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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. "Very well." he stepped out of the way of the vehicles.

    "We should be getting a large supply of weapons soon, if you're interesting in buying."

    He handed Alexei the logo of his organization.


    "The Guild is always looking for new customers."

    Taking the emblem, Alexei smiled then headed back to the truck and drove back onto the road towards Darina.

  2. "Would you rather walk into the deathtrap this city's becoming for your people?" the guard whispered quietly for Alexei's ears only. "The TUO is a menace to anyone they come near, and the port itself is their stronghold."

    Alexei nodded when he listened to the guard carefully. Alexei whispered back to the guard, "If that is so, then allow me to get my uncle and his men out of the city, our men will deal with the TUO when we have reorganized our group."

  3. OOC: Well, I wanted to avoid a western facing port....but having no choice...it will have to do....

    IC: On the outskirts of the city, a watchman observed them approaching, and stepped out into the road, clearly unarmed and waving a hand for them to stop. He had picked a spot that was unlikely to be used for an ambush, with few hiding spots available for potential ambushers.

    IC: The technicals stopped the car when the man moved into the road. The man directed Alexei's vehicle and his 3 car convoy to a spot that would probably won't be used for an ambush, with almost no hiding spots for an ambush.

    Coming out of the car, Alexei Makarov walked up to the man and said, "Any reason why you pulled us off to the middle of nowhere?"

  4. While Vlad was busy looking for support in Cinigrad. Alexei was sent in with several men of the Yuke Mafia to Darina to meet with the Darina branch of the Yuke Mafia, headed by Josef's brother and Alexei's uncle, Nikolai. Apparently, they have heard the news about the incident in Cinigrad and that they've found TUO operatives that set up their main base in the city.

    Alexei was riding in the passenger's seat of a black pickup truck with several other technicals and SUV's protecting the convoy oon the way there.

    OOC: Sorry, can't find a Russian Port City, can someone donate a map?

  5. With the rise of the Yuke Provisional Government, there will be some law enforcement, but not much.

    Also, you can use your influence to....well..."influence" Yuke Provisional Politics, even set yourself up to take control of the country. (Though I will still RP the country)

  6. The Yuktobanian Government has now been reformed under a Transitional Government, run jointly by the Yuktobanian Duma (Senate) and the Yuktobanian Soviet (House of Representatives).

    We will not engage on an election for a head of state as of yet, however we will attempt to regain law and order in the Yuktobanian Republics.

    Here is a list of ministers that will be appointed to their posts:

    Minister of the Interior: Georgy Milyukov

    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Pavel Guchkov

    Minister of War: Alexander Nekrasov

    Minister of Trade: Alexander Kerensky

    Minister of Justice: Alexander Tereshchenko

    Minister of Finance: Mikhail Manuilov

    Minister of Education: Andrei Shingarev

    Minister of Agriculture: Andrei Lvov

    Minister of Transport: Nikolai Konovalov

  7. In the distance, another convey of trucks with escorts were seen approaching rapidly. All of the trucks had machine gun nests on their sides and a few minigun nests on the front and back. The convey's commander planned on rescuing the trapped convey truck that is taking heavy fire and then establish a base.

    They didn't know which part of the city belonged to which group though.

    The convoy spotted a group of toppled trucks with people trying to flip back in place. Vlad caught eyes with a few of those people before driving past them. They did not know who they were, and if they were TUO, it would be best to ignore them.....for now.

  8. Ludmilla awoke and sat up on a bed the following morning. She still felt the pain from Hank punching her in the gut. She checked her surroundings, and realized she was in a hospital. Ludmilla wondered however, who and how did she get here?

    She lied back down, hoping to find the answers she saught after.

  9. "Let's just say I'm playing for the opposing team. And if neither of you can figure it out, well...you're both idiots and I'm more then happy to remove you from the gene pool." This dumbfounded Ludmilla, he knows Valkyria yet he is working for someone opposing her....according to legend, the only one responsible for opposing the Valkyries was Loki, maybe he was an agent of his.

    Before Ludmilla could react, Hank moved forward and punch her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her.

    "Not much a fighter after all, hmm?"

    Hank then shoved Ludmilla to a table, knocking her and the table to the ground. Ludmilla felt groggy and dizzy after getting tossed around like a ragdoll, and soon passed out, but not without saying in her mind. "I'm sorry, Valkyria."

  10. "Oh goody! You've got some fight in you! I love it!" The man gotten himself up to the patrons horror and to Ludmilla's surprise. He swung at Ludmilla with a beer bottle,while she moved her head to dodge the man's swing and avoid heavy damage, it did leave a cut on her cheek. Soon after, he dropped the bottle and got to his fighting stance, saying: "So is that you fighting, or your mental stow-away you're lugging around?"

    Ludmilla, surprised said, "Who are you? and How do you know about her....?" Though she wanted answers, it would be best to take out her opponent first. Picking up a wooden chair, she threw it at her opponent.

  11. Ludmilla had just finished her first drink before someone tapped her on the shoulder. Turning around, she saw a tall, muscular man, with an awkward smile on his face. The man said, "Hello." Before throwing a punch aiming towards Ludmilla's face. But her special forces training serve her well. She quickly ducked under the man's arm, grabbed hold of it, and tried to flip him over the bar, and into the wall.

  12. A group of 2 technicals left a storehouse on the western outskirts of Cinigrad, there objective being to build an alliance with any of the potential rival Mafia's around Cinigrad. In the seat was Alexei's brother and Josef's other son, Vladimir Makarov.

    Vlad said to the driver, "we may as well look around and see who's has come to our turf, then see if we can forge an alliance to get those TUO thugs off our streets."

    The driver said obediently, "Yes, boss."

  13. After some time to rest, Ludmilla decided to go ahead and get a few drinks. Valkyria thought that this would not help her in getting her memory back, and complained to Ludmilla, but she would have none of that and blocked her away. Ludmilla was for the first time since her trips having some sort of vacation time out of this.

    Heading to the local pub, she walked in the door and sat down at the stool.

    Ludmilla said to the bartender, "Let me get a glass of Beer."

    The bartender looked and said, "One beer for the lady, coming up."

  14. Alexei recieved a call on his cell phone. It was from Imran Dmedev, a computer expert and hacker. Pressing the answer button, Alexei said "hello?"

    hundreds of miles away, in the Yuktobanian Inland City of Virjunji, Imran said, "I found out who the guys who attacked you were."

    "Oh really now?"

    "Yeah, the guys who attacked you were called The United Organization or TUO"

    Alexei sat down, saying, "TUO?!? Who the heck is TUO?!?!?"

    "They're a terrorist organization from the Great Lakes State, they wanna take over the country."

    When Alexei heard that they were a GLS terror group, his heart sank. It seemed that GLS wanted to dominate Yuktobanian, they already did so militarily and now their terror group is looking to do the same to the Yuke Mafia as far criminalwise go.

    Alexei finally said, "Thank you, I've got to go tell my father." Hanging up the phone he now thought in his mind how his father, Josef about this.

  15. Cinigrad, Yuktobania

    Cinigrad Gentleman's Club

    January 2, 20XX


    Alexei made it to the Gentleman's club where his father lived. The Yuktobanian Mafia's Headquarters was located here, and his brother most likely heard the news of what happened.

    Walking in to meet his father, sitting by the fireplace, Alexei said to Josef, "Boss..."

    Josef looked up to see his son, saying, "What did I tell you? You're a part of my family, just call me father."

    "Father, we were attacked on our way to the storehouse."

    Josef put down his newspaper and said, "So I heard....Son, have you ever realized that since the fall of the government, there has not been any limitations of immigration, am I correct?"

    Alexei took a seat on a nearby couch, "Yes, I've noticed."

    "Well, chances are we may no longer be the determining factor in the criminal underworld anymore, therefore I want you to watch your back out there."

    "Yes father..."

  16. As soon as the driver heard the back doors open, he said, "NOW!!!" The passenger pushed the button and the explosives lining the inside of the truck exploded. Although the driver and passenger were killed in the attempt, the 2 were certain in their last thoughts that at least a few guys would be killed in the blast.

    OOC: Your turn to RP the damages.

  17. As soon as the they blew the truck's tires. The truck crawled to a stop. The passenger, put his finger on the detonator's button, as soon as they could get enough people close enough, they would sacrifice themselves to eliminate the TUO's derailing of their weapon's smuggling.

  18. When Alexei saw the miniguns about to light up, he came into the car and ducked under the window. As soon as the miniguns lit up, Ilya was riddled with plenty of bullets, losing control of the car it spun around at least twice before stopping on the frame. Ilya was dead on his seatbelt.

    Alexei opened his eyes, he was bruised up pretty badly. But when he saw Ilya's limp corpse, he said, "Ilya? Ilya! F&%#!!! Who the hell do those guys think they are?!?" He looked around but could not find his PPSh-41, meaning all he had left was just a Flick Knife. He would have to report this to the Boss, his father Josef Makarov.


    With the TUO truck tailing their weapons truck still, the passenger in the truck looked at the driver when he said, "I think it's time for plan B." The driver looked at the passenger, saying, "Alright, you have the explosives already in place?"

    "I have it all ready." The passenger pulled out the detonator, while the driver started slowing down, allowing their persuers to get to the truck.

  19. Ilya saw the truck trying to slow down and in response, slowed back to prevent them from being caught by the truck as they were swerving from side to side. But when the TUO operatives started manning their Miniguns on the rear of the truck. Ilya said to Alexei, "Hold on!! This is gonna be a bumpy ride!!!" Ilya swerved his car onto the sidewalk and started speeding up so he could get to the front of the TUO truck.

  20. OOC: Good thing LAW's unguided, else I'd be screwed.

    IC: Alexei looked on the side window and saw one of the TUO agent's fired the LAW's 66-mm Unguided Rocket at them, he said, once again in a panicked tone. "Illya....." But the level headed Ilya turned the car around the corner as quickly as possible, the rocket hiting the front of a resturant. However they were split from the truck at this point, and the truck is still made after the rest of the convoy.

    "Don't worry, I know a way to get back at them." Ilya said confidently. Taking his Volga, he drove around the block and spotted the TUO truck chasing the weapons cache truck. Ilya quickly turned around and started tailing the TUO truck.

  21. Alexei and Ilya laughed when the TUO members made their demands, Ilya said, "Apparently you don't us very well. Show them all our calling card Alexei."

    Before Alexei could responded with bullets, an explosion rocked behind them, apparntly whoever these guys were working for, they had plenty of support. The Driver with all the supplies realized they were under attack and started speeding off.

    Alexei said in a panicked manner, "Ilya, let's goet out of here." Alexei nodded and started speeding out, continuing to follow the truck with all the guns.

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