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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. Raikov inspected the framework of each missile to ensure that they were all built accordingly and well inspected to plan. "Excellent, Excellent." He mumbled while inspecting the missile systems.

    With all the materials ready for the warhead, the team has not to build the propulsion system for the device.

    The problem with the propulsion is that rocket engines are unpredictable. They are capable of going two to three times past the speed barrier, but range would make it unfeasible, especially with all of that explosive. A turbofan engine is also possible, but it is impossible to get it working to speeds past the sound barrier. This put the good doctor in a quandary.

    He said "Kalmiko, I know you're country has to have cruise missiles in storage. Is it possible that they use a small-scale turbofan engine? If so, we may need to modify it." Raikov wanted to see if he could upscale the thrust, in order to reduce detection, while making it fast enough to avoid interception.

  2. OOC: You mean like this? Scroll to 2:12 onwards

    OOC: No, it's more like

    Scroll to 4:12 and watch to 4:28

    IC: "Excellent," Raikov said to Mr. Kalimko. Walking with the man, he said to the workers under him "We have a two month frame to construct this missile, this will be a venture that both Yuktobania and the Hanseatic Commonwealth are looking forward too, let's not disappoint our nations!" He opened his briefcase and detailed the blueprints. "We will soon have most of the components available by next week, in the meantime, we need to ensure that we have a working frame design ready for construction. Net let us begin!"

    Raikov began showing his peers and co-workers 2 missile designs, a curved triangular design with folding wings, and a conventional missile design. The conventional design are noted for long range, but at high supersonic speeds, it makes it likely for interception. Thr Triangular design has a smaller profile and can be fitted with Radar-Absorbent Materials that reduce RCS and can be fitted with an engine allowing super cruise capability, but at the cost of range.

    He left it up to the Hanseatic designers to decide which.

  3. OOC: Well the thing is, and Sarah has stated this before when I explained it to her, it is.

    Sometimes I confuse even myself explaining things, but it all makes sense when they the final plan works, am I correct?

  4. Raikov said to Hannah, "I understand your concerns about the development costs and time. The project development cost would wind up being no more than 116,000 Hanseatic Marks. The construction time should be no more than 2 months at most if I can get the materials needed to make the warhead." Raikov pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. It contained information about the materials needed to make Composition H-6

    Raikov then said, "If I can get these materials, then we will have a complete missile in 2 months. Other than this, I have no concerns about staying here to make sure everything works accordingly."

  5. OOC: Actually, it's called Union of Yuktobanian Republics, says so on my sig. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    IC: Reznov smiled, saying "The feeling is likewise Miss Asgeirsson. Let us create a shining future for both our nations." Reznov showed Hannah to the doctor. "I like to introduce the head of Yuktobania's Weapons Resarch and Development Bureau, Dr. Vladimir Raikov. He is the one who created the design."

    Raikov then said to the Hansa's Potentate, "It is a pleasure to see you, Lady Asgeirsson. What I have in this briefcase are blueprints for the new missile design."

    Opening the briefcase, Raikov gave the documents and blueprints to the Potentate. "These are the blueprints to the Multi-Purpose Burst Missile, MPBM for short. This weapon has all the destructive power of a low-yield nuke or a Massive Ordinance Air Blast Bomb, but without the radiation that could spread to other nations. It is a surefire way to ensure complete destruction of your enemies, without harming the civilians or your neighboring allies."

  6. The Prime Minister's private aircraft touched down on Apophis International Airport. Reznov, was looking forward to meeting with Hannah. Raikov had the plans with him in his briefcase, as well as 2 other scientists from the Weapons R&D Program that came with the pair. They came down from the plane looking to be greeted by the Potentate or a representative of the Hanseatic Commonwealth.

  7. Dr. Vladimir Raikov was Yuktobania's chief scientist and has been placed by the Prime Minister to head Yuktobania's new weapons development program. One of the designs he had been working with a missile design. This weapon, if built, would serve in the role of mutually assured destruction, capable of devastating ground and low-flying air targets with the power of a low-yield thermonuclear weapon, but without the nuclear fallout that would affect the health of friendly neighboring nations. Not that it'd matter since Yuktobania does not have nukes to begin with. It could also help in projecting some power even further.

    Catherine Reznov seemed to show her age ever since the civil war and reconstruction. Although most of the reconstruction efforts have been successful, it was at the cost of the disestablishment and disrepair of most military arms. The Yuke military had become disorganized, and it fell on her to build back the military to at least a good percentage of what it was prior to the civil war.

    Raikov walked towards the Prime Minister's office with a few blueprints detailing his his creation. Let in by the secretary, he entered the office and placed the blueprints on her desk for her to check out.

    Dr. Raikov said, "This is the design for the Multi Purpose Burst Missile, or MPBM for short, it is a type of MIRV Missile, designed to assure destruction on a wide scale, a surefire way to win any battle with this weapon. The weapon will have have the power of low-yield nuclear bomb, without the dangerous effects of a nuclear bomb."

    Reznov interjected, saying, "Even is there is a possibility of building such a weapon, with our current technology, it would take years to construct a weapon as powerful as this on our own."

    Raikov pondered, then said, "On our own, maybe, but we could establish a joint effort to build the weapon, perhaps the Hanseatic Commonwealth, they may be able to assist in such a maneuver."

    Reznov thought about this, "Sarah Tintagyl would've never accepted to help us if she was ruling the Hansa, but with this new leader, Hannah, she continue to proves what General Zhana Akhatova told me recently. That to achieve peace their must be fighting to achieve peace."

    She finally said, "General Raikov, you have my approval, but in order to do so, first we need to schedule a meeting with the new Hansa Potentate." Raikov bowed then left Reznov's office.

    After the discussion, Reznov took out a piece of letter paper from a drawer in her desk and began writing a letter to Hannah.

    Dear Hannah Asgeirsson,

    I want to congratulate you personally on the recapture of Brisbane from Queensland and the sound defeat of the Dranagg forces in Australia.

    I want to discuss a joint military venture that I'm sure will benefit both our nations. Right now, our Weapons R&D group have established a design for a missile system that could rival small-scale nuclear weapons in power.

    I wish to discuss this at the Hanseatic Capital of Apophis, and I will be bringing my chief R&D scientist, Dr. Vladimir Raikov to help explain the details of the project.

    I hope you would accept this plan and I hope to see you soon.


    Catherine Reznov

    Prime Minister of Yuktobania

    OOC: Closed to me and Sarah

  8. Sarah, but she's currently busy at the time with everyone else...and I already have something else planned down the road.

    There's also Elrich, but she already has a superweapon that I can't shake the feeling I have seen before. And I might have alienated him IC when I quit the AUP

    So yeah, either they're too busy or I've scared them off.

    EDIT: Though I could ask someone new....

  9. OOC: I'm impressed that Dranagg is using this to try and bring opinion against Hansa. But putting it in the same thread as the invasion....not so much a good idea.

    IC: As the video hit Yuktobanian Airwaves, most of the citizens passed this off as the Hansa reclaiming Queensland forces from Queenslandish forces, only military and certain political officials were in the loop as to what is going on.

    The Yuktobanian Cabinet and Military knew that they don't want to view their old allies as a potential threat. Especially since they knew that Dranagg was the group who started it.

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