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Everything posted by murder

  1. Being a Diplomat to both UPN and BAPS, I find this hilariously funny.
  2. I approve of Hockey. The treaty...meh. No seriously, 'grats on the treaty guys!
  4. I can't say I knew LOUD, but I know someone who was a member of LOUD... If LOUD had enough smarts to accept this guy, then they must've been a great alliance! o/ LOUD
  5. Someone put Pres SO in charge of something? THOSE FOOLS!!! anyways, 'grats Olympus on your new govt, and may it serve u well
  6. W00t!!! Good elections all! Just introducing myself, I'm Murder, and I am the new Deputy of Alliance Relations, so just message me in game, on the forums, or query me in IRC if you ever need to talk with me!!! Also, grats to all the other winners of the elections!!! o/ SNAFU
  7. Can one of you fine gentlemen tell me what makes SNAFU so awesome?
  8. [quote]It was a well fought war, I must say I was impressed with the resolve that Invicta had over their previous participation in Karma. Being opposite both of them, they are on the road to improvement. As per some of the animosity in this thread, what do you expect? It was clearly stated that there was surrender, then the spouting of "undefeated" etc. That sort of thing will get under someone's skin. Overall, I enjoyed the war, and I look forward to our next clash. I have this sinking feeling it's not as far off as some might hope, and further off than others want, lol. To my Invicta opponents, (sorry I didn't keep track of your names), understandable why you turtled, too bad you weren't friendly though. Also to Murder of Snafu, nice fighting. To our allies and friends, my honor and appreciation for you. I look forward to more successful endeavors. -Malone[/quote] thanks michal malone! was a blast! thought next time, I hope I dont fight against 4 people at the same time, when they all have nukes >.> nevertheless, had a blast!!!!! TY!!!
  9. I am already getting mixed messages about this...
  10. Hey, I was at war with the nation of The Ordo Mallius, the ruler Incendium. I declared on him yesterday or the day before yesterday, and I was never offered peace, yet it is not listed under the war & battles section. I know a mod increased my warn level today, but I can't imagine that it would make a war disappear. Just want to know why this happened. Murder
  11. I was going to say something clever, but you already stole my idea It seems like people are just going to argue for the next few days about this and what was actually said--But I'll let you in on a little secret--Only Hoo and Warbuck actually know what was said in this conversation, and chances are you are going to leave this thread believing the same person that you did before you read this thread. HAPPY NEW YEAR, PLANET BOB (It looks like it will be an interesting one)!!!!!
  12. SNAFU--Bringing Awesomeness to a whole 'nother level! ITS CRAZY!
  13. Idk if it's just me, but this seems like an act of Provocation by Stickmen... I am assuming they knew Avalon did not participate in Purple Elections, and I am also assuming that they knew PEACE members have designated senators (and if they didn't, they probably should have). Probably just wanted to mix up the norm or something... Also, I don't understand why this topic is so popular--Avalon was simply stating to Stickmen that it's pretty much a waste of time to send PM's asking Avalon members to vote for their senator, because Avalon doesn't vote for any senator. But what do I know, I am not in Purple, nor am a Gov't official in a Purple alliance...
  14. interesting quote there Tiberius... guess where I found it? QUOTE Alliances reset every two months, friendships don't.-JonBoy16
  15. Decent plan, though you left out quite a few factors. You seem to forget that there are people just as powerhungry and devious as you- i am sure there are spies in RE, as there are in any alliance with a decent amount of members. This plan was bound to fail. Lets not forget, you underestimated the influence of pretty much every alliance in the game, including PU and UJA. Finally, you did pretty much everything right, except convince your own troops of what theyre fighting for is best for all (in the end, it's what the alliance wants, not just what one individual wants- go look up Nicholas II of Russia and how he convinced his soldiers that they were going to win). B) (then again, maybe i shouldn't be saying this, considering my avatar and signature...)
  16. You went from being a car company to being short for tuberculosis... improvement? GL to The Brotherhood (and the smexy beast known as PresidentSO)
  17. What kind of advice is that Pyro? If you arent arrested at some point in college, did you really learn anything? Also, good to see my new home SNAFU is considered CD's equal now *murder breaks free the chains of oppression* <3 CD o/ SNAFU <3
  18. Yay the first treaty signed since I switched to SNAFU good to see, hope to get to know Invicta (and the rest of the purple sphere) better!
  19. im a pretty big nation now rey, idk if thats a smart move for u ( ) and JDragon911 lost acess to his internet, and hasnt even been on the FINAL forums for over a month, so at this point I figured I could make a decision on my own (and JDragon911 has stopped me from making this decision earlier-i proposed this many months ago) and thanks for all the support guys- So far my stay in SNAFU is going great, and I think theyve learned to put up with me
  20. Many of you are probably wondering, "who the heck is FINAL???" Well, we were a small alliance in the aqua sphere with a long line of history...( I won't mention any-let bygones be bygones). We were allied (and friends) with both GRAN and Carpe Diem (two super-cool alliances that FINAL ). FINAL recently has fallen onto some hard times. Our numbers have fallen to just 8 people, and inactivity has become a major problem. One triumvir's nation was deleted due to 20 days inactivity, and the other has had no sustainable internet connection for over a month. No members use our forums anymore, and no new members are coming in. Therefore, I have decided to merge FINAL into SNAFU (who also has a protectorate treaty with CD). FINAL has run its course, and now I believe is the time to end it. It's been fun while it lasted guys, and thanks for letting me help lead you to this point. (Small note-you raid any FINAList who doesn't change their AA to SNAFU, and I will launch a nuke at you--fair warning.) o/ GRAN o/ Carpe Diem o/ SNAFU o/ FINAL Murder, Triumvir of FINAL
  21. Woot best protectors ever!!! HAPPY B-DAY! WOOT!
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