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Ryan Greenberg

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Everything posted by Ryan Greenberg

  1. Trust me, I know some people who were put into anarchy by one person. I wouldn't be suprised if that happens to you. Infact I wouldn't be suprised if you self-anarchy yourself.
  2. I hate to break this to you Ryan, but a warchest does matter. Ask any person who had $1,000,000 in their warchest during the Karma War. They were put into anarchy in 2 days.
  3. Hey, I helped create this alliance at 1:00 AM last night. This is just a fun thing I thought was cool. I really don't know what I'm doing with all these DoE's
  4. I thought it was madatory to put you alliance info in this thread? If not, please lock.
  5. Yes, people underestimate LEO, Chestnut, and Poseidon. All of these blocs will play an important role throughout the lead uo to the next war.
  6. The Dark Brotherhood Are only rule is to have fun and play the game. This is Tourdement Edition. We are supposed to have fun with war . Forums - TBA Team Sphere - White Leader - Megamerica, Minister of Defense
  7. Wasn't my decision. I'm the only one on Black actually.
  8. Congrats to my former alliance in NATO! o/ NATO
  9. What I ment was that Poseidon/Pegasus will be allied to one side which could detirmine the fate of the next "war". Each bloc will be important in some way or fashion. Since Poseidon and Pegasus equal about 18,000,000 NS combined, they will be very important even though they got kicked around a bit in the war.
  10. Exactly. No more personal stuff. I want to see a Duel!!
  11. Wow. Just wow. Are you saying that because of your strength that you are like the AUT and Astronaut Jones? Your kiddin me, right? You have fought in not one single signifigant war. I can't wait to see you lose 5,000 + NS in this duel. I have around 13,000 NS too and I bet you that I could win a war against you and your level 2 aircraft.
  12. Bandwagoning on alliances getting rolled doesn't cout either.
  13. There are many powers in the game right now. Frostbite + C&G, SuperFriends, Citadel, and a few other strong blocs. Because of this "power void" you would imagine that there would be a cold war between some of these blocs. This "cold war" will eventually lead to a world war which will ultimately decide which 1, 2, or 3 blocs will be the Superpower. NOIR and Poseidon/Pegasus could also be a player too btw.
  14. How could I forget their overwhelming victory in the Christmas War??!! GDI is truely the superpower of the world!
  15. The only true Superpowers(alliances only) were GATO and NPO. The only Superpowers(blocs only) were WUT and tC/1v. With NPO and tC gone, there isn't and will never be in the short term a superpower the has complete dominance over the game.
  16. Can people stop attacking Ryan? The more people who attack him, the longer we will have to postpone this duel.
  17. I got 6 mil on you AUT. Don't let me down!
  18. All: What alliance did you have the most fun, fighting against in any previous or currant war? All: Thoughts on Michael Jackson's Death?
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