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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. OOC: Um, I think peace talks are out of the table, as recent terror attacks have pretty much destroyed the National Government, (which is all a part of my new years plan, like a reroll, only I still keep my land.

    IC: Despite everything the Yuke Forces put through, the Yuktobanian Army was signifcantly curb-stomped by the superior GLS forces.

    After 10 minutes of fighting, the Yuke Army, now reduced to about 10% of their pre battle level, surrendered to the GLS forces, the war was now officially over.

  2. Dimitri saw the grenade enter the destroyed helicopter cabin, despite his best efforts to escape the blast, he could not escape in time as the grenade exploded, killing Dimitri and destroying the estblished Yuktobanian government once and for all.

    The Yuktobanian military finally arrived in the outskirts of the now occupied Cruik Fortress, artillery positions were set up while columns of tanks moved in to recapture the fortress.

    This will be the Yuke military's last stand.

  3. When one of the snipers checked inside the helicopter, the man was grabbed by Dimitri Petrenko, who dragged him in and put a bullet through his brain. Whatever reinforcements that come, better come now, as he has now alerted the sniper team.

  4. After the GLS used their spray and pray tactic, there were absolutly no Yuktobanians alive in Cruik Fortress. The whole Yuke garrison was wiped off the map, with no casualties to their enemy.

    Dimitri Petrenko's helicopter began launching chaff and flares to try and confuse the missiles, but one of the missiles hit the tail of the chopper, Petrenko made a crash landing on the side of the mountain, he survived, barely, but now he was stranded behind enemy lines, with already a quarter of the entire military completely destroyed. Dimitri can only hope that the remaining 75% of the Yuke military (already passing through the Jilachi Desert and heading it's way to Cruik Fortress) would arrive to buy him time to escape Yuktobania, now in GLS hands.

  5. OOC: Exactly how I planned on it.

    IC: Despite the buildings being made using the same material as the fortress itself, it could not stand up to the HESH rounds, the soldiers were either crushed or forced to escape and rush the enemy using human wave tactics, they were trained to never surender, that their sacrifice will be lived on in the greater glory of the Yuktobanian nation, or what was left of it now that Dimitri had absolute control.

    At the hangar, Demitri got into his Mi-17 and launched out of the side runway of the base, heading east, towards the enemy forces. Wearing body armor, he would be well protected in the event that he would be shot down and cornered by GLS troops. He also had a pair of .357 revolvers and M1887 shotguns as well as enough ammo to keep fighting. They would have to fight if they wanted to bring him alive.

  6. OOC: Wait, I've seen this type of armor before but I don't know how it works, care to enlighten me on that?

    IC: The losses of several military tanks and soldiers forced many of them to regroup inside the fortress itself, the remaining tanks moved back towards the southern gate to Cinigrad to defend their wall. This will force the GLS to fight room by room to ensure that Dimitri escapes, despite the continuous bunker busting.


    Meanwhile, atop the Command Tower in the western side of the fortress, Demitri Petrenko look over head at the battle and saw first hand what the GLS aircraft are capable of.

    One of the officers came in saying, "Mr. Petrenko, your chopper is fueled and ready."

    Mr petrenko responded, "Good, I will head to Bastok Fortress and coordinate our resistance there, you go ahead and continue the offensive here."

    "Understood sir."

    Dimitri left the room and boarded an elevator that would take him to the hanger, where he would board his Mi-17 assault Helicopter Gunship. (Armed with 6 AGM-114's)

  7. Communication between the B-2 Spirit jets:

    "Those Yuktobanias are holed in their little base and are going to be an annoyance to our army."

    "Bomb them to -bleep-!"


    B-2 Spirit bombers came in first, dropping their high explosive payload onto the Cruik Fortress. Soon, it was followed by escorted F-35C and F-35A who showered the fort with more high explosive bombs and bunker buster missiles. The bombing run would continue while the two groups of GLS army units came within the range of attacking.

    Not only the fort's defenders have to survive the raining of bombs and bunker busters from the sky, they also had to kill the fast yet tough Rapid demolisher tanks that came by to say, "Hi!" with their 185mm semi-armor piercing high explosive shells. Within a minute, the rest of the army units made up of M-1 Abram tanks, slower but more damaging and tougher Demolisher tanks, APC, IFV, Panzerhaubitze self-propelled artillery guns, a total of 40,000 soldiers, and AH-64 Apache attack helicopters would catch up to the Rapid demolisher tanks and also joined in with the bombardment of the fort.


    OOC: Are you going to RP any of your soldiers trying to defend the airport and another port? If not, then I will automatically consider them taken by the GLS military.

    OOC: No, I'm not gonna bother with those, I rather focus on the defense of Cruik Fortress. Fortunatly, to your surprise, The PM is there, since they would expect you to try and take the city. I also hope that others will fight in this war, help hasten my new year's plan.

    IC: Cruik Fortress was known for withstanding many sieges. Despite bunker busters and carpet bombing, the fortress still stood, as the last defenders of Cinigrad stood by, waiting for reinforcements coming in to besiege the besiegers. Troops armed with Anti-Tank Weaponry took cover behind the walls and various buildings within the mountainside fortress. The few T-80 Tanks remaining, equipped with HEAT rounds surrounded the front doors

    As soon as the Demolishers broke down the door with their 185mm Cannons, the defennders immediately countered back with their RPG's and cannon fire, concentrating their fire one tank at a time.

  8. OOC: If you plan on surounding Cinigrad, you're gonna have to take out Cruik Fortress, defending the city.

    IC: Yuke Forces from Darina were sent to garrison Cruik Fortress, in the defense of the capital city, Cinigrad, while the main Yuke force are moving eastward across the Sonza Plains, headed towards Cinigrad.

    With the members of the Yuke Cabinet and Parliament dead and the Judicial building bombed, Dimitri's word has now become the law, as an absolute dictatorship has now taken hold in what remained in Cinigrad.

  9. The Yuke soldiers in Darina, in a crazed panic, kept firing at the enemy vehicles as they were retreating, all vehicles that could be used by the Yuke Army was destroyed.

    Soldiers began evacuating the port city of Darina and marched towards Cruik Fortress, defending the front of the capital city. With the majority of their tanks still moving from the western front, the retreating troops will have to resort to using scorched earth tactics to ensure victory.

  10. The Yuke Air Force were being swatted out of the sky, with 80% of the Air Force being shot down before they could get in range to launch their missiles, aircraft too damged to fly were flying towards their ships, hoping to kamikaze the enemy ships and put them out of action.

    OOC: Obviously I'm Zerg Rushing again.

  11. Yuke forces were caught by surprise when their defensive lines when the GLS Navy didn't attack the eastern coastline, but rather attacked the Yuke port city of Darina, in Northern Yuktobania, because of this, the Yuke forces in the city were thinly spread and bombed to hell by Yuke air support.

    The Yuke air force called in all of their fighter aircraft (all 55 aircraft) to engage the GLS forces in Darina while the Yuke Army repositions itself to defend Darina.



    A meeting was called in the Duma building to focus on a stable war strategy to fight against the invading GLS forces. All Yuke Ministers and Parliament membersw were there to meet.

    4 people armed with light machine guns wearing suits came walking into the Duma and started firing at the Parliament members. All the doors were locked and the windows were barricaded. These 4, working for Dimitri Petrenko, fired their guns at all members of the Parliament building, killing everyone who had ties to the government, this way he can ensure that only his men would have a say in his new order in Yuktobania.

  12. Ludmilla awoke refreshed and ready to go. After showering and packing, she took her stuff to her rented car drove back to the former Belkan capital of Dinsmark.

    At Dinsmark she said to Valkyria, "So now we head for the Eggman Empire, I wonder what clues are hidden beneath the snow there..."

    Valkyria responded, "I don't know, but somethig tells me that I have a bad feeling about this."

    "Everything will be alright, it has been calm so far." Ludmilla answered back while purchasing a ticket to the Eggman Empire.

    "I hope so, for your sake."

    "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

    Ludmilla began boarding her plane after an hour of waiting, another 25 minutes and she was off for Greenland.

  13. Your ships were clearly in Yuktobanian waters, you were violating Yuktobanian territorial sovereignty, I am done trying to negotiate with you!!!!!!!!!

    As of today, the Yuktobanian Government hereby delares a state of war between us and the Great Lakes State.

    OOC: So the ball is now in your court.

  14. "I was on orders by Mr. Petrenko, with Catherine out of the way, he could take control of Yuktobania and rebuild his forces. His goal is to bring all of Russia under his control. As for Swater, he was trying to send a clear message to all the governments of America not to f$#& with him. I swear."

  15. 24 hours later, the speakers fell silent as the door opened. "Come with us, or you can stay in there and enjoy more of our music collections." a guard said.



    The military knew Yuktobania will have aircraft and ships patrolling the water, so they decided to throw in some decoys. A fleet of marked GLS cargo ships would sail through St. Lawrence River out into the Atlantic Ocean, then through the Panama Canal, and approach toward the southern side of Yuktobania from the Pacific Ocean while the actual invasion fleet approach toward the northern side from the Arctic ocean.

    "Okay, Okay, I'll talk, I'll talk!!!" the guard cried.

    OOC: Edited

  16. OOC: I really hated that song <_<

    IC: Your so called evidence is manufactured, that is why I will not accept it. If you want to attack me, then by god go ahead, leave us or fight us, but do not waste my time with talk!!!



    The guard was sent to the "party" room, the only thing he can hear was a terrible song, and as such, tried to no avail, to block it out.



    A Yuktobanian F-16 equipped with a TARPS pod and fuel tanks took off from Murska AFB to scan the coast, as far off as the Bering Sea without violating Procinta's, Tahoe's or Vinland's airspace.

  17. Who, our homeland security? Your saying that it was our fault that Catherine got attacked? Ridiculous.



    At New City Eastern Military Base, B14 Interrogation room, one of the rouge bodyguards being questioned:

    "Why did you shoot Catherine Reznov and Frank Swater?" the interrogator asked.

    To you maybe, but that is what the people of the world will know.



    The rouge bodyguard said, "Why don't you go f$%# yourself, nimrod!!!



    30,000 troops have been prepped for the defense of Bastok Fortress.

  18. ORLY? How about telling your soldiers that they will die for a greedy, naughty criminal who refused to accept his punishments and attempted to overthrow the government? Oh wait, you would do the exact opposite.

    -President Roger

    It is always said that victory is always written by the victors. Catherine Reznov was attacked by our security forces and their homeland security just...f&%$ing...watched.

    OOC: Sorry, MW2 moment.

  19. If your soldiers dare set foot on Yuktobanian soil, then we will ensure that you will drown in your own pool of blood.

    -Demitri Petrenko

    Yuktobanian Border Defense Forces have been put to DEFCON 1. The Yuktobanian coastal borders have been sealed off to any and all trade. All other Yuke forces have been put to DEFCON 2.

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