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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. Deputy PM Petrenko was awed at the Good Oratorship of the new Vice-Empress, Sakuya. She would prove to be just as good a leader as her cousin Haruhi.

    When the shot rang out, Petrenko did not freak out like many of the other people. Instead, he rushed over to Sakuya and Haruhi and asked, "Are you two ok?" Whoever is responsible for this has aught to be very much like the the Eagles of Dawn paramilitary group.

    After she was helped up she picked up a sword and headed to the back with it. A few minutes later a person was screaming out of pain, for Petrenko, it was out of fear. He understood how brutal humans were, he saw it at the Civil War, and as a mercenary before politics, something he didn't want to be reminded of. He left the palace in a calm manner, as if the howls of the guilty were like music to his ears.....

  2. 200px-Kabe26l.gif

    The civil war has caused severe damage to our economy and has cut our level of infrastructure by half. However our resolve as Yuktobanians have never been much stronger in its history.

    In order to continue a relationship between the government and it's people, the Yuktobanian Federated Socialist Republic will devolve it's government and abandon a Social Democracy in order to further a more liberal path towards our futures. Therefore effective September 11, 20XX, the government will devolve the government so that regional states may have greater autonomy over their various states.

    In addition, it is also time to change the official name from the Yuktobanian Federated Socialist Republic, to the Union of Yuktobanian Republics. Cinigrad will remain its capital, and Catherine Reznov will remain prime minister for the remainder of her term.

    That is all.

  3. OOC: This takes place during the reconstruction phase.

    IC: Catherine Reznov was sitting in an office building when a mysterious package arrived for her. SHe had dealt with mysterious packages before, but this one was different. When Reznov opened it, she saw a pendant with a 5 toed dragon. "Malestrom..." She whispered, as if it were his presence looking over her. The pendant was mesmerizing, as if she could see the dragon move several times.

    Eventually, she decided to put on the pendant, and wear it around her, to keep the memory of her friend alive. She then dozed off shortly after.

  4. Yuke forces continued their fast paced push into Murska. But news of the EoD's leader's capture spread fast, and reached the frontlines in a matter of minutes. The forces opposing the Yuke-Haruhiist army immediately surrendered, as well as the Darinan government.


    Catherine Reznov, from Cruik Fortress was feeling well enough to give a televised message to all sides of the battle. The first speech since the war started.

    "To all Eagles of Dawn members still fighting on the battlefield, lay down your arms and surrender, it is time to finally shed the roots of war and bask in peace once more. Their is no point in fighting anymore, as your leaders have agreed to surrender."

    Those who did surrender were arrested for treason, with the courts deciding what will happen to them in the future.


    Back at Murska, General Voychek met with the Zargathian general, Gen. Muromets. "Thank you for what you did today, our people will have a lot of rebuilding to do, but they will rest happy, knowing that there are friends in high places." The general offered to shake her hand.

  5. <<Classified Message>>

    <<From: Gen. Voychek>>

    <<To: Gen. Zhukov and Gen. Muromets>>

    You're on.

    <<Back at Battle>>

    Yuke forces were in range of the enemy tanks. As soon as the first tank began firing, it became a turkey shoot, as the EoD forces were poorly led, and poorly armed. The EoD forces were losing tanks fast and soldiers were dying left and right. Stubbornly, the EoD forces held their ground despite losing 40% of their military force (to the Yuke-Haruhiist's 20%), fighting to the very end. Voychek was awed at the enemies victory, that when most of the force was surrounded (another 40%), Voychek took them to Cruik, with praise and a promise that no harm will come to their families.

    The air duel didn't fair much better for the EoD forces. They lost 15 squads (60 planes) of planes to the Yuke's 5 (20)

    The 20% that escaped (30 tanks, 15 planes and 3600 men) took up battle position in Murska Village, near the base where they were holed up between Yuke-haruhiist forces, and the incoming Zargathians. An air raid using 2x Tu-16's were called on to bomb Murska Air Base. The resulting bombing was a Pyrrhic victory, both bombers were lost, but the airbase's runways were destroyed. Makarov can no longer escape from the base.

    OOC: I'm gonna let you go in and take down Makarov.

  6. <<Classified Message>>

    <<From: Gen. Zhukov II>>

    <<To: Gen. Voychek and Gen.Muromets>>

    We have confirmed through our spies that the leader of the EoD, Vladimir Makarov is in Murska. Voychek's fighters will have to bomb the runway and all aircraft, prevent him from leaving. If we can capture Makarov, we may be able to put an end to the war.

  7. The Allied forces in Sonza were within sight of the enemy tank brigade. Because the enemy was in holding position, they had better range than the Yuke Army. Therefore, they had to rely on Yuke F-16's and MiG-29's to provide air support. This led to dogfights between the old generation (F-4's and MiG-21's) and the new generation (F-16's and MiG-29's). While the enemy began shooting at the allied tank brigade, Despite reaching the range, they lacked accuracy, which proved to be costly. Only 10 tanks were destroyed by the time the allies got in range of the EoD forces. From there, it'll become a slaughter.....

  8. Seeing as this is an important matter, The Deputy Prime Minister, Demitri Petrenko boarded a C-130 Hercules protected by 2 MiG-29 fighter aircraft.

    Petrenko had a slight smile on his face, he had consulted the Haruhii before and will be a primary propornent in how to deal with the senario.

    Arriving at the destination, he came off the plane tired and seemingly worn out, telling the envoys that "Civil War'll do that to you."

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