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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. When PM Catherine Zakhev heard of the return of the Hanseatic Commonweatlth, she was surprised. Simply enough, a former General would become the leader of the most famed nation on Earth.

    Zakhev took a peace of parchment paper and started to write on it.

    Dear General Asgeirsson,

    I congratulate you for your recent success in restoring the Hanseatic Commonwealth. The Yuktobanian government has officially recognized the state as sovreign and I hope to work with you in the future.

    Now I need to discuss about the current situation in Queensland. The reason I say so, if because Hansa isn't Hansa without the their traditional capital under your control. So far, New South Wales and Dranagg have already begun plans of invading the country. It is currently unknown what their intentions are, but I would be wary around them.

    I'm ready to support you in case you ever need it.

    I wish you the best wishes for your country.


    Catherine Reznov

    Prime Minister of the Union of Yuktobanian Republics

  2. OOC: As soon as I get back from vacation on Sunday I will be doing things that I hope that no country and no person will ever hope to do.

    IC: East Anglica...The Yuktobanian government will not allow this colonialism to stand, I refuse to accept the takeover of Queensland by New Anglica. Especially when you stated that you would only persue relations with your immediate neighbors. (New England, Pravus Ingruo et. al,)

  3. Interesting how fast the nations of the world threaten war. Perhaps this is a sign that our world leaders are trigger happy?

    OOC: I think that's kind of stating the obvious there.

    IC: Molakia, there is no need to actually destabilize Europe over the fact that Italy is enriching Uranium. They do not have the technology to build a Nuclear bomb.

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