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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. A Single Learjet takes off from Baron International Airport in the early hours of the morning. The jet flew north passing around Alaska to avoid an international incident with Alaska or the URSR. Though the trip takes several hours longer than normal, the Learjet finally entered the Airspace of the United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana. The Learjet lands in the airport in Nampa.

    The first person to step out was the Baronian Foreign Minister, Brian Burke along with other members of the Foriegn Ministry. With him as the King of Baron himself, Arthur I.

    The Monarchy would soon meet the UKIM delegation, to discuss potential trade and defense agreements as well as any other issues being put on the table.

  2. OOC: Sorry I wasn't able to respond Michi, I'm back now.

    January 31, 20XX

    Baron (AP)- Military Officers have begun the process of reorganizing the fledgling Royal Baron Military. This force, designed in the purpose solely in the defense of the nation, will be reorganized as such. There has not been any news on the acquisition of Weapons or equipment as of yet.

    In other news, Parliament is currently working on a bill in an effort to preserve the environment of the Yukon. The majority is against the bill, citing the fact that there are already measures in place to protect the environment. The voting is set for tomorrow.

    Finally, the Baronian Foreign Minister is looking into heading to the United Kingdom of Idaho-Montana to open bilateral talks, including a possible trade and defense agreement.

  3. January 25, 20XX-Baron (AP)

    With the Coronation and celebrations over and done with. The first session of the Baronian Parliament has now been in session. The expected order of business is to deal with the economy, which has recently suffered a downturn as a result of the URSR's take over of the former Ursalian Monarchy. Other issues include the environmental bill, Military Spending and potential trade and military alliances.

    Prime Minister Bowen spoke, "This is a crucial time for the people of the Kingdom of Baron. If we are to become a major player in the region, we would need to start working our way up to building our country's standing in the world."

  4. OOC: I wish I didn't have to make so long a time to post but I'm back from RL.


    After a 98% turnout, it has been declared that the Liberal and Social Radical Parties will form a coalition government, with Christina Bowen, taking the reins as the Kingdom's first Prime Minister. The swearing in ceremony will take place on Saturday shortly before the coronation of Lord Arthur Harvey.

  5. Baron (AP)- January 11, 20XX

    Today, the people of Baron flock to the polling booths to decide on their first Prime Minister, and the Head of Government of the Kingdom of Baron. In support of elections, various parties, from the extreme left to the extreme right flock announce their candidacy's to the position, and to form the first Parliamentary governemnt. Due to Communist hysteria, it is expected that the votes would lean towards the right end of the spectrum.

    The Six Candidates are the following:
    Christina Bowen
    Liberal Party (Democratic Socialism; Centre-Left)

    Magaret McWinne
    Conservative Party (Conservatism; Centre-Right)

    Charles Hague
    Anarcho-Liberal Party (Social Liberalism; Centre)

    William Kennedy
    Worker's Party (Trotskyist; Far Left)

    Anthony Howard
    Nationalist Party (Baron Nationalism; Far Right)

    Johnathan Ashdown
    Social Radical Party (Radical Socialism; Far Left)

    The elections are set to end in one week from today.

  6. While we do not like the use of conflict to overthrow the government, as well as the situation that brought about a Communist front on our border, we will however recognize this new nation as a sovereign state and hope to ease any tensions between us.

  7. Whenever you get the chance to make an update, (considering your current troubles, probably won't be for a while) I have claimed the Ursalian protectorate (the Yukon) under the name of the "Kingdom of Baron." Can it be made in a light blue color? Thank you, and I wish you the best of luck on your map.

  8. With the fall of the Ursalian Monarchy to Communist members, the nobles that lived in the Yukon were now fearing for their lives in the event that the revolutionaries would try to stamp down any dissent here. It was time to break free from Ursalia, and make their own rule.

    The nobles rallied around one of their own, a noble by the name of Arthur Harvey. Over the course of the communist revolution in the home country, he had been working around the clock to support the current monarch. When the monarchy all but fell. Arthur and his cabinet decided that their is no point in trying to support their people and thus began a split from the motherland.



    [center]People of the Yukon. Our motherland is no longer able to provide us with safety, justice and governing quality. As such, we the Ursalian Yukon protectorate hereby declares ourselves as an independent state. We will not let anyone interfere with our way of life. We do not ask if you like or do not like us. We do not ask that you judge us, but we wish that we can respect each others sovereignty and brotherhood in the community of nations. In one week's time we will crown our nations first King, King Arthur I of Baron. [/center]


    OOC: I'm back :)

  9. I wonder when I was here last...

    Nonetheless, to those guys who I'm familiar with and to those who aren't I wish you all a happy new year...

    Here's to 2011.

    EDIT: I post because even though I'm gone, I never forget the fun times here. :)

  10. OOC: Since I'm too lazy to cover any achievements made daily, I decided to cover all important events Bi-Monthly starting with today. Also, I needed something to do to keep at it.

    With French support, Galicia managed to recover from the Galician Crisis. Over the course of the month since the war began, the region has had a large population and economic boom, with the nation clearly far into the Green.

    The nation's autonomous Federal Police Force has increased in size to keep up with the Population Boom, doubling it's police forces to about 6,000. In addition, Galician natives have requested permission to join the French Royal Military, which has yet to be passed by Parliament before being sent to the Duke Philip Alphonse Zellise.

    La Coruna Air Port has recently completed it's expansion yesterday, allowing international flights to nations across Europe and North Africa. There are plans by Air Galicia to begin International flights from La Coruna to Manila to happen later this year.

    A Prominent Environmentalists has been made a major advisor to Prime Minister Fraga. His first order o business was the Establishment of a National Environment Month beginning last month. His support of the Environment won him much support both from the political scene as well as the people themselves, with the goal being to make La Coruna one of the cleanest cities in the world.

  11. OOC: Okay, I apologize but real life issues were being....well, you know.

    IC: The next day, Duke Felepe Alfonso (as the Galicians took to calling him) d'Galice traveled to a business building, which served as the temporary Presidential Building (the actual building was still being repaired). Upon reaching the top floor, he saw Manuel Fraga, talking with the Internal Securities Minister, Sabela Gallego.

    "Bonjour, Senor Fraga, or should I say Hola?" The Duke said.

    "It is an honor to meet you, Your Royal Highness." The Prime Minister spoke.

    "Don't worry about the pleasentries. I just want to ensure that the people of Galicia are treated with the same respect as the French people back home."

    "Oh, I forgot to introduce my friend, this is Mrs. Sabela Gallego, the Minister of Internal Security in Galicia."

    "A Pleasure to meet you, sir." Gallego spoke.

    "Pleasure's all mine. Now, let's get down to business. After the conflict with Quintana's pro-Independence forces, many of the factories were damaged and Galicia's Industrial Capacity has stagnated." The Duke spoke aloud.

    "So I've heard, right now we are repairing our factories. However, with many corporations moving away from Galicia, those factories will remain vacant and many people out of the job." Fraga said with worry.

    "Then let that be our top priority. I've already sent out a letter to Empress Therese, and I am planning several trips to ensure that we get some corporations to help us in this situation."

  12. [quote]

    Dearest Cousin,

    I have indeed made myself known with many of the Galician people. From the politicians to the people themselves, I feel that it was best that the Galicians are under French guidance.

    However, with many important buildings destroyed, it is imperative that we have a working, industrious people so their economy can be built back up. To do this, we suggest creating factories for textile making and automobile construction. Perhaps French car manufacturers may want to buy such factories for their use, and in turn boost the Galician economy.

    Another factor of building up Galicia's economy is in trade. A Coruna's port facility is the only major harbor in the country, and even then, it's small size will stunt economic growth to the region. As such, it is imperative that the Harbor facilities be expanded so that trade can be expanded in the region. Hopefully, relations with other countries will improve as well so that more nations will contribute to improving trade with the Dominion of Galicia.

    Finally, many of Galicia's hospitals and clinics were severely damaged in the Galician conflict. It is imperative that these should be repaired so that the longevity of the Galician people is secured.

    Once these are done, we will see what we can do to ensure that the culture of Galicia can be preserved, with some minor influences from French culture. Hopefully in doing so, Galicia will strive to become a powerful state in the French Empire.

    Well, I believe I've rambled enough in this letter, so I bid you farewell. I've scheduled a meeting with Mister Fraga tomorrow, and I am looking forward to meeting with him.

    Au revoir, and farewell.


    Philip Alphonse


  13. [IMG]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc205/Scharze/Flags/FlagofFrenchGalicia.png[/IMG]

    The charter was made, giving Galician sovreignty to the Third French Empire. In response, the French Government, has given the Galicians autonomy for their courage in defeating the ultra-nationalistic forces led by the late former Prime Minister Anxo Quintana and the now outlawed Galician Nationalist Bloc.

    The Empress, Therese Zelle had created the title of "Duke of Galicia" to be given to her half-cousin, Philip Alphonse of the Cadet House of Brunies.


    The Duke has yet to settle upon a new Prime Minister, approved by both the people as well as by the Empress, now the new Queen of Galicia.

    OOC: tl;dr DoE of French Dominion of Galicia

  14. Lopez couldn't believe it. From what the general told of the French, they were people looking to oppress the people. They would not do what they have said if the people were opressors.

    The soldier tossed the gun away and tried to get up, but couldn't. His leg was full of sharpnel and he found it hard to get up, which he confessed. "The Prime Minister....is in the room up ahead.... I'm willing to surrender, but I can't get up."

    OOC: Sorry for the sucessive short posts, trying to use up what remaining inspiration I have left to finish this RP.

    Also, the PM is dead.

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