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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. Many of the Galicians, including WO Lopez were caught in the Grenade's Radius. 2 of the Galicians died, while Lopez was wounded in the leg. He grabbed a pistol, and pointed it at the closest French soldier, a female commander. He pulled the trigger but nothing came out. Lopez tried again, and again, but nothing.

    [i]"Gah, I don't wanna die."[/i] He thought to himself.


    Meanwhile, when he heard news that the French had already entered the bunker, Quintana looked down. "So, that's it then." He said to himself. Picking himself up off the chair, the Galician Prime Minister opened a drawer, containing a pistol. "I will not let them....parade me around like some prisoner." Picking up the pistol, he placed it on his temple.

    "Para Liberdade" (For Liberty)


  2. Lopez was forced to pull back to the inside of the bunker admist shelling, firing his MP5 from his covered position.

    "Dammit, we're pinned down." He said taking cover to avoid Machine Gun fire while giving some of his own.

    The General responded, "Well, try to turn the tide, we're the only forces left for Galician Independence."

    One of the Galician Royalists tossed a Grenade in, hitting the General in the head. Lopez ran down the steps while the General was disoriented. By the time Lacorte realized it was a grenade, it exploded and he was shredded by sharpnel.

    (OOC: Sorry for the short post.)

  3. For Warrant Officer Lopez, a Sub-Machine Gunner for the Galician Army, defending the entryway to the bunker was no easy task. Unlike the rank file soldiers of the Galician Army, his forces were carrying modern weaponry, in his case, a MP5 Sub Machine Gun.

    The young WO3 Lopez however was unsure. He heard of the fact that the French were willing to give leniancy to the Galician soldiers who were ready to surrender. But on the other hand, he was proud of his heritage and wished to do whatever it could to protect it.

    The radio started cackling. "French forces.....breached convent....heavy casualties.....defend.....bunker at all cost...repeat...defend the...AAAHHHHHHH!!!!" The radio fell silent.

    Lopez held his SMG and put it on burst fire.

    The commander, General Lacorte who had a G36E and a H&K USP in hand said, "Alright, this is our last line of defense. Do not let the French cross. I do not want any quarter given. We must defend this position with our lives."

    "Sir, yes sir." Lopez said, then saluted.

  4. pro-Quintana's Galician Military gave the French very stiff resistance. Through the Artillery bombardments and Tank attacks, the Galicians ensured the French would have to put up much effort in house-to-house fighting. Ensuring every room, every house and building is cleared.

    Unfortunately, with the French arrival in the city and the southern half occupied by Royalist forces, including Santiago de Compostela Airport, Quintana was trapped, besieged by hostile forces closing in on his bunker.


    Although that prospect made Duarte Pio a little happy, he finally said, "I don't think you understand, when I abdicate the throne, I'm retiring from political life, maybe live in a villa by my home in Asturias. There is no need for a man like me as their Head of State."

  5. "Thank you Senora." The King said calmly. "In, and when, this is all over, I shall abdicate the throne unconditionally. It seems that I have what it takes to lead these people, so I will leave the country in the hands of your Empress."


    The message by the King to surrender to the sight of the incoming French troops was recieved with mixed reactions. The pro-Royalist forces only complied when not under attack, while the Pro-Quintana forces as well as those Royalist forces actively fighting now were still armed and could not disarm until they recieve support.

    The remaining 40 tanks, blocked the gates of the capital. Those tanks opened fire at the French forces invading the capital, hoping to at least cause some form of casualties and weaken the French forces.


    "DAMMIT, CAN'T OUR FORCES PUT UP A GREATER FIGHT!!!!" Quinana yelled, "We're supposed to be fighting for our independence and yet those traitors have control over the southern half of the city while we are invaded from the north?"

    "But sir, our forces are trapped, and are giving everything they can!"

    "I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT THEY GIVE, I WANT THOSE FORIEGNERS OUT OF MY COUNTRY NOW!" Quintana snapped, his fist banging on the table.

  6. As soon as it was found out that Quintana disobeyed a direct order from the King, the soldiers mutined, with Pro-Royalist and Pro-Quintana forces clashing against each other in the streets of the Galician Capital. Unfortunately, the Pro-Quintana forces are also using the time to clash with civillians as well, a clear war crime.

    The skirmishers, assigned to delay the Frech forces were now being ordered back to the capital to defend the city against those Pro-Royalist traitors.

    Despite this, Quintana continues to lead his forces from an undergrpund bunker under the Capital Building.

    General Lacorte spoke, "Sir, our tank divisions have reached A Coruna."

    Quintana responded with joy, "Excellent, we will either force them to leave the country with a little hostage situation, or kill them outright and give them a clear message to the government."

    The General saluted then left.


    The Galician aircraft were being intercepted by the French aircraft. Due to them being outgunned, and out matched. They had no choice but to comply, landing their planes at A Coruna airport.

    The tanks arrived at the southern part of the city, and started attacking as many buildings as possible, with the purpose of destruction being prioritized over accuracy. Though their objective was to apprehend the King and the French delegation, they saw everyone in the city as traitors and must be dealt with accordingly. But without air cover, the 15 Tank Unit would be hopelessly vulnerable.


    As shells were being heard in the City Hall, Duarte Pio proclaimed "Right now, I'm not even sure anymore. I'm supposed to be the protector of my people, but now look at me. I'm just as helpless as my subjects."

    The Foreign Minister said, "Sire, You can still end this. Just give me the word and I'll have the message sent."

    The King, his head down in shame said, "Do it. I don't want anymore blood shed by my mistake."

    The Minister nodded, then left amid the sounds of shelling.

  7. "What?!?" The King said in shock, "I set up a cease fire in hopes of ensuring no blood would be shed, who the hell..." He then realized who he believed to be the one responsible.

    "QUINTANAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" The now irate King slammed his fist on the table, "I'll have his head for his treachery."

    "Be careful, your majesty." The Foreign Minister spoke "Don't risk raising your blood pressure, you do not need to spend the next few months in the hospital."

    "I know, but that fool has no right trying to interfere with a matter of peace and respect."

    After taking a moment to calm himself, Duarte Pio turnesd his attention to the French delegation, "I apologize for my tirade, but it appears that my Prime Minister has gone rogue. My hands are now tied and I'm sorry I cannot avoid bloodshed due to ignorance."


    Ramirez, his objective complete decided to fall back and meet up with the rest of the group. They've set up a set of booby traps, and ambushes featuring the use of sub machine gunners and snipers. However to do this, he would have to avoid French checkpoints. The Galician ran headlong into the forests, hoping to avoid detection. Unfortunately, this would prove to be a fatal mistake on his account.

    Down the road, in a barn, a Leopard 2 MBT, hidden by hay was located there. They were guarded by Galicians posing as farmers. The moment they got close enough, the Tank would engage and destroy French infantry. This Guerilla Campaign, Quintana hoped, would be effective in disorienting the military.

  8. Although the idea of improving the living standards of his people can be assured. He still seemed skeptical about the French Empress's demands.

    "Although I would love to see the betterment of the Galician people, how can I assure that the Galicians are under more capable hands than either me or the Prime Minister?"

    He paused, he at first thought the French would probably backstab him, but they were calm and sincere. Still he had to make sure.

    "I know the people definitely deserve better than Quintana, heck, they probably deserve better than I, but I do not want to leave them worse off."


    A Pair of WWII vintage fighter aircraft took off from Santiago Airport. Tasked with safewguarding the skies of the city. Their goal was to perform ground attacks against enemy armor. Although vintage and carrying Unguided Bombs and rockets, they were still effective in doing damage.


    Seargeant Ramirez was looking down on the scope of his Mosin-Nagant Sniper Rifle. The Mosin-Nagant, while a vintage WWII design, was still an effective weapon, using the 7.62-mm round used in the AK-47 Assault Rifle. He feared that he would have been heard, but fortunately, the enemy passed them off as an animal. Little did they know. The Sniper had his sights on one of the leaders, a man in uniform next to a female.

    As much as the female may be working with the enemy, the rules of chivalry, despite being antiquated, was still in effect in his mind, and that meant he would not have any desire to kill the woman. Still, it would be best to send her a message.

    The scope still trained in on the second in command, he silently said, "Good night, ya !@#$%^&" Before pulling the trigger.

  9. OOC: Sorry for short post.

    I am glad to meet with the people of the French Empire. I hope that any terms that you require of us will be made to agreeable to the both of us. If you will, we already have a meeting place planned at the town hall.

    The Foreign Minister, nodded and entered the vehicle, followed by the King of Galicia. The French delegation will be driving in the same car, to avoid any terrorist attack on them and causing mistrust between the two parties.

    A Ten Minute drive and both parties arrived at the town hall, an intricate piece of Romansque Architeture. Unlike most leaders who would like to have them tour the city and see all the beautiful sights, this was an important matter in the future of Galician politics.



    Meanwhile, back in Santiago de Compostela, Prime Minister Quintana, who was told not to make any moves, defintly disobeyed, and began planning to take back the Razo Beaches using Guerilla tactics. While most of the generals refused to support him and obeyed the ceasefire, 2 Generals were willing to support him in the effort to remove the yoke of imperialism.

    "Our snipers are ready to move in on Razo beaches." General Lacorte spoke.

    "Excellent, set them up on all major and side roads between them and us. We will ensure that they will be demoralized and vulnerable when we are ready to launch our attack." The Prime Minister spoke.

    The General saluted, then left. Quintana then turned to General Cisneros, Commander of the Galician Army Air Corps.

    "Ready your aircraft, I want you to patrol the skies over the city." He then saluted then headed off to do as he was told."

    [i]"I don't care what you think of me your majesty, I will do whatever it takes to ensure that Galicia will remain free. Even if it means getting rid of you."[/i]

  10. With the news being sent Duarte seemed pleased with himself, however Prime Minister Quintana scorned him.

    "Your highness, surely you are not thinking of abdicating the throne to this...this fool!"

    However the King was solemn in his statement.

    "I will do whatever I can to ensure that my people are safe."

    "By risking our sovereign right to be independent. How do you know the French will not subjugate our people as the Spanish did. Don't you realize by history what they did to the Corsicans, or the Algerians, or even the Africanos (Africans) in Haiti. Sire, we must fight for our..."

    "That is enough, Señor Quintana!" The King snapped back with anger and regret in his eyes. "You do not seem to understand that this is just as hard to me as it is to you. Plus need I remind you that your Extreme-right policies have already made you unpopular with both the people of this country as well as with its Parliament."

    This shut the Prime Minister up. He understood when he was put in his place.

    "Right now, I plan on meeting the French delegation with the Foriegn Minister. I believe your presence will only serve to worsen matters. If we do walk out of this with our independence intact, I will see that we have a recount in the elections." Duarte Pio walked out of the palace, leaving the Prime Minister in the palace.



    The King and the Foriegn Minister arrived in the port city of A Coruna. There limo was driven to A Croruna-Alvedro Airport, where they were to meet with the French delegation.

  11. OOC: I apologize, my internet died on me while attempting to post here.

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlhdZQWmteI"]Final Fantasy IX OST-Terra[/url]

    Despite the victory in the Galician Prime Minister elections, the majority of the Galician people contest Anxo Quintana's victory. Protests were rampant in the capital of Santiago de Compostela, which was kept from turning violent by the efforts of the Police. Despite efforts from the BNG, who did not gain a 66% majority vote in the elections were forced to establish a coalition government. Unfortunately, no party wished to help form a coalition government with the right-wing Nationalist Bloc. These Partisan politics also hurt the credibility of the head of state, King Duarte Pio.

    Galicia had only achieved independence for barely a month and already a united government was made impossible. Thus when the King received the letter from the Empress of France, this was made the cause of worry and confusion.


    The Royal Galician Armed Forces were frail in comparison to France. There were only 30,000 infantrymen, and a good majority does not have modern rifles. Because of this fact, many of them had bought hunting rifles, some of them based on World War II era firearms like the Mosin-Nagant, Karbiner 98k, the Mauser C96 Pistol and the MP-18 Sub-Machine Gun alongside modern G-36 assault rifles and USP Pistols.

    Supporting the Infantry were 60 tanks of the Galician Armored Corps. All of them were modern Leopard 2 tanks, but the troopers were poorly trained, and thus would probably be ineffective compared to what the French had to muster.

    The Air Force was largely nonexistent, consisting of no more than 4 aircraft, a Yak-9, a P-51 and 2 Apache Helicopters.

    The defense doctrine was centered on the defense of the capital city, using guerilla warfare and street-by-street fighting with sporadic surprise attacks by armor. With the Galician army at a decrepit style, this style of fighting would be to delay the inevitable.


    The evening the message was sent, Prime Minister Quintana, amidst protests by the Galician people, met with King Duarte Pio and high-level Galician politicians to discuss what their plans are. Because the French are the main leaders of the Western European Union, this ensured that it would be impossible to get much needed support for months, and with most of the defenses centered around the capital, the military would hold out for a week at most.

    A decision was made to discuss whatever terms the French delegation wishes. As much as he would want to defend the Kingdom’s sovereignty against the French Empire (I assume the Third) he wanted to avoid as much bloodshed as possible. He feared that this may lead to him abdicating the throne. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister and the Military leaders would stay behind in Santiago de Compostela to coordinate its defense.


    To: Empress Therese Zelle of the Third(?) French Empire
    From: King Duarte Pio of the Kingdom of Galicia

    I do not want to risk any blood, your peoples nor mine on Galician soil. Instead, I am willing to negotiate your terms in order to ensure that no one gets hurt and yet retain some degree of soveriegnty for my nation. We may negotiate in the city of A Coruna. I look forward to personally meeting you there.


    Duarte Pio
    King of Galicia

  12. OOC: I apologize for the delay. Real Life issues I had to deal with.

    IC: And so, with the votes tallied, we herevy declare Anxo Quintana of the Galician Nationalist Bloc as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Galicia.

    [quote]'The Republic of Spain supports Mr. Alberto Nunez Feijoo. We invite any winner to visit Spain for talks once your elections are over, please just contact Sevilla with the date you request to visit.'

    - José [/quote]

    As part of Galician Foreign Policy, it is our top priority to ensure that we have excellent relation with our Iberian Neighbors. We will accept the invitation to the Spanish Republic for talks as soon as possible.

  13. Today, the Galician people will vote to elect their first Prime Minister as we start to end the Transitional Government for our Constitutional Monarch.

    The Candidates are

    Alberto Nunez Feijoo (Galician People's Party/PPdeG)
    Christian Democracy

    Emilio Perez Tourino (Galician Socialist Party/PSdeG)
    Social Democracy
    Portuguese Unionism

    Anxo Quintana (Galician Nationalist Bloc/BNG)
    Social Democracy
    Democratic Socialism
    Portuguese Unionism

    Elections will go on until 5/15

  14. OOC: Now that I've been confirmed, I can continue with what I had planned.

    We thank all those who recognize our nation as a sovereign state. Election will be underway to elect our first Prime Minister of Galicia.

  15. [center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/Flag_of_Galicia.svg/1000px-Flag_of_Galicia.svg.png[/img]

    Citizens of Galicia, lend me to your ear.

    Today, is a glorious day in the history of our people, for now we have achieved self determination thanks to the curtousy of the Western European Union. While the Galicians were never opressed, their goal, to become a sovereign nation has been realized.

    Our culture, our people and our ideals still remain strong. Together we will continue forward into a bright and prosperous future. As a just Kingdom, ready to step forward into the international stage.

    And so, we the people have elected their King, I present to you His Royal Highness, The Most Serene Lord, The Duke of Braganza, King Duarte Pio I of Galicia.


    Info on the Kingdom of Galicia:
    Capital: Santago de Compostela
    Government: Constitutional Monarchy/Parliamentary Democracy
    Official Languages: Galician/Portuguese, Spanish
    Religion: No Official Religion, Predominantly Roman Catholic
    Population: ~70,000
    Army: 30,000 active, ~15,000 additional fit for service, 60 M60A3 Patton MBT
    Navy: None currently
    Air Force: 2 McD AH-64A Apache, 1 Breda Ba-65bis, 1 P-38G Lightning

    OOC: 3 Months since I'm gone and I still can't do a good speech, also, wish I had a better map...oh well, I'm back...

  16. After some time off to persue other interests, I've decided to come back to the one thing I liked to do, CNRP.

    From what I've heard from IRC, Bob is being bogged with war, old friends are moving and Mudd is having trouble. (at least one of them is favorable for my position)

    Anyway, it's good to be back to RP Politics and stories.

  17. [quote name='Imperator Azenquor' date='20 March 2010 - 02:43 AM' timestamp='1269070991' post='2231134']
    [u][b]Map Request:[/b][/u]

    I would like to request a temporary halt to my previous request (the one regarding South Kamchatka). After discussing with Razgriz via pm, Yuktobania will become a Vauleyo-Buryatian protectorate (RP to follow, awaiting his confirmation). Once this request is completed, I will then modify the previous request (Regarding South Kamchatka).

    I have confirmed this via PM, and I will allow this. Best way to say good bye to you guys is to fade away quietly.

    I might come visit every once in a while, but right now, I've just lost interest.

    Till then...


  18. OOC: Finally, a French country for me to [s]make surrender[/s] make friends with.

    IC: The Yuke Monarch wishes to establish diplomatic relations with your country, are you available for talks at a later date?

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