navy

    Yuktobanian Air Force

    Yuktobanian Special Forces Offices

    Total Active:

    130,000 troops

    (to be


  2. Fortunately, the guards were asleep or else it would have been ugly. Alex continued to cut his way betweenb the back of the barracks and along the side of the Officer's building.

    Alex saw the back door to the building but it was locked. Fortunately, the officer he stole his uniform from had his keys in his pocket. Alex looked around to see if there was anyone coming, and then picked the lock. After about 5 seconds, Alex unlocked the door and entered the building.

  3. Alarms start blaring loud as Alex headed towards the Air Traffic Control building. With the soldiers coming that way, it has become clear that there will be so many troopers that it will be impossible to get to that building.

    Alex was forced to cut his way between the two barracks and head towards the Officer's building, this will be dangerous as it would put the spy close to the soldiers that would be scrambling to the dead body.

    OOC: Okay, I think I made a tactical error.

  4. OOC: JEDCJT, no...come back.......

    Darnit, the presure of being a spy in a spy RP is getting to me. :(

    IC: Alex saw two men come out of the office building. Alex thought to himself, "Damn, and I thought I won't have to kill today." Pulling out one of his Supressed M9's and put two rounds to each of their heads.

    After crossing the street, Alex dragged the two bodies to the side of the office building where no one would see their bodies. He also took the clothing of one of the dead corpses, in an attempt to blend in easier with the troops there.

    Alex calmly walked to the Air Traffic Control Building, hoping that there would be no more distractions.

  5. Zhukov said, "I agree with what the Vaulo-Buryatian delegate has stated. Some information that Yuktobania has are important to the sovreignty of the country just like some important information that your nations have are crucial to it's existence. While I do support a single command center, it should not have full military powers in case a war does indeed break out.

  6. OOC: Right next to all the training facilities.....I now hate spies..... :(

    IC: Alex after wading through the sewers for what seemed to be hours, finally exited the sewers through a ladder. He opened up a pothole, and climbed out, entering the fuel sotrage building.

    The first thing he did before exiting the building was setting up a C4 demolition charge that can be only activated by a wireless button. In case he got caught, he would need a distraction in order to escape.

    Alex left the building and hid on the side of the building, looking at the road. He needed to cross the road if he were to make it to the ATC building

    As soon as he saw no vehicles coming across the road, Alex took a chance and ran across the street, hoping to avoid suspiction.

  7. you're only partially right, they did besiege the city. But they never occupied it. In fact, Athens still existed as a city-state post Peloponnesian War (and even post Alex the Great).

    However, they never were able to regain the same amount of power they had before Agospotami, then again, Sparta did occupy and control former Athenian Empire possessions, at least thats what I think. I may be wrong, (and I hope not) but you might wanna look over that again to be sure.

  8. Later that night.....

    Alex had already put on his spy suit, and tucked his twin M9's in his holsters. Before he left, Alex took some pills to prevent him from geting sick from all the sewage. Leaving his safehouse, he entered his vehicle and drove around New City.

    After a while of driving, he came across an old, abandoned building. Alex entered the building and started searching for a way down. Eventually, Alex found a set of stairs leading to the basement. From there, he saw that there was a hole in the wall, putting his ear close to the wall, he heard running water. Alex had found his way into the sewers.

    He tried searching for a way to break the wall, until he found a old, rusted hammer that someone who lived here before, left behind. Using the hammer, Alex swung at the wall, breaking of a small piece, he continued this pattern for about an hour before the hole was big enough to climb through.

    Alex had entered the sewers and is now wading his way through the muk and the feces, headed east towards the military base nearby.

  9. Stier, Detschland

    After 3 hours of driving, Ludmilla parked her rented car by an inn. She checked in to the inn and left her belongings in her room, afterwards she left her room to explore the town.

    The town was rebuilt and was under rule by sucessive Nordic governments post First Nordic War, and even now, it was no different. The people were still happy about it's ruler, and although are still proud of their Belkan heritage, they were proud Detsuchlanders as well.

    Ludmilla walked down the street, thinking about what secrets hold in Stier Castle. She thought so much on that, that she did not see a car passing by. By the time she noticed, Ludmilla jumped, trying to land onto the windshield and thus avoid death, however instead of landing on the windshield, she jumped over the entire car, a feat that no normal human, not even a special forces soldier could achieve. Landing on her feet, she caught the attention of several passerbys who was surprised by her agility.

    Ludmilla decided to just ignore the passerbys and continue walking towards the castle.

  10. what history book are you two reading?

    The Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE) was a war between the Athenian-led Delian League (aka the Athenian Empire) and the Spartan-led Peloponnesian League.

    It ended when Sparta laid siege to the city and desicively defeated the Athenian Navy at the Battle of Agospotami in 405 BCE.

  11. OOC: Alright then,

    IC: Georgi Zhukov II entered the meeting without anyone noticing and quietly took his seat. He was once again sent to organize bloc politics, having done so before with the AUP. Listening to Takeo and Constance's words, he noticed that they are looking for a more stable bloc with the various nations. While this may prove useful for rivaling the American blocs, his only issue was the stability of Eternal Empire, especially the former nation of Furon at the time.

    OOC: Edited

  12. OOC: I see.

    IC: Alex said "Thank you" grabbed his various papers and left to pick up his belongings in the lobby.

    After Alex took his belongings, he rented a car from the car park and started driving eastwards towards the city. Alex was lucky, he would thought that the GLS people would be smarter, but he was wrong. Now he has to be even luckier if he were to try and find a way into the sewer system. For now, all he could do was rest up.

    Alex drove his car to a small one-bedroom apartment, a safehouse away from prying eyes. He told the owner that the apartment was previously rented. Walking up to his room, he unlocked and entered the room. He would put down his bags and walk to a closet. Opening the door, he picked up a pair of black M9's with a pair of Sound Supressors and a black spy suit. These will be necessary for his operation.

    He would rest till tonight, at zero hour, he would be prepared to begin the op.

  13. Dinsmark, Nordland

    Former Capital of the Principality of Belka

    The Following Morning

    Ludmilla's plane touched down at Dinsmark National Airport. Looking out the window, she saw the cold-snowy land that at one point was home to Waldemarr I, Grand Prince and Head of State of Belka. Coming off the plane, she passed all customs inspections, and left to the car park where she rented a Mercedes-Benz for use for the next 4 days. She was now set for the drive southward to Stier, the town famous for it's large castle, and maybe a clue as to who Razgriz is and where she went.

  14. "It's nice to know you have competent staff under you," he commented with the air of experience. "...so you can do things like this once in a while without worrying the nation will fall to pieces while you are away." He had been a president at one time, so he knew all about that.

    "I agree entirely, and I hope that my sucessors will follow in that tradition when I retire." Catherine commented back, with the same air of experience.

  15. OOC: Okay, I'm confused, since when are there border security in an airport. o_O

    IC: Alex despite a knack for impatience, had to wait in line for his tern at the checkpoint. The only thing he was worried about was the screening, since he doesn't know how it is people are legit here in GLS. However, he had his genuine passport and completely accurate forged copies of his border pass and direct clearance from the Yuktobanian government and forged papers from the GLS government to proceed.

    OOC: Btw, I'll lol if he get's caught by security. :P

  16. OOC: Part one of my attempt of something new, closed RP between me and HHAYD

    IC: A commercial plane landed in Detroit, Michigan. A Yuktobanian male known only as Alexander walked to the terminal. He was sent by the Yuke government under orders from the Yuke KGB to steal some important files from the GLS Military database. This mission was approved by the Deputy Prime Mininster, Dimitri Petrenko who wanted to avoid tying it up with the Prime Minister. He planned on using this data in a silent coup to overthrow the established government and replace it with a hardline dictatorship.

    Alexander made sure not to bring any items that could tip him off to the authorities. He would have to pass through Great Lake's only airport security first.

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