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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. 800px-Flaga_Rzeczpospolitej_Obojga_Narodow.svg.png

    The Polish Commonwealth grew to unprecedented heights economically and militarily under the Jageillons, but in the end, with the last Jagellion king died heirless, the Sejm voted in the Union of Lublin, which allowed nobles from all over the commonwealth to elect a fellow noble as the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. The first person to do so was Ladislas II, (the first was a Jagellion). He was brought into power to increase Polish economic and military power, especially against it's rivals Sweden, and Novgorod.

  2. 800px-Flaga_Rzeczpospolitej_Obojga_Narodow.svg.png

    Commonwealth of Poland

    Government: Elective Monarch

    King: Ladislas II

    Heir: None

    Population: 191,500

    Army: 13000

    Swordsmen: 6000

    Pikemen: 5500

    Axemen: 500

    Bowmen: 750

    Knights: 250

    Calvary: 200

    Siege Weapons: 60

    Capital: Krakow (modern-day Poland) and Vilnius (modern-day Lithuania)

  3. I gave it some thought, and after listening to suggestions from everyone, I've decided to stay as Yuktobania for now. I think I can still do something, I just need to figure out what.....and how with my somewhat limited resources from IG.

  4. At this stage of the game, I've come to the realization that the current politics of CNRP have become more or less not so appealing to me at it's current state. I like to RP and I like the game and my achievements so far (despite me having no significant achievements to really say about), but right now I'm not so sure what I plan to do if I stay as I am, or even if I reroll like several other people. :( I know this may sound like a stupid question, and it probably is, but I don't know what I plan on doing in the future, and I want the people of CNRP to decide my fate.

    So, what do you think?

  5. OOC: I remember this myth being tested on Mythbusters, it was plausible, but highly impractical/ludicrous, because even though it could top speeds of 23 mph/37 km/h, it will spring a lot of leaks and melt away...

    Unless you have something else in mind?

  6. "Discussions regarding the Former Yacrania that were held with Slavorussia were obstructed by the Slavorussian government's failure to compromise, despite being offered a clear compromise solution. After the Bely Island incident, the government of Slavorussia has declared the matter 'solved', but it is far from resolved. The government of Vauleo-Buryatia is ready and willing to negotiate a solution via diplomatic means, however this compromise offer can not, and will not remain on the table indefinitely. The situation regarding Yacrania is also of particular concern to us due to the presence of Slavorussian occupying forces in the region, and their presence in Asia in general is extremely concerning.

    At present we have recalled all Vauleo-Buryatian diplomats to Slavorussia, and expelled their Slavorussian counterparts. " -President Trubachev

    "But would removing diplomats be counterproductive? It just serves to make things worse." -PM Reznov.

    OOC: I rather do it how you do it now, makes it easier. :)

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