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Everything posted by loannes

  1. I believe it was mentioned in the thread. The period ended at 12:06, allowing them to attack you the second it was 12:07. And imo, active treaties trump cancelled treaties.
  2. o/ Nemesis o/ Hoo o/ Shortest DoW I've seen
  3. What MDP? Last I checked, they'd cancelled on you and left Q, thus leaving them without military ties to NPO.
  4. OOC: Come on, quote the right people if you'll quote them...that's a Roman quote, and last I checked, Spartans =/= Romans Lolwut? NPO accusing people of betrayal and cowardice? FYI, they're not cowardly if they honor a treaty... o/ Sparta Show NPO what the black sphere is made of.
  5. You seen the people IN Karma? Top of the knotch alliances there. You won't catch them with their guard down very easily.
  6. I'm in support of Karma, but it's nice to see one of NPO's allies actually has the balls to join them.
  7. Where have I heard that before? Oh yes, every time NPO attacked someone. Also, that looks more like an hour than a minute to me.
  8. In my opinion, NPO only gained treaties because of their power. Other alliances hoped to gain power, glory, and renown by fighting alongside the Mighty Pacifica. But then it divided into two groups. Group A: VE, FOK, RoK, and Sparta(?) who cancelled morally Group B: Coward Coalition and Co, who cancelled (possibly) due to ealiazation that NPO will fall.
  9. Lame poll...none isn't an option. In the long run, superblocs don't last and are thus not worth the effort.
  10. mpol, Doitzel, or Sponge
  11. Karma is the backlash of what you do in a nutshell. Therefore, it's reasonable to give NPO harsh terms. Disbandment Justification: NPO has directly or indirectly caused the disbandment of many alliances, the most noticeable being GOONS, LUE, and NAAC. Non-disbandment terms Reparations to OV A viceroy appointed for an 'undecided amount of time' Admission of defeat in Great War I Repealing of the Moldavi and Revenge Doctrines Public apology to all former members of alliances destroyed by NPO Decom all military wonders, improvements, factories, and labor camps Decom all tanks, aircraft and navy Dismiss all but 20% of each nation's soldiers Decom all nuclear weapons Removal of Moo as Emperor and ZI ZI of all IOs as angelus said Remove all military treaties and block all treaties until the end of terms Harsh? Maybe, but anything short of disbandment and the blocking of refounding won't compensate for all they've done over these three years.
  12. Wait, isn't it an oxymoron or something for NPO to accuse of hypocrisy?
  13. Revenge, you honestly thing the world cares? This is the world's revenge on Pacifica for three years of oppression and the destruction of so many alliances. For individuals, this is revenge for the deaths of CIS, GOONS, LUE, and the fight for the liberation of FAN and all other 'suppressed' alliances. Man up and stop trying to worm out of it, for the dogs of war have been unleashed.
  14. FAN was around first, so technically they coined the term. Also, yes. FAN will most likely not stand idly by as an opportunity rises.
  15. Congrats. CBS will probably end up better than ARN did. Posting this will get me warned.
  16. Good choice TDO. Probably thinking that they can get a sanction if the war is as bad as people say.
  17. Ah, my bad, it's too early for me to remember all the details of everything.
  18. Karma vs Hegemony is good Order vs Chaos would be good if it didn't seem so...tilted. Order vs Rebels Order vs Revolution(aries) Order vs Young Upstarts
  19. Well, if you want to take the general feeling about the war, there's always the Hypocrisy War...
  20. Well said. o/ Karma o/ Archon
  21. Well, the blitz failed to anarchy any OV members outright. One TORN and 46 NPO anarchies, but most likely those were a result of pre-war conditions.
  22. I'm noticing a pattern here. Some form of this appears in every cancellation since the war speculation started. Also, inb4 mogar?
  23. GPA and TDO will get a sanction. NpO will be at the top (don't deny it. How many other alliances get their $@! handed to them and end up in the middle of the sanctioned alliances within half a year?) MK maybe STA will get a sanction if they get more members. Edit: Also, can we stop jinxing the war? It hasn't started yet and there's already 40 war threads.
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